Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Have I Told You...

...lately, how much I love Sun News Network?

This is why:

UPDATE: Especially in light of the following:

UN agency funded with Saudi money wants to edit worldwide textbooks

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Lamestream Media...And...

...Toronto mayor, Rob Ford:

Mayor Rob Ford sought provincial money only for his own football programs

His football programs???? Is there anyone in the lamestream media who knows who John Bosco was? The team(s) that Ford coaches are funded by the Bosco Foundation. Don Bosco was a Catholic priest who established a fund to support programs dealing with what today are called "at risk" youth. Bosco programs aim to turn young punks into responsible young men and women, and, from all I have read about those programs, they seem to be quite successful. So, in my ever so humble opinion, good for you Rob Ford!

When, oh when, will the lamestream media learn to ask the right questions?

Some Don Bosco programs:


Group homes

Camping and outdoor activities

Special events

Leadership training

Strengthening families

Women's shelters

And these programs are sponsored all over the world.

So, if you are a member of the lamestream media and you actually want to sound like you are well informed, may I suggest you start here and read the mission statement. I'll make it easy for ya:
"The John Bosco Child and Family Services Foundation’s mission is to assist those who provide services for children, adolescents and adults who struggle with personal, developmental and mental health challenges." (Emphasis mine)
Perhaps you could use Bosco's help yourself. Mind you, it's a Christian-based program, so be warned.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Guardian Asks...

...the big question:

Stephen Hawking's big bang gaps
"In his new book, Stephen Hawking reiterates that there is no big gap in the scientific account of the big bang. The laws of physics can explain, he says, how a universe of space, time and matter could emerge spontaneously, without the need for God. And most cosmologists agree: we don't need a god-of-the-gaps to make the big bang go bang. It can happen as part of a natural process. A much tougher problem now looms, however. What is the source of those ingenious laws that enable a universe to pop into being from nothing? Traditionally, scientists have supposed that the laws of physics were simply imprinted on the universe at its birth, like a maker's mark. As to their origin, well, that was left unexplained."
"The multiverse comes with a lot of baggage, such as an overarching space and time to host all those bangs, a universe-generating mechanism to trigger them, physical fields to populate the universes with material stuff, and a selection of forces to make things happen. Cosmologists embrace these features by envisaging sweeping "meta-laws" that pervade the multiverse and spawn specific bylaws on a universe-by-universe basis. The meta-laws themselves remain unexplained – eternal, immutable transcendent entities that just happen to exist and must simply be accepted as given. In that respect the meta-laws have a similar status to an unexplained transcendent god."
"...there is no compelling need for a supernatural being or prime mover to start the universe off. But when it comes to the laws that explain the big bang, we are in murkier waters."
Although way over my head, I still find it fascinating. Every new advance in science raises new questions. We'll probably never run out of questions nor ever have all the answers. And that's rather humbling -- which is good.

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Good News For Saskatchewan

Civic results bad news for NDP
"Just how tough things are for the Saskatchewan NDP today is best summed up in last week's municipal races, where the "good" news wasn't really so positive at all.

The good news was the spirited showing of a couple of NDP-like thinkers who ran second in the mayoralty races of the province's two major cities.

If they've lost the cities of Regina (seat of government) and Saskatoon (home of the U of S indoctrination factory), they have lost the province. May they never be found again, except, maybe at a Zombie Apocalypse event.


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How Cold Is It?

Well, when streakers keep their underwear on, it must be very cold.

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Ever Notice How..

...everything today is a "community":
"The deceased are Genne and Theresa Nolin, a Rapid View-area couple with ties to the chuckwagon racing community, according to sources that include relatives and friends. No charges have been laid in the investigation."
Ya, ya, I know. Two people are dead. I shouldn't make light of it.

PS: An organized, "phoney-outrage comments campaign" is easily detectible. Those who are participating in this one will not have their comments published.

And I stand by my observations. Like so many words today, the word "community" has been misused to the point of being hilarious and highly mock-worthy. You prove my point.

PPS: Based on the comments I continue to receive, evidently spinned out by some sort of robot, the Chuck Wagon Racing "Community" is also incapable of reading.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

I Love My Premier!

Sask. premier to grow a Movember moustache
"The Saskatchewan Party premier said he has been keen to participate in past Movembers, but his advisers had told him a moustache would not be a good look.

"The staff just thought that would be terrible," Wall said on Friday.

"They'd seen pictures of me in a moustache from back in the day and they were pretty convinced this was not a good idea."

As for this year, "I hope you will help me ignore their advice and cruel comments," he wrote on his donation page."

I think it's a great idea.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

You Go, Harper!!

Stephen Harper readies for all-out trade push with India
"Among the prime minister’s objectives:

· Triple annual bilateral trade with India — from $5.2 billion to $15 billion — by 2015.

· Reach a comprehensive free trade deal with India next year, part of a broader goal to liberalize trade with Europe and some Pacific Rim nations. One of Harper’s cabinet ministers has cited a Canada-India joint study which suggests a trade agreement between the two countries could boost the Canadian economy by at least $6 billion and create nearly 40,000 jobs.

· Establish Canada as a prime future supplier of energy for India, now the world’s fourth-largest energy consumer, with consumption expected by (sic) double by 2025. Canada is keen to export liquefied natural gas to India."
The Empire lives on!!

PS: Don't worry, Yanks. Just do your part on the 6th. We still love you.

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Okay, Alright...

...I have to accept it. Winter has arrived, a bit early. The weather man/woman is predicting a balmy +8C on Tuesday, but they've been changing their minds every day for the past week. It's been hovering around the freezing point for the past week or two, with heavy frosts at night. And the snow that fell last week is still laying there.

There are trees on the town side of the sidewalk that runs in front of my house with the leaves still on them, though, which is fine with me. I didn't want to do all that raking anyway.

Oh, and there's still a few stupid birds poking around. Birds that should have gone south before now. Maybe November will be warm. (Knocking on wood.)

Where IS that global warming when you need it?

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Holy Moly

From Facebook Again...


But, but, but...

...we're supposed to believe it's always been icy cold up there:

New find bolsters case for Viking presence in Canadian Arctic

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They're Baaaack

They Say They Have Nothing To Say...

...about human males.

Size Does Matter in Sexual Selection
"It is an age old debate: does size matter in sexual selection? There is no new light shed in relation to the human male. However, there has been some interesting new research been published about beetles.

A new project among researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden and the University of Cincinnati has demonstrated experimentally that the evolution of male genitals, in relation to size, is related to mating success, focusing on a species of seed beetle."
"No link has been made to humans from the work. However, readers may draw their own conclusions."
Doesn't that just bug you?

Here's my conclusion. I'm betting the human males were not too keen on allowing themselves to be measured.

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...that just had to have hurt the CBC to report:

Kenney defends bid for power to block foreigners

Ah, come on. Let 'em all in.

Father of Pakistani girl shot by Taliban talks of 'miracle' recovery
"The father of a 15-year-old Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban described his daughter's survival and ongoing recovery as miraculous Friday, and said her shooting was a turning point for Pakistan."
What?? You mean it wasn't George Bush's fault???

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Europe Rising?

Good luck to them.

Wanna read a good book on the topic?

Try Anti-Americanism, by Jean-Francois Revel.

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Friday, October 26, 2012

That's 'Cause It's ...

...colder here:

First feathered dinosaur fossils found in North America
"Scientists in Canada have unearthed the first fossils of a feathered dinosaur ever found in the Americas, the journal Science reported on Thursday.

The 75 million year old fossil specimens, uncovered in the badlands of Alberta, Canada, include remains of a juvenile and two adult ostrich-like creatures known as ornithomimids."
Looks like he's ready to do the chicken dance. Oops. Is that raaaaaacist?

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Liberals Lose Again

...Ha. Ha. Ha.

Opitz remains MP in hotly contested Ontario riding following SCC ruling
"Conservative MP Ted Opitz will keep his seat in a contested Toronto riding after the Supreme Court of Canada narrowly ruled in his favour in a case linked to voting irregularities in the last federal election. In a split 4-3 decision, Canada’s top court upheld the MP’s appeal of an earlier Ontario court ruling that found the results of the May 2011 election in Etobicoke Centre should be overturned, and a byelection held. At the centre of the issue was a number of procedural irregularities found following the May 2011 election, when Opitz ousted Liberal incumbent Boris Wrzesnewskyj by a margin of just 26 votes.

In a split 4-3 decision, Canada’s top court upheld the MP’s appeal of an earlier Ontario court ruling that found the results of the May 2011 election in Etobicoke Centre should be overturned, and a byelection held.

At the centre of the issue was a number of procedural irregularities found following the May 2011 election, when Opitz ousted Liberal incumbent Boris Wrzesnewskyj by a margin of just 26 votes."
"In their ruling, the seven Supreme Court justices found 59 of the rejected votes should have been allowed to stand."
My question is, which candidate(s) were the 59 "rejected votes" for? And why were they rejected in the first place?

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Canada, You...

...embarrass me:

Obama Has Massive Lead In Global Poll

Scroll down for chart.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Zonked Out

...after a busy day in Disneyland:

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Two Stories...

...that will warm your cockles:

Message in a bottle from Canada arrives in Ireland after 8 years at sea
"Oisin Millea can hardly believe his luck — and instant fame he’s gained — from sorting through “rubbish” along the shoreline near his home in Ireland.

The nine-year-old schoolboy, along with his photographer mother Aoife Millea, 31, was looking at the flotsam and jetsam washed up on the shores of the tiny village of Passage East, County Waterford, last week by a particularly high tide when he discovered a two-litre green plastic pop bottle with something inside it.

It turned out to be a note, written in French, from two 12-year-old Montreal girls, Charlaine and Claudia, tossed into the Gulf of St, Lawrence in 2004 while they were vacationing in the Gaspe.

Eight years and 5,100 kilometres later, it arrived."


Stephen Harper crashes Ottawa wedding
"The drama began Saturday after Potvin and Sullivan were married at 1 p.m. Kelly says the couple, together with seven bridesmaids and an equal number of groomsmen, had pulled into a parking lot off Rockcliffe Parkway, which runs along the Ottawa River.

Three dark coloured cars were already in the lot.

Kelly says she was taking photos when the cars started to move and Harper rolled down his window to say congratulations to the bride.

But just as the PM and his security detail were about to pull out of the parking lot back onto the parkway, they stopped and everyone got out.

Kelly says the couple was “really excited.” One photo shows an unbelieving Potvin pointing at Harper.

Afterwards, the PM and his security detail drove away"."
Unless, of course, you're a hate Harper-Hitler type, in which case you have no cockles to warm.

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Liberals Stare Into The Abyss

...and see different things:

Predictions of Liberal doom are dead wrong

Liberals may be facing extinction

Personally, I'll go with the second assessment. That's why the comments on the lefty, old-media-organ websites are so littered with screeching, hysterical leftarded howling.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Romney Agrees With Harper

Just watching the foreign policy debate. Romney says Iran is the most significant challenge to global peace and security.

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...We believe you:

Cuba's Fidel Castro attacks 'lies' about his health

Publishing photos of yourself is sure to do the trick.

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Three Guesses

Which does he feel most remorseful about?

Toronto man charged in fatal crash involving new Porsche
"Police say Hongyu Chen, 20, of Toronto, is charged with criminal negligence causing death, impaired driving causing death, dangerous driving causing death and driving with a blood alcohol level above zero while under a G2 licence."
His having driven while drunk? Having killed someone? Or, wrecking his Porsche?

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Excellent, Excellent Idea

I agree that a lot of little museums have some great stuff in them. I've visited many small town museums and, although I found their collections to be fascinating, it was a bit distressing to see stuff that my parents used as I was growing up presented as historical artefacts. As if I needed to be reminded of how old I'm getting.

On the other hand, it kinda shows how much and how quickly technology has changed. My life was in many of those museums -- but I'd like to see the Last Spike or Champlain's astrolabe. That guy's been dead for 377 years. Although I've been in the Canadian Museum of Civilization, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the Capital Region and see the treasures in that museum.

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Wanna See...

...the Indian Industry getting a good swift kick in the ass?

Read this.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Super Cool!


The Mad Mullahs are shitting their drawers over the prospect of a Romney win! Obama is their man.

Sorry folks, but Romney is our man!

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Stupid Birds

I've been sitting outside on my front steps watching the world go by (and freezing my butt off). There have been little birds flying around landing in my hedges and taking off again. I was thinking they are the only ones left. They might be chickadees, who stay all winter, but they don't really look like chickadees.

As if to prove me a liar, earlier today I was sitting out there and a big flock of Canada Geese flew overhead, squawking as they usually do, flying in half-assed V formations. Maybe it was even colder up there. (Aside: As I'm writing this, I'm listening to a YouTube video right now featuring Bjorn Lomborg. Video below.) But back to the birds. The stupid things were heading north!!! That must prove something. I'm sure our resident environuts can tell us.

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Speaking of Canadian History...

...gotta love this graphic.

There's our founding sot; our heroine-chocolate maker, Laura Secord; George Chevalo and ole Jean doing the best thing he ever did - the Shawinigan Handshake; the Trudeau Salute and other assorted icons (I think that guy dressed up in what looks like a Hallowe'en costume is a mummer.)

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Morning Roundup

Heritage Minister wants Canadian history taught in all high schools

It's about damn time. Too bad the Feds have no jurisdiction over education.
Things are heating up in Lebanon again. This time it's the Muslims who want Syria to keep its nose out of Lebanon's business.
Gay B.C. activist leaves Omar Khadr $700 in will

Good thing he lives in Canada. If he was in Afghanistan, he'd be hanging from a crane.
Government says it will pass Sask. MP's Indian Act reform bill

And he's a member of a First Nation, too. Wonder how the AFN will react to this? No doubt they will oppose it. After all, they gotta have something to blame everything on.
Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi attack

Which reminds me, how many days is it now? This October has been full of surprises. You're going down, Obama.


Edmonton terrorism suspect ordered extradited to N.Y. for Iraq bombing trial


Oh, those Scots. They do love a good joke.

Life and soul of the Mars party
"The community of Glenelg in the Scottish Highlands has twinned itself with Glenelg on Mars."
"Many of the 500 folk who had bought tickets for the celebrations had got into the spirit of things. They wore alien antenna hair bands. Glitter from the sparkly balls wobbling above their heads soon covered hair and clothes like fallen stars."
"There are also Glenelgs in Ontario, Canada, and Adelaide, Australia.

Even if those other Glenelgs had tried to do the same they would have struggled to match the hospitality and imagination of the Scottish one.

It had provided performers dressed as blue aliens who blew bubbles and played the bagpipes. There was also a race-against-the clock competition using a replica rover built by enthusiasts from Shetland, a memory card with a message from The Sky at Night's Sir Patrick Moore and a Tartan Martian Ceilidh with cocktails called Red Planet and Little Green Men."
I would have loved to have been there.

This will have to do:

But I digress.

Here's another thing the AFN won't like:

Did Europeans visit N. America as early as 2,000 BC?

And best of all:

Toews stands firm: Omar Khadr is a terrorist, not a child soldier

Cue, screaming leftards.

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Friday, October 19, 2012

My News Sources...

...are failing me. If it weren't for bloggers, I never would have known this:

Fidel Castro suffered a stroke, Venezuelan doctor says
"Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and his state of health is so precarious that he has trouble feeding, speaking and recognizing people..."
"Rumors about Castro’s health have circulated consistently in social networks and the media. But the speculations intensified recently, to the point that word spread that he had died..."
Shades of the old Soviet Union and China. Keep the dear dictator's death under wraps until his successor is chosen, but Cuba already has its new "dear dictator".
"Castro was last seen in public in March, during the visit to Cuba of Pope Benedict XVI. Since June, he has not written his opinion columns, called “Reflections.” He did not send any message or congratulation to Chávez for his recent election victory.

Castro is in his home in El Laguito, Havana, receiving constant and specialized medical care, Marquina said. The idea of the Cuban authorities and Castro’s family is to maintain him alive and far from public view, the doctor said."
Of course, the big question is what, if anything, will change when they finally have to come clean and officially announce his death? Probably nothing. Except, of course...
"According to Marquina, the decline in Castro’s health compelled Chávez to fly to Havana on Tuesday, to inquire about his ally’s condition."
...his "ally" from Venezuela, who appears to be salivating over the prospects, will fill the void and position himself as the chief dictator in the region.

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So. It looks like we may not have any NHL hockey this winter.


Those hockey players make waaaaay too much money anyway. If they invest it wisely, by the time they become washed-up old goats - say at 35 or something - they could be sitting pretty for the rest of their lives.

Seriously, I'd far rather watch a bunch of kids playing shinny in the streets.

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Typical Hollywood Fare

Lee Daniels went into The Paperboy with a ‘No rehearsals. Let’s just do it’ attitude
"On the second (day of filming), the crew filmed a graphic sex scene. And on the third, to alleviate a jellyfish sting, Bless must urinate on her young suitor (played by Zac Efron)."
Yesterday, I was listening to a discussion on the radio about a controversial trend to serve liquor at movie theatres. I thought to myself, this is what Hollywood has done to itself. In addition to things like Netflix and DVDs, etc., movie theatres are going the way of the dinosaur because Hollywood has stopped producing decent movies. Consequently, theatres are reduced to turning their establishments into saloons.

According to the people discussing the topic, traditional theatres will still be available. Thank God. I was thinking, before they told us that, who wants to sit in a theatre where the loud drunken lout sitting behind you pukes on your shoulder and booze hucksters are cruising up and down the aisles plying their wares like the folks who sell popcorn and peanuts at a ball game.

Oh well. I rarely watch movies, anyway. Way too much garbage out there and the local theatre here in town gets only the garbage.

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Some Little Secrets


This topic has been served up on

Is PMS a myth?

I think it is. The only thing I experienced in the last few days of my cycle was headaches, fatigue, cramps and general ukkiness, but no mood swings, bloating or anything like that.

And that little spike in amourousness that's supposed to occur mid-cycle? Nope. 'fraid not. For some strange reason, said spike occurred during my period.

All I can say, is thank God that's over.

PS: I think I can safely say, I have now covered everything in this blog.

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Gotta Love This Title...

...The 7-Eleven Presidency

But the actual content of the article is a bit more depressing:
"Here’s the upshot: Under Obama, for every $7 we’ve had, we’ve spent nearly $11 (or, to be more exact, $10.95). That’s like a family that makes $70,000 a year — and is already knee-deep in debt — blowing nearly $110,000 a year.

To illustrate this a bit differently, for every Jackson ($20) we’ve had available to spend under Obama, we’ve also borrowed a Hamilton ($10) and a Washington ($1) and spent those too. The only thing is that, under Obama, we’ve (literally) spent the equivalent of 342 billion Jacksons, 342 billion Hamiltons, and 342 billion Washingtons — borrowing all of the Hamiltons and Washingtons."
Good buy America. It's been nice knowing ya.

We got jobs here, if you wanna come.

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I Guess There's...

...more than one way to evolve:

Cow-crazy elk removed after getting hot and heavy
"The amorous nature of one elk had become a hot, heavy and dangerous sight near the community of 100 Mile House, B.C., where motorists would clog the highway to watch the beast get busy with, of all things, cows.

B.C. conservation officers recently tranquilized the 500-kg animal for relocation away from 100 Mile House, about 200 km of Kamploops (sic), and the cattle with which he’d been having his way this summer.

He had, it seems, fell in love in a hopeless place.

“Different sort of breed, that guy,” joked Greg Messner, who tends the herd of cattle that became the elk’s object of inter-species affection."
I wonder what they would call the offspring. The word Donkey has already been taken. Maybe Dairy Dippers or Liberelk.

Har, har.

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Mr. President...

...heal thyself:

Russia: Dispute Over Head Scarves
"President Vladimir V. Putin spoke out on Thursday against the wearing of head scarves in Russian schools in his first public comment on a potentially explosive issue."
And how many times has Putin stuck his nose into the Muslim world in support of their brutal rulers?

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Further Along...

...the "It ain't over, 'till it's over" file:

Egypt protesters rally against Islamist president

As I've said before: Remember the Prague Spring? Or the Hungarian Spring? And how many years did they have to wait before Communism fell?

There are plenty of signs of what's coming:

Pakistani girl shot by Taliban able to stand, doctors say
"The Taliban shooting of 14-year-old activist Malala Yousafzai prompts grief and outrage."
Nope. It's only just begun.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Land Of My Ancestors... swirling around the toilet bowl:

Rowan Atkinson: we must be allowed to insult each other

If Mr. Bean is afraid to speak, it must be really, really bad,

I guess this song can be relegated to history's dustbin:

If the Brits are going to let this happen, I must say I don't feel very sorry for them.

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Once Again...

...with the child abuse. (If this doesn't make you want to puke, nothing will.)

Raped, tied to a tree, burned alive: Robbie Middleton reveals chilling details of boyhood attacks in deathbed video

He was only eight years old. God forbid any of my grandchildren should be victims of this kind of sicko. I'd personally see to it that the perp got the same treatment. What have I got to lose. I'm already an old foggy nearing the end of my life anyway.

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Now, For A Really Good Laugh...

...once again from Facebook:

And who says Jesus couldn't walk on water? I've done it myself several times. I've even bored holes in it so I could catch fish.

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I Know This Isn't...

...funny, but I got a kick out of the notion that this happened at the "Peace" Arch.

Less, please.

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Well, you've just gotta bow and scrape a little harder, Barack:

Obama was considered potential target before NYC Federal Reserve bomb plot

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In My Humble Opinion...

..there is no punishment too harsh for people who do this:

Allegedly slain tot had internal bleeding, broken bones: Autopsy
" autopsy found Keagan had "multiple severe" injuries that included bruises, broken bones and internal bleeding."
Bring back he death penalty!! Poor little guy was only two years old. He didn't stand a chance.

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Funny (not)...

...that I have to go to an American blog to learn about this:

Canadian mother has throat slit to spine for wanting kids raised as Westerners
"She was also stabbed five times in the torso with "a second, shorter sharp-pointed knife," but due to the lack of blood, it was determined these wounds were perpetrated upon her well after her head was almost severed from her body."

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Check out the list of the most inappropriate songs to play at a funeral.

I must disagree, though. I think "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands!" would be great. :)p The old church walls would collapse from the reverberations. That is if anyone actually attends your funeral.

A few weeks ago I was listening to a list of songs called "God's Greatest Hits". Some of them I had never heard before, but some, in my ever so humble opinion, would make good send off music for a funeral. Here are some of them:

Amazing Grace:

I love those Celtic chicks, too. I must have a bit of Celtic blood in me. Although those dresses look a might uncomfortable.

Here's a better one, from an old fav of mine, why back when:

That was back in the days when Greece had something to give to the world. I wonder if Nana Mouskouri is dead now? And did they play her version of this old favorite at her funeral?

Next up, The Hallelujah Chorus, sung by the greatest choir of our times:

And, this favorite old one: Ave Maria sung by a guy who I know is dead. Shame, that.

And if you don't like fat old dead Italian dudes, try a younger blind one:

And, on a more depressing note, this is our heritage as citizens of nations in the Western world, AKA, Western Civilization. Why so many do not recognize these soaring achievements, much less appreciate them, is beyond me. Let me just say, I'm very, very grateful that I was born into this civilization, and I intend to celebrate it! Just don't ask me to sing if you're within earshot.

And last, but not least:

I know it's not music, but a bit of levity always helps when you're talking about funerals:

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Mind Boggling!

B.C. border guard struck with same bullet that killed shooter

I so hope that guard survives.

And why would a guy shoot himself at a border crossing? Why not in the privacy of his own home or out in the woods somewhere? There's an attention getting angle here, me thinks. Perhaps there will be some news later on about the perp's mental illness. And then we can revisit the issue of why and how mental nutcases are able to buy guns.

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Permit Me To Gloat

Every once in a while, I do a search of my own blog to see what I have said in the past. This morning was one of those occasions. Using the term "mainstream media" this is what I came up with:

mainstream media

My views haven't changed. I suppose I could do a search of "lamestream media", too. There will be plenty under that heading. Or "media bias".

But, dammit. So many of the links are now dead. That's why I quote articles at length. Although I realize long quotations detract from the readability of my entry, that's the only way I can guarantee the essence of the link's contents can be preserved.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Industry isn't gonna like this:

Stoneage Europeans were first Native Americans
"Europeans may have been the first people to settle in America, possibly more than ten thousand years before anyone else set foot there.

­A series of European-style tools dating from twenty-six-thousand to nineteen-thousand years ago have been discovered in six separate locations along the east coast of the United States."
"Professors Dennis Stanford and Bruce Bradford, the two archaeologists who made the discovery, suggest Europeans moved across the Atlantic during the peak of Ice Age.

At the time, a vast tranche of ice covered the Atlantic. The Stone Age migrants would have been able to survive the journey by killing seals, hunting the now-extinct great auks (a sort of giant penguin) and fishing. The archaeologists suggest they may have even used boats for large parts of their travel.

Further evidence of their thesis is a knife discovered in Virginia in 1971. Recent tests showed that it was made from French flint."
The Siberian migrants came to America for longer and in greater numbers, and were either wiped out or absorbed by the European tribes.

But it does explain the long-standing mystery of the genetic code and language of some Native American tribes that appear European, not Asian in origin.

Further digs are planned deeper inland up to Texas this year, and will help historians and archaeologists understand just how far the original European colonization went."
I can hear them kicking and screaming already.

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Damn Straight!!

Not that I'm a hockey fan, but it is our game, fer Cris sake:

There is “strong speculation” the NHL will announce Canadian expansion teams once the new CBA is struck

We'll take the one in Florida or the one in Phoenix. It's a game for cold countries, dammit!!!!

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Har, Har - "The World We Live In"

Monday, October 15, 2012

First... was - "Pigs in Space":

Now it's:

Cookie Monster, too.

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What The Left Doesn't...

Irshad Manji

In my more pollyannish moments, I believe that young people in Muslim lands are much less likely to subscribe to Islamofascist ideology than the older folks. Here's more evidence:

Charlie Rose - Irshad Manji

Listen to what she says beginning at the 6:45 minute mark: 2.5 million downloads of her book! By young folks.

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The Noose Tightens

This Is Rich!!

Oh Dear!!

A classic illustration of the "don't know what you've got 'till it's gone" principle:

French Hollande might not beat Sarkozy if vote held today: poll

AKA "Be careful what you ask for. You might get it."

Look out Canada. Here he comes! Faster, please!!

Mind you, some of our political parties may have taught him a valuable lesson:

French President François Hollande Promises to Ban Homework as Part of Educational Initiatives

Get 'em while they're young and stupid.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

22 Days Left!!

That is all.

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Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it
"This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years." (Emphasis mine.)
How'd they let that out?

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How's That Working Out For Ya...


Boys, 9 and 10, detained in Egypt for insulting Islam

You better hope those clashes in Tahrir Square actually produce something besides this.

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Once Again...

...the lamestream media over blows a non-story:

Montreal Constable 728 Facebook protest draws 200: Call for Stéfanie Trudeau's firing

200 huh?

And the population of Montreal is.......drum-roll please.......1,650,000.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Normally, One Has To Die... get into paradise. In Cuba, however:

Two die when boat carrying Cuban migrants capsizes off Mexico

Not that Mexico is paradise, but it must be better than Cuba.

God rest their souls.

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Further Proof...

...that the NDP are finished - in Saskatchewan, anyway:

How does your city stack up in the entrepreneurial ranks?
"Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ranked No.2 in a new survey of which Canadian cities show the strongest signs of entrepreneurial activity. Of the Top 10 cities, nine were located in Alberta and Saskatchewan."
"Looking to start a new business? Your best bet might be to move to the Prairie provinces.

That’s because a survey to be released Monday has found that the most entrepreneurial cities are overwhelmingly found in Saskatchewan and Alberta. The survey, titled Communities in Boom, was researched and compiled by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business for the Financial Post.

It looked at 103 cities across Canada, ranking which ones showed the strongest signs of entrepreneurial activity. Of the Top 10 cities, nine were located in Alberta and Saskatchewan."
"Marilyn Braun-Pollon, vice-president of Prairie and agri-business at CFIB, said that Saskatchewan’s particularly strong showing — five of the Top 10 cities in the survey, including Saskatoon, were located there — showed the economic health of the province is very strong."
Take that, Dippers!!! Damn, that feels good!

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You See!!

You look after the kids, you get your reward:

Daddy Longlegs Day Care Pays Off in Longer Life, More Sex
"...males are often the sole caretakers of progeny among a number of species of daddy longlegs, relatives of spiders also known as harvestmen. In these species, fathers are exclusively responsible for guarding eggs that females lay on the undersides of leaves; the males remain on the eggs nearly constantly for months."
"The researchers discovered that while caretaker males guarded the eggs, they ate very rarely, and their bodies deteriorated in size and mass. Still, these males often lived slightly longer than males that were not caretakers, and also longer than females, typically demonstrating an up to 2 percent higher chance of being alive when the researchers checked."
""Caring males that stay with eggs, protecting them against egg predators, are less prone to be attacked by natural enemies than other individuals in the population that walk around," Requena said. "These findings help to explain the maintenance or even the evolution of exclusive paternal care in this lineage."

The researchers also found evidence that caretaking males have far more sex than other males do. Caretaking males often copulate with multiple females, caring for all their eggs simultaneously in a single giant clutch. "Some successful males can care for the eggs of more than 15 females," Requena said.

Given all the benefits caretaking seems to have for male harvestmen, "shouldn't all males be eager to provide care?""
"Physical demands were placed on the researchers, as well. "One intrinsic difficulty studying harvestmen is that they are mainly active at the dawn and at the night," Requena said. As such, the researchers had to use lights in the field, covering them with red filters to avoid disturbing the arachnids. This affected their own vision, "with several occasions of slipping rocks into the water and hitting head in tree trunks and branches."

In addition, since the researchers did not know the exact timing of this species' breeding season, they had to conduct fieldwork all year round. "All this together put me in a camping tent during winter, when temperature could reach 5 degrees C," or 41 degrees Fahrenheit, Requena said. "That would mean nothing for a New Yorker but is freaking cold for a Brazilian guy.""

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Drowning In ...


22 rescued unharmed as wine tasting boat starts sinking during cruise of San Francisco Bay

San Francisco Bay? Are you sure it wasn't drugs?

Har. Har. I'm so funny. /sarc

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Media coverage was ‘harmful’ during kidnapping: former Canadian diplomat
"Former Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler, whose kidnapping by al-Qaeda made international headlines, says media “blackouts” of such events can prevent ransom demands from escalating to the point where they cannot be met."
"Fowler told Postmedia News Monday that his web-savvy captors viewed media coverage of his kidnapping on laptop computers and Nokia cellphones.

From it, he said, they came to believe he was on a “secret mission” in Niger, a suggestion reported in The Globe and Mail.

“Was it harmful to me? Yes, likely,” he said. “The idea that you can write things here that won’t impact there is just — in this globalized world — crazy.”

Fowler doesn’t know whether the information increased the cost of his release, but he contends it had the potential to complicate matters."
I have been both astounded and disgusted with the media coverage of terrorist activities, both during the Iraq war and after. They took the role of a fifth column to new and despicable heights, acting, as they did, as mouth pieces for every two-bit throat slasher and head chopper they could possible shill for. Free publicity for the enemy and treason against the countries in which they enjoyed freedoms that people in those repressed countries could only dream about. I've been a news junkie all my life and I've watched the lamestream media go down its long, self-inflicted decline. It was the last straw for me. It's why I put my television in storage and will only take it out some day to haul it to the recycling facility.

And it's not just the news coverage that's a turnoff. It's what passes for entertainment, too. Garbage. All of it.

Blogs rule!!!

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Friday, October 12, 2012

It Ain't Over Until It's...


Egypt's new government struggles amid Tahrir clashes
"A year and a half after Egyptians united, in Tahrir Square, to bring down Hosni Mubarak, they gathered again in Tahrir Square. But this time the rival political forces joined battle, supporters versus opponents of President Mohammed Mursi.

The wags in Egypt were saying that the Muslim Brotherhood staged a demonstration... against the Muslim Brotherhood.

The joke is telling. There's a sense that the Brotherhood are still acting like the opposition force they have been for many decades, not the government in power.

It's just over 100 days since President Mursi took office. Many Egyptians say he has done little, if anything to sort out Egypt's many problems."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Muslim world:

Ottawa probes report Canadian kidnapped in Afghanistan
"A Canadian man and an American woman, both civilians, have reportedly been abducted by gunmen in Afghanistan.

Citing anonymous sources, a media report from that country indicated the pair was kidnapped while travelling from eastern Ghazni province to the

Afghan government officials have not yet commented on the incident,..."
I scarcely know where to begin on this one. Could it be because a woman should not be traveling with a man?

In any case, according to the American blog, The Jawa Report, the Canadian media seem to be the only ones covering this story. Perhaps the American lamestream media does not want to report anything that will further damage their favourite president. Nah. That would never happen, would it? What's a dead American woman here and there? It's Bush's fault. No. Wait. It's Harper's fault.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Science We Just...

Dear America..

...I am ashamed. I am sorry.

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Oh Dear...

...I am ashamed of my country. Normally, I'm a very proud and patriotic citizen of this great country, but this just makes me sick:

Qur'an-burning pastor turned away at border

What are we? Are we all dhimminies now?

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Where IS That Global Warming...

...when you need it???

It's been extremely cold here for the last few days. Supposed to warm up for the rest of the week though, to a balmy +15C or so.

I was just sitting outside watching kids leave school all dressed up in their winter duds, heavy jackets, warm mitts and woolen hats. I always felt sorry for Canadian kids on the Prairies on Hallowe'en. They get all dressed up in their fancy costumes and then have to wear heavy winter jackets over top to stay warm.

Which, of course, brings back another memory. The very first time my son went trick or treating, I had made him a clown costume. He was so cute. His sister, who is about two years younger was jealous and wanted to go with him, but I hadn't made her a costume, figuring she was too young to know the difference. But she made a big fuss. (Sibling rivalry started early with those two.)

Any way, long story short, I hurriedly took an old white pillowcase, cut a hole at the sown end to go over her head and a couple of holes for her arms and out she went, as a ghost. She was happy. So was everyone else.

Which reminds me of something else. Better stock up on candy. And a pumpkin.

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Yup. Once Again...

...they leave out the word "anthropogenic":

Global warming cause for renewed activism

But, the hubris is still there. The belief that humans can do something about it, that is.

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Things That Make You Go...


Scientist Who Helped Clone Sheep Dolly Dies

I wonder if he cloned himself before kicking the bucket? Using mammary glad tissue.

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Well, They Did It In...

They Say Diamonds Are A Girl's Best...

...friend, but why do they have to be so out of reach?

Scientists find a massive planet made out of diamonds — too bad it’s 230 trillion miles away

Meh. I don't need one, anyway.

Which brings back an old, old memory. Back in the late 1960s, when I was sporting an engagement ring, the diamond, which was a pretty hefty size, fell out of it onto the street and was lost forever. Omen, or what?

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Sometimes, You Just Gotta...


Oh, Canada! Justin Bieber is reportedly a cousin of Ryan Gosling, Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion
"Breaking news: All of our neighbors to the north are apparently related to each other."
"Bieber and the Crazy, Stupid, Love star are 11th cousins once removed. He and the sk8er grrrl are 12th cousins. All three share two common relatives — a pair of French-born Quebec settlers who were born in the early 1600s."
"Bieber and the Crazy, Stupid, Love star are 11th cousins once removed. He and the sk8er grrrl are 12th cousins. All three share two common relatives — a pair of French-born Quebec settlers who were born in the early 1600s."
" Canadian celebrities have an advantage over homegrown American stars? Is it fair to force folks from the States to compete with genetic freaks who all share hot French ancestry?"
Now, I can see some sort of connection between Bieber and Celine Dion. Both suck. But I have no idea who the rest of them are.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

How To Get Your...

...harvesting done in record time.

This was happening just north-west of Saskatoon, over the weekend, while I was in S'toon. 249 combines in one field. Didn't take long:

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Every Once In A While...

...I do a search of my own blog using a specific keyword. Because things are heating up between Turkey and Syria, I decided to search using the keyword "Turkey".
Here's what came up.

Interesting, no?


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Monday, October 08, 2012


Aren't we ballsy?
"Canada is poised to claim ownership of a vast new expanse of undersea territory beyond its Atlantic and Arctic coasts that’s greater in size than Quebec and equal to about 20% of the country’s surface area, Postmedia News has learned.

The huge seabed land grab has been in the works since 1994, when federal scientists first conducted a “desktop study” of Canada’s potential territorial expansion under a new UN treaty allowing nations to extend their offshore jurisdictions well past the current 200-nautical-mile (370-km) limit of so-called “Exclusive Economic Zones” in coastal waters.

But the UN also set strict criteria for converting underwater tracts of “no man’s land” into a nation’s territorial possessions, including exhaustive geological studies proving these distant stretches of seabed — including potentially massive oil-and-gas deposits — are “natural prolongations” of each applicant country’s continental bedrock.

At the time, experts from the Geological Survey of Canada and Canadian Hydrographic Service estimated that as much as 1.75 million square kilometres of seafloor to the east and north of Canada’s 9.9-million-sq.-km. land mass — initially described as an area “equivalent to the size of the three Prairie provinces” — might eventually be claimed under provisions of the new international accord on continental shelf extensions, a component of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, or UNCLOS."

But it ain't over yet.

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You Gotta...

...wonder. What sort of an under the table deal did the Cons make with The One? Did we trade Khadr for the Keystone XL?

A terrorist's Canadian homecoming

Harper has some 'splaining to do.

Shockers in this video come at 4:02, 10:35 - 10:58 and beginning at 11.26.

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Friday, October 05, 2012

Ever Wonder How...

..all those wooly mammoths being discovered in places like chilly Siberia managed to survive before anthropogenic global warming? After all, Siberia was supposedly a very cold place. What did they eat?

I wonder if this was an adaptation to the cold?
""His one-metre-long penis is also intact so we can conclude that this was a male," Tikhonov told AFP."

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Thursday, October 04, 2012

Leaving Tomorrow...

...for the Thanksgiving weekend. Going to S'toon Town, where my sister and her kids live, and I expect to get stuffed. This will likely be the last posting until Monday or Tuesday. All you Canucks out there, have a good weekend and remember to be grateful. And go ahead, eat too much.

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By Golly!!!

We've found our next man-caused cosmic disaster. Waiting for leftards to grab on to this one:

Earth is overdue for magnetic field flip with possible enormous consequences

Eat, drink and be merry, 'cause we're all gonna die.

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Must Be All Those...

...camel farts emitted along the silk road.

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Wednesday, October 03, 2012


Grand daughter #1, grandson #2 and little friend, saving water.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Finding A Mate...

...from Flopping Aces. Good for a few snickers.

First it deals with a young Alberta cowboy who's looking for a wife. Even if you only read the blog entry you'll have a few chuckles. I especially like the advice about discarding the smelly socks. Excellent advice.

But in the comments someone suggests a mail order bride website, "Frenchy's Mail Order Bride", so of course I had to google that, and sure enough. Here's a website for your pick of Canadian Mail Order Brides.

Of course, all of this piqued my interest in whether or not there are websites offering grooms by mail. Sure enough. Not that I'm looking for one, or anything, at least not by mail. And some of them just look darn-right scary. (I think someone needs to give "Steven" some advice about how to prepare for a photo shoot, don't you? Creeeeeeeeepy!)

Others are just plain funny! This one was the "2011 market leader in spousal order fulfillment".


Or, how 'bout the loser lawyer, named Ronald, here (scroll down a bit). He actually wants us to believe he graduated from a law school!!

Okay. Back to reality.

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Lest There Be Any Doubt

Monday, October 01, 2012

Dear Lamestream Media...

....I don't care if Justin Bieber puked while on stage.  I'm not interested in baby starlets, or for that matter, even adult starlets. But Bieber is a human being, and as such, I think he deserves some dignity. Give it a rest, will you?

Heavy sigh!

This is one of the main reason I cancelled my cable subscription several years ago and put my TV in storage. I'm certain I will never go back. You seem intent of keeping us uninformed and feeding us syrupy pap. Sorry. Not interested.

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