Thursday, October 11, 2012

Where IS That Global Warming...

...when you need it???

It's been extremely cold here for the last few days. Supposed to warm up for the rest of the week though, to a balmy +15C or so.

I was just sitting outside watching kids leave school all dressed up in their winter duds, heavy jackets, warm mitts and woolen hats. I always felt sorry for Canadian kids on the Prairies on Hallowe'en. They get all dressed up in their fancy costumes and then have to wear heavy winter jackets over top to stay warm.

Which, of course, brings back another memory. The very first time my son went trick or treating, I had made him a clown costume. He was so cute. His sister, who is about two years younger was jealous and wanted to go with him, but I hadn't made her a costume, figuring she was too young to know the difference. But she made a big fuss. (Sibling rivalry started early with those two.)

Any way, long story short, I hurriedly took an old white pillowcase, cut a hole at the sown end to go over her head and a couple of holes for her arms and out she went, as a ghost. She was happy. So was everyone else.

Which reminds me of something else. Better stock up on candy. And a pumpkin.

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