Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sometimes, You Just Gotta...


Oh, Canada! Justin Bieber is reportedly a cousin of Ryan Gosling, Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion
"Breaking news: All of our neighbors to the north are apparently related to each other."
"Bieber and the Crazy, Stupid, Love star are 11th cousins once removed. He and the sk8er grrrl are 12th cousins. All three share two common relatives — a pair of French-born Quebec settlers who were born in the early 1600s."
"Bieber and the Crazy, Stupid, Love star are 11th cousins once removed. He and the sk8er grrrl are 12th cousins. All three share two common relatives — a pair of French-born Quebec settlers who were born in the early 1600s."
" Canadian celebrities have an advantage over homegrown American stars? Is it fair to force folks from the States to compete with genetic freaks who all share hot French ancestry?"
Now, I can see some sort of connection between Bieber and Celine Dion. Both suck. But I have no idea who the rest of them are.

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