I Guess There's...
Cow-crazy elk removed after getting hot and heavy
"The amorous nature of one elk had become a hot, heavy and dangerous sight near the community of 100 Mile House, B.C., where motorists would clog the highway to watch the beast get busy with, of all things, cows.I wonder what they would call the offspring. The word Donkey has already been taken. Maybe Dairy Dippers or Liberelk.
B.C. conservation officers recently tranquilized the 500-kg animal for relocation away from 100 Mile House, about 200 km of Kamploops (sic), and the cattle with which he’d been having his way this summer.
He had, it seems, fell in love in a hopeless place.
“Different sort of breed, that guy,” joked Greg Messner, who tends the herd of cattle that became the elk’s object of inter-species affection."
Har, har.
Labels: evolution, humor, nature, you can't make this shit up
I met a few men like this...
Did they reproduce?
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