Friday, October 19, 2012

My News Sources...

...are failing me. If it weren't for bloggers, I never would have known this:

Fidel Castro suffered a stroke, Venezuelan doctor says
"Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and his state of health is so precarious that he has trouble feeding, speaking and recognizing people..."
"Rumors about Castro’s health have circulated consistently in social networks and the media. But the speculations intensified recently, to the point that word spread that he had died..."
Shades of the old Soviet Union and China. Keep the dear dictator's death under wraps until his successor is chosen, but Cuba already has its new "dear dictator".
"Castro was last seen in public in March, during the visit to Cuba of Pope Benedict XVI. Since June, he has not written his opinion columns, called “Reflections.” He did not send any message or congratulation to Chávez for his recent election victory.

Castro is in his home in El Laguito, Havana, receiving constant and specialized medical care, Marquina said. The idea of the Cuban authorities and Castro’s family is to maintain him alive and far from public view, the doctor said."
Of course, the big question is what, if anything, will change when they finally have to come clean and officially announce his death? Probably nothing. Except, of course...
"According to Marquina, the decline in Castro’s health compelled Chávez to fly to Havana on Tuesday, to inquire about his ally’s condition."
...his "ally" from Venezuela, who appears to be salivating over the prospects, will fill the void and position himself as the chief dictator in the region.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

If Fidel or Raul Castro were to walk through the streets of Miami, I'd guess they'd live at most 5 minutes before some Cuban refugee killed them, probably with his bare hands. Schweinhundts.

My prediction is that when they die, that regime won't last long. When it falls, there'll be some awful score-settling.

October 19, 2012 11:46 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Wouldn't that be something! I don't remember the Cuban "revolution", although I do remember other things from that era. Castro has been there for a long time and we still hear stories of Cubans trying to escape the horror at great risk in rickety old make-shift boats, as often as not, not making it.

October 20, 2012 9:35 am  

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