Wednesday, November 11, 2015
About Me
- Name: Louise
- Location: Canada
A stubble jumper is a prairie farmer. I'm from Saskatchewan and my dad was a farmer, so the name is apt. "Redneck" needs no explanation. It's anyone who disagrees with a lunatic leftie. My blog is mostly about the Middle East but other issues also catch my eye and get me going. I monitor comments to keep out trolls and lunatic lefties. Anyone who is zealously anti-American and anti-democracy in the Middle East is NOT welcome.
Various Anglos Elsewhere (With Thanks to the British Empire)
Who Needs the Canadian Broadcorping Castration (CBC) When You've Got This?
AGW Scam Busters
Right Thinking Columnists
Good Stuff
Wow! How depressing to have my suspicions confirmed even more so. First Sweden, then the rst of the civilized world. Jackass Jerkoff Justin's idea of a goody two shoes plan is to add another 25,000 of these infidel haters (no offense intended) to our already swelling population of a dysfunctional backward culture. What can go wrong?
Yep, quite sad indeed.
By the way, did you take a vacation from blogging cause of the cold or what?
No. Blogspot done themselves in. They made many changes to their format over the years, but the most recent "new and "improved" feature has made it nearly impossible to compose an entry, so I've quit. You can always find me on Facebook. I do check back from time to time just in case their advertizers don't appreciate to lost revenue, but I'm not holding my breath. Oh, and it IS cold.
"the" lost revenue.
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