Friday, October 19, 2012

Typical Hollywood Fare

Lee Daniels went into The Paperboy with a ‘No rehearsals. Let’s just do it’ attitude
"On the second (day of filming), the crew filmed a graphic sex scene. And on the third, to alleviate a jellyfish sting, Bless must urinate on her young suitor (played by Zac Efron)."
Yesterday, I was listening to a discussion on the radio about a controversial trend to serve liquor at movie theatres. I thought to myself, this is what Hollywood has done to itself. In addition to things like Netflix and DVDs, etc., movie theatres are going the way of the dinosaur because Hollywood has stopped producing decent movies. Consequently, theatres are reduced to turning their establishments into saloons.

According to the people discussing the topic, traditional theatres will still be available. Thank God. I was thinking, before they told us that, who wants to sit in a theatre where the loud drunken lout sitting behind you pukes on your shoulder and booze hucksters are cruising up and down the aisles plying their wares like the folks who sell popcorn and peanuts at a ball game.

Oh well. I rarely watch movies, anyway. Way too much garbage out there and the local theatre here in town gets only the garbage.

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Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

Commendable attitude. They don't serve drinks here, but that could be the only thing to lure me into a cinema. One in two or three months is my limit...

October 19, 2012 1:22 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

"One in two or three months..."

Drinks or movies?

October 19, 2012 1:36 pm  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

It's been at least ten years since I've been to a movie theater. Since the introduction of the VCR and VHS tapes and now DVDs, I wait to rent or buy the movies I want to see and collect. I usually find myself buying old classic movies from back in the day, before Hollywood was captured by the hard left and the garbage it steadily puts out. The good new movies are, IMO, few and far between.

October 19, 2012 11:51 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

Yup. And none of the good ones ever make it to Best Picture status at the Academy Awards, which is another thing I haven't paid any attention to for years. Last time I watched it, I don't remember if I was actually able to stay up till the end. They drag it out interminably long and then hand out the prize to the dumbest of the dumb.

In fact, the last time I watched, the actors/actresses were still making lefty political statements instead of acceptance speeches. I don't know if that's changed at all, although it is refreshing to see some Hollywood types coming out of the closet, so to speak, and claiming a spot on the centre-right parts of the spectrum.

October 20, 2012 9:45 am  

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