Sunday, October 14, 2012


Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released... and here is the chart to prove it
"This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ in global warming has now lasted for about the same time as the previous period when temperatures rose, 1980 to 1996. Before that, temperatures had been stable or declining for about 40 years." (Emphasis mine.)
How'd they let that out?

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Blogger Louise said...

Oh crap. I did it again. Somehow, I deleted your comment, Dave, rather than publishing it. But, there's still a copy of it in my inbox, so, here's to the good ole "cut and paste".

Dave in Pa says:

"‘Climate models are very complex, but they are imperfect and incomplete. Natural variability [the impact of factors such as long-term temperature cycles in the oceans and the output of the sun] has been shown over the past two decades to have a magnitude that dominates the greenhouse warming effect."

A magnitude. A magnitude of 1 means ten times more important. A magnitude of 2 means 100 times more important.

What's not even discussed in this article is the massive degree of fraud in Warmism. The cooked books at the UN's IPCC. The archive of emails from the U of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, the CRU, showing collaboration on suppression of evidence against the existence of Global Warming and how to propagandize against it. Etc., etc., etc.

It's that big yellow ball in the sky, folks. Its cycles are way, way, way more important to global climate variations than humanity's production of CO2. That Warmist swing to CO2-is-evil is their fallback position, as a small amount of CO2 and some water vapor are basically all that come out of modern internal combustion engines now, as in the last decades, they have been cleaned up.

What remains to be cleaned up is corrupted science, lying MSM and politicians and businessmen with vested interests in promoting a falsehood." which I a say, this is a new stage in the climbdown that have been going on for the past year or two. It started with the quiet, barely noticeable removal of the word "Anthropogenic" from their hysterical screeds.

When are we going to see key people and institutions taken to the cleaners for the money wasted on various scams, such as carbon capture schemes.

Oh, I know, they'll claim that these initiatives are what has turned the situation around.


October 15, 2012 9:06 am  
Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

I don't know, I read the mail article and then got to the raw data from the Met office, which looked incomprehensible. Anyway, with all the pro and con input I feel like I am getting these hot and cold flashes. Have you looked at this?

Enough to make one bipolar...

October 16, 2012 2:03 am  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Pick your Pole, Snoopy:

The Arctic ice cap, adjusted for seasonal variations, is not shrinking at all.

The Antarctic ice cap is growing significantly and has been for the best part of a decade.

Of course, the Warmist crowd like to say that "weather isn't climate". So, they'll likely have a corollary, "ice isn't ice...the new ice isn't wet enough" or some such. But I do have to give them credit for being able to keep straight faces when telling their blatant lies. That takes either a real talent at lying or shamelessness.

October 16, 2012 9:41 pm  

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