And the well deserved dissing of the MSM is a delicious bonus.
Labels: India, lamestream media, Stephen Harper, you can't make this shit up
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @
Labels: India, lamestream media, Stephen Harper, you can't make this shit up
Labels: Christmas, Western Civilization
Labels: family, guns, Memory Lane, personal
Labels: Canada, humor, Quebec, you can't make this shit up
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, Canada, humor, Quebec
Labels: Canadian politics, Centre of the Universe, elites, elitism, leftards, leftards and leftards, our betters, Rob Ford
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, grandchildren, kids
""She is at home and will not testify at the Benghazi hearings this coming week.""She has nothing to say, anyway. Hillary, sweetheart, you ain't ever gonna be prez. You might as well salvage what remains of your reputation and come clean. Whistle blowers do get written up in the history books.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Lybia
"As her three-day visit to New York comes to an end, Premier Pauline Marois is saying that some companies have decided to invest in Quebec, although she said it was too soon to name which ones."Uh, huh. We believe you, hun.
"Quebec sovereignty would not change the borders or the province's relationship with the United States, she told her audience of about 300 business people, who paid $150 each to hear her." [Emphasis mine]There's a sucker born every minute. Why, there were 300 of them in that room alone!
Labels: America, BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, Canadian politics, Quebec
"A convicted fraudster with an incredibly hefty criminal history will get a chance to take part in a sentencing circle.[---]
Irene Marlene Peepeetch, 55, has more than 300 convictions to her name spanning nearly four decades and recently pleaded guilty to 30 more fraud-related charges that span five years and four provinces.
Regina Provincial Court Judge Linton Smith has been looking for alternative ways to deal with the career criminal since years spent behind bars seem to have done nothing to curb the woman's activities.
Earlier this week, Smith asked the Crown prosecutor and defence lawyer involved in the case to look into the possibility of a sentencing circle. Crown prosecutor Lo-reley Berra returned to court Thursday to inform Smith that Sakimay First Nation is "very excited and very willing" to host the sentencing circle. Peepeetch's family is reportedly eager to participate.
"It seems to me that somebody who's struggled, not learning from European-based justice, should try something else," Smith responded on Thursday."
"The woman's record begins in 1973 and consists al-most entirely of fraud, theft, impersonation and other property-related offences. While Peepeetch has received jail sentences on most of her offences, the longest sentence she's received to date was three years.Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
The most recent offences - of which the court has yet to hear details - date from between 2002 and 2007 and occurred in Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. Peepeetch is to be sentenced on 12 counts of fraud, 13 counts of using or possessing a forged document, one count of possessing or using a stolen or forged credit card and two counts each of forgery and identity fraud."
"“I’m standing in solidarity with my people because I’m tired of the government’s imposition and governmental discrimination policies; I’m tired of it all. They try to determine what is best for us, we know what we want, we have our own policies, we know how to govern ourselves,” said Courtney McKay, 22."Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
"Of utmost concern for the protesters is changes to the Navigable Waters Act, the Fisheries Act and a separate private members bill that could repeal or significantly change the Indian Act.Blah, blah, blah, blah.
“Bill C-45 is going to affect our water ways, and its going to destroy our land and our resources,” said McKay.
After walking 3 1/2 kilometres from 5th Avenue to the Legislative Building, First Nations leaders took to the steps to a roaring crowd of 400 chanting “idle no more.”
Glenn Pelletier, a Cowessess First Nation counsellor, denounced the Harper government for not consulting First Nations on any of the changes.
While drums were beating and the smell of burning sage surrounded the crowd, Michelle Rae McKay pointed out that 89 per cent of Canadian land is owned by the crown and First Nations have a right to that land. She said the country’s aboriginals are made up of sovereign nations and Canada has “no right” to tell them what to do.
Edmund Bellegarde, tribal chairperson for File Hill Qu’Appelle tribal council, echoed that sentiment in a scrum with reporters.
“Our inherent rights to self government has to be the end result,” he said.
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, colonialism and other excuses, crime, First Nations, Indian Industry, Indian Mythology, victimology
"Having dispensed with Canada’s first list of countries from which refugee claims will be fast-tracked, immigration officials must now wrestle with the next one.[---]
In some ways, it will likely be a much more difficult list to compile.
The first batch of the so-called “designated countries of origin” list, unveiled Friday, includes 25 European Union member states, the United States and Croatia.
They are all countries the government has declared as being generally safe and therefore unlikely to produce real refugee claimants."
"The list was drawn up by first examining which countries produce the highest rates of failed claimants — claims that are abandoned, withdrawn or rejected by the Immigration and Refugee Board.That sound you hear is the howling of leftards. I know it's an annoying, cloying sound, but just get some earplugs, cause the big rollback of Libtardism has a ways to go yet.
Countries with a failure rate of 75 per cent or better are candidates for the list.
In Hungary’s case, for example, 93 per cent of the 3,249 claims finalized in the first nine months of this year were rejected. Croatia saw 92 per cent of claims rejected; the Slovak Republic, 98 per cent. All three are on the list."
Labels: Canada, Conservative Party, immigration and refugee policy, Western Civilization
"Canada’s anti-terrorism laws do not violate the constitutional rights of those suspected of furthering terrorist acts, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled.
The landmark ruling means that an Islamic terrorist from Ottawa – Mohammed Momin Khawaja – will spend his life behind bars for aiding a violent jihadist group based in England.
It also paves the way for the extradition of two other Ontario men wanted in the U.S for helping acquire arms to be used by Sri Lankan terrorists."
"Canada’s anti-terrorism laws withstood an important legal challenge Friday when the Supreme Court dismissed the appeals of three Ontario men who had argued the provisions should be struck down.[---]
The high court justices unanimously rejected claims the 10-year-old terrorism sections of the Criminal Code had defined terrorist activity so broadly they threatened free expression and were therefore unconstitutional.
In related decisions, the court gave its stamp of approval to a wide definition of terrorism that recognizes terrorist activity goes well beyond planting bombs and includes anything intended to “enhance” a terrorist group."
"Rob Nicholson, the Justice Minister, said he was pleased the court had agreed Khawaja should be imprisoned for life.Now, if we could just get life sentences to mean actual life, and/or bring back the death penalty.
“By upholding this sentence, the court sent a strong message that terrorism will not be treated leniently in Canada,” he said."
Labels: books, elites, Western Civilization, Yawn
"The applicants in the “robocalls” election challenge of 2011 election results in six ridings have not presented evidence of specific individuals who were prevented from voting by deceptive poll-moving calls."[---]
"If the judge finds that there was fraud in a given riding, and if a greater number of votes were suppressed than the margin of victory, the court should balance those considerations with the reality that overturning the result would disenfranchise those who did cast ballots in the election, McIsaac said."[---]
"Previous Canadian election challenges have all hinged on ballots in the box that should not be there. The so-called “magic number test” applied in those cases would overturn results when the number of suspect ballots in the box was greater than the margin of victory.[---]
In this case, McIsaac said, the court would have to apply a “reverse magic number test,” determining that there were more suppressed votes than the margin of victory.
In opening his case, Steven Shrybman, the lawyer for the applicants, acknowledged that he faced the tough challenge of showing that there were not ballots in the box that should be there.
Previous Canadian election challenges have all hinged on ballots in the box that should not be there. The so-called “magic number test” applied in those cases would overturn results when the number of suspect ballots in the box was greater than the margin of victory.
In this case, McIsaac said, the court would have to apply a “reverse magic number test,” determining that there were more suppressed votes than the margin of victory.
In opening his case, Steven Shrybman, the lawyer for the applicants, acknowledged that he faced the tough challenge of showing that there were not ballots in the box that should be there.
The key evidence for missing votes is a survey conducted by EKOS pollster Frank Graves, which found evidence that some respondents were discouraged from voting by deceptive calls.
Lawyers for the Conservative MPs have spent much of the proceedings attacking that survey and Graves’ credibility. They argued on Friday that the survey cannot be trusted and wouldn’t meet Government of Canada standards for polling.
Because the stakes are so high (the applicants want byelections called) the study must be solid, said Ted Frankel, one of the lawyers acting for the six Conservatives elected in the ridings."
"Graves’ poll used a technology called “interactive voice response,” in which a computer prompts the respondents to enter their answers on their telephone keypad.[---]
Graves claims the survey conducted last April found a clear pattern of voter suppression aimed at non-Conservative supporters.
Frankel said the survey can’t be trusted because of serious methodological problems, including its failure to screen out those who can’t vote, including people under age 18 and non-Canadians."
"The failure to include cell phones in the survey was another problem, Frankel said. He also criticized EKOS for not calling respondents back to verify their information.There's more. The whole thing is coming down to a "he said"-"she said" kind of thing. What it boils down to is this: The left is at war with the right and has decided to use lawfare as its tactic and mud slinging is all we're getting from this process, although my reading of the problems suggest that this case should be tossed out.
The survey found that 39 of 2,900 respondents reported that they had been prevented from voting by deceptive telephone calls. Frankel said, though, that 20 of those respondents had first indicated that they had voted, giving contradictory answers.
Graves doubled his estimate of the number of people who didn’t vote because of “social desirability bias,” the tendency of respondents to give answers that make themselves look good. Frankel argued Graves can’t take that kind of liberty, given what’s at stake in this case.
Some of the questions were ambiguous or double-barrelled and may have confused respondents, Frankel added, and there was no way for respondents to reply that they didn’t know or couldn’t recall."
Labels: Canadian politics, Conservative Party, leftards, leftards and leftards, Robocalls
Labels: Christmas, family, humor, The Sisterhood
"Hamilton [Ed. Conservative Party Lawyer] said it speaks volumes that no Canadian voters have come forward to swear out an affidavit claiming their trips to the ballot box were thwarted by robocalls.[---]
He notes casting a ballot is a very public activity and seems unlikely that someone who was unable to vote would have kept silent.
"Nobody should have difficulty coming and very publicly saying 'I wanted to vote and I was stopped from voting,'" Hamilton said.
"Because that's the type of evidence that's being sought if somebody wants to overturn any of these six election results, it should be not at all difficult to find those people.""
""There is a fundamental disrespect right now for the intuitiveness of the Canadian voter," Hamilton said.[---]
"The Canadian electorate is very intuitive and they are very careful. They take their franchise seriously and that is why, happily, some of these ham-fisted attempts at suppression don't work."
"Eight Canadians — bankrolled by the left-leaning Council of Canadians — have launched a legal bid to overturn the results of the last federal election in six ridings. They allege a far-reaching campaign of voter-suppression tactics may have kept some people from voting, which may have had some bearing on the outcomes.
None of the eight applicants were actually prevented from voting." [Ed. Emphasis, mine]
Labels: Canada, Canadian politics, Conservative Party, Jason Kenney, leftards, leftards and leftards, Putin, Robocalls, Round up, Russia, Syria
"Pauline Marois, in her first U.S. speech since becoming premier, said Quebec is open for business and that she hopes it will one day be operating as a sovereign country."That business will most likely be conducted in English.
Labels: America, English language, French, Pauline Marois, Quebec
"The government seems to have moved a resolution in Parliament to declare Malala Yousufzai as daughter of the nation. Pakistan’s top dignitaries have also visited the UK, in recent days, to meet the young girl heroine whose name has also been proposed for the Nobel Peace Prize. Given the attention she has received lately from all over the world as appreciation for standing up for her right to education and that of other girls, there is also a possibility that she may even be seriously considered for the award. However, I am tempted to ask the question if it is a good idea in the first place.Maybe the reputation of Nobel Peace Prize can be redeemed at the same time, but I'm not holding my breath.
I would also like to make it clear that I have endorsed her nomination with an open heart and my objection has got nothing to do with her but how we as a state and government, or even a society, tend to react to winning an award. There is a high probability that once we, as a state, bag the Nobel through Malala, our entire focus will shift on the prize rather than the problem behind it."
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, child abuse, crime, girls, Islam, kids, Nobel Peace Prize, Round up, science, space
Labels: Canada, Islamism, Middle East, Syria
Labels: Christianity, Christmas, political correctness
Labels: cute, grandchildren, kids
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, Nobel Peace Prize, you can't make this shit up
Labels: cute, grandchildren, kids
"When he blasts off on Dec. 19, the Canadian astronaut will have the ring as a constant reminder of his wife Helene.and one bwhahahahahahahaha! This is what you do when you've lost.
The 53-year-old Hadfield said in an interview from Russia on Wednesday that he and Helene decided he should take something small and light given that space aboard the Soyuz capsule is limited.
"Something that can remind you on a daily basis, something that is both personal and also that is not just a collector's item," he told The Canadian Press.
"We thought about jewelry, earrings and a necklace, but it just seemed to make sense -- so I'm flying a ring for my wife."
The couple will celebrate its 31st wedding anniversary four days after Hadfield soars into space aboard a Russian spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
The veteran astronaut is also taking up a watch belonging to his 26 year-old daughter Kristin.
"On my first flight I flew a watch from my first son, on my second flight I flew a watch from my other son and so on this one, I'm flying a watch for my daughter that she chose," he said."
"Monckton to UN: 'In the 16 years we have been coming to these conferences, there has been no global warming'"
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, CAGW, Canuckistanis, love, science, space
"When it comes to sperm counts, French men aren’t what they used to be, according to a new study.[---]
Researchers found that between 1989 and 2005, the number of sperm in one millilitre of the average 35-year-old Frenchman’s semen fell from about 74 million to about 50 million — a decrease of roughly 32%."
"Geographical differences have been observed between countries, and between areas inside countries,” said Joëlle Le Moal from the Institut de Veille Sanitaire in France, who led the study.Must be global warming.
Writing in the journal Human Reproduction, Le Moal’s team said global analyses have found decreases in sperm counts, as did recent studies in Israel, India, New Zealand and Tunisia."
Labels: Canada, France, humor, men, you can't make this shit up
Labels: France, Russia, you can't make this shit up
Labels: Sask Party, Saskatchewan, unions
"After holding a burial shroud on-air on her Sunday evening show to protest the Muslim Brotherhood, state media presenter Hala Fahmy said state TV cut the transmission of her program.Previously
Fahmy told Egypt Independent that the incident is a part of what she described as the “Brotherhoodization of the media.”
Fahmy pointed to the television coverage of Saturday’s demonstration in front of Cairo University as evidence, saying that both satellite and terrestrial channels spent hours covering the protests in support of President Mohamed Morsy’s recent constitutional declaration, in contrast to the amount of airtime these channels have given anti-Morsy protests in Tahrir Square over the last week."
Labels: Arab Spring, censorship, democracy, dictatorships, Egypt, free speech, revolution
"Hillman, 54, who hails from New Jersey, said he moved to New York almost a decade ago and has been homeless for most of that time.Oh well. At least he should be able to get the "occupy whatever" crowd onside.
The experience of being at the centre of an international story that was triggered by a tourist snapping a photo of officer Lawrence DePrimo giving Hillman a new pair of shoes and socks has clearly left Hillman feeling like he deserves more than he has so far received.
“I was put on YouTube, I was put on everything without permission. What do I get?” he said. “This went around the world, and I want a piece of the pie.”"
Labels: Occupy Wall Street, words fail, you can't make this shit up
Labels: babies, The Royals
Labels: Canadian politics, crime, Keystone XL, Rob Ford, Round up, youth
Labels: Arab Spring, belly dancing, Egypt, Islamism, revolution, Sandmonkey
"Beginning on Dec. 15, foreign nationals making refugee claims in Canada will be divided into two groups, depending upon whether their country of origin is considered a genuine refugee producing country."[---]
"The laws allow the government to create a class of designated countries of origin (DCO). Countries that will be designated under this category will be those that are democratic, that respect human rights, and that offer state protection to its citizens. Countries in the European Union and the United States are expected to be placed into this category. Refugee claimants who come from DCOs will be processed differently than those who make claims from legitimate refugee producing countries."It's about time and that's exactly what I thought should be done.
"The laws allow the government to create a class of designated countries of origin (DCO). Countries that will be designated under this category will be those that are democratic, that respect human rights, and that offer state protection to its citizens. Countries in the European Union and the United States are expected to be placed into this category. Refugee claimants who come from DCOs will be processed differently than those who make claims from legitimate refugee producing countries."Sorry, Dave. You'll have to come up with some other reason, for the time being anyway.
Labels: Canadian politics, Conservative Party, refugees
Labels: CAGW, Canada, humor, Internet, pre-history, sea levels
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, leftards, leftards and leftards, United Nations
Labels: child abuse, children, kicking ass, music, Nothing to See Here Folks, sacrilege, spirituality, tearjerker, victimology, words fail, you can't make this shit up, youth
Labels: anti-semitism, Arab Parallel Universe, Arabs, Brits, CBC, empires, history, Israel, NDP, Palestine, terrorism, United Nations