The Sisterhood...
My sisters all live in Saskatchewan, whereas our one and only brother lives way down, as far away from us as he can, in a lovely little town called Steamboat Springs in Colorado. He and his wife are coming for Christmas in Saskatoon.
The following email exchange took place on December 12:
Bro: "Brenda (his wife, also an honorary member of "The Sisterhood") was telling me that you were asking who likes Micemeat - I DO!!!
For some reason I did not get the e-mail.
Bring lots of mincemeat tarts, butter tarts, pepperment patti cookies etc. I will dispose of them for you!
Love Jack" (Did you notice the typo. Oldest sister certainly did.
Linda: (Oldest member of The Sisterhood and boss of us all.)"Okay, mincemeat for you & Bruce (her husband)! (and me)
(or micemeat, which might be harder to find in the store – gotcha, Jackie-boy) Evil grin."
Arleen: (Baby in the family who is hosting Christmas this year.)LOLOLOL micemeat for Jack!
Me: "LOL!! I never noticed that, but seeing as how winter has arrived, perhaps there are mice inside that can be trapped, skinned and cooked. (Okay, I've lost my appetite now.)"
Bro: "Oh God! I'll go scurrying around after eating those!"
Now you know why he rarely visits. We always tease him that Mom liked him best - WHICH WAS TRUE!! He got all the best toys at Christmas.
Anyway, looking forward to mincemeat tarts. Micemeat tarts, not so much.
Labels: Christmas, family, humor, The Sisterhood
Oh, yeah! Mincemeat Pie! My Mom made the most delicious Mincemeat Pie, from a recipe from her Mom, my Grandma. (Who likely got it from her Grandma, my Great-Grandma, etc., etc.)
My sister has Mom's cookbook now and occasionally makes treats from it. Mincemeat Pie, Date Nut Bread, other delicious stuff.
So, if you and your sisters have some extra mincemeat goodies, feel free to send them to me! :-)
Not much chance there will be any left over, but could I interest you in some micemeat tartS?
OK, if you send me some micemeat tarts, I'll send you some homemade ratatouille. :-)
I like ratatouile!! (The kind made with vegetables.)
Mebbe micemeat ones are considered more vegetarian or something...
And those two are vegetatians.
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