Tuesday, March 31, 2015
And I even forgot it was on. Could have turned a few more lights on.
Labels: David Suzuki, Earth Hour
Monday, March 30, 2015
Meanwhile Back In The Middle East
Israeli medical students ‘adopt’ young wounded Syrian boy
Kurdish Official to Ban Ki-moon: Kurdistan is a Safe Haven for Thousands of Refugees
Ban Ki-moon condemns 'terrorist attacks' at Yemen mosques
Kurdish Official to Ban Ki-moon: Kurdistan is a Safe Haven for Thousands of Refugees
You tell 'em, Kurdistan!!
UN's Ban Ki Moon Advises Israel On 'How to Stay a Democracy'
Uh huh.
Labels: Kurdistan, Middle East, United Nations
Sunday, March 29, 2015
What She Said
Sweden’s feminist foreign minister has dared to tell the truth about Saudi Arabia. What happens now concerns us all
There's too much to quote without copying the whole thing. Just read the whole thing. She better have some good body guards.
Labels: Islam, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Sweeds
Something Is Rotten...
...in the State of Virginia:
Virginia State Bar boycotts Israel
Chamberlain When We Need Churchill: The Rot Spreads to the Virginia State Bar
Anti-Israel sentiments force Virginia Bar to cancel trip to Jerusalem
But then what do you expect with a group of lawyers?
Not Here Yet
"Solar power cannot compete without subsidies and mandates that drive up costs, still require coal"
"When a former “senior communications official at the White House” writes a blog post for U.S. News and World Report, you should be able to trust it. But when the author states that the Keystone pipeline (should it be approved) would create only 19 weeks of temporary jobs, everything else he says must be suspect—including the claim that our “energy infrastructure will be 100% solar by 2030.”
TransCanada’s spokesperson Mark Cooper responded to my query: “While some people belittle these jobs as temporary, we know that without temporary construction jobs—and the hard work of the men and women who do them—we wouldn’t have roads, highways, schools, or hospitals. We wouldn’t have the Empire State Building, the Golden Gate Bridge, or the Hoover Dam. So, I would say to these detractors: ‘It is OK if you don’t like or support Keystone XL. But let’s stop putting down the very people who have helped build America.’”"
Realities of Solar Power - A Tiny House Story
Labels: construction, Keystone XL, oil, solar power
Looks Like...
...The One has got himself into a bit of trouble:
First off:
BREAKING: Barack H. Obama Just Threatened the US Senate With THIS Letter
BREAKING: Entire US Senate Votes 100-0 to Defy Barack H. Obama
U.S. Senate votes unanimously for amendment to send message on Iran
Prime Minister Netanyahu's apology to Arab citizens of Israel. English subtitles by clicking the "cc" box in the video.
Posted by StandWithUs on Monday, March 23, 2015
Israel treats its Arab citizens better than any Arab treats its Arab citizens, and especially, their minorities.
Labels: Arabs, human rights, Israel, minorities
Way To Go...
Iranian Defector: 'U.S. Negotiating Team Mainly There to Speak on Iran’s Behalf'
Close Aide To Iranian President DEFECTS During Nuke Talks, Leaks Stunning Obama’s Deception
WOW: Iranian journalist defector says Obama admin arguing on the SIDE of IRAN in nuke negotiations
Breitbart- The most terrifying danger Americans face from a second Barack Obama term isn’t the economy, which is scary enough.
Muslim ‘Evangelist’ Reveals Scary Agenda For Sharia Law In America
Labels: Barack Obama, Islamism
Friday, March 27, 2015
More here and here.
Labels: Arabs, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, war, Yemen
Yay, Aussies
"Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott ruffled liberal feathers across Australia this week, announcing a series of new measures designed to curb Muslim extremists’ freedom and influence.
Among other measures, Abbott announced that Australia will begin denying welfare to individuals thought to be possible terror threats. He clearly linked Muslims extremism with welfare abuse, pointing out that dozens of Australians now fighting against freedom in the Middle East had received welfare while living in Australia.
Abbott didn’t stop at welfare either. He indicated Australia will begin to revoke passports from some individuals with dual nationality and curb overseas travel.
Each of these measures is meant to reduce the mobility of potential Islamic extremists who would either seek to strike inside Australia or bolster the ranks of the Islamic State terror group in the Middle East.
Abbott made his motivation and intentions very clear. “For too long, we have given those who might be a threat to our country the benefit of the doubt,” he said. “We will never sacrifice our freedoms in order to defend them, but we will not let our enemies exploit our decency either.”
Abbott didn’t confine his remarks to policy either. In a statement many Americans will regret didn’t come from our own president, Abbott charged moderate Muslims to take responsibility for what is happening inside their religion and take steps to stop radical Islamic violence"
Can Hardly Wait
Oh, and I might leave the doors open to let some fresh air (cold fresh air, that is).
Earth Hour based on a myth
"Earth Hour 2015 demonstrates how radical climate activists are ruining the credibility of the environmental movement. Rather than concentrating on sensible objectives we can accomplish such as reducing real air, land and water pollution, protecting species at risk, and conserving scarce resources, Earth Hour focuses mainly on the impossible: ‘stopping climate change.’
In the Earth Hour 2015 Official Video, we are told:
“Earth Hour is a way for the citizens of the world to send clear message they want action on climate change” (UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon).
“If we don’t do anything about climate change immediately, we will have lost the chance to do it” (actor Mark Ruffalo).
“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.” (President Barack Obama).
This is nonsense, of course. Earth’s climate has been changing since the formation of the atmosphere billions of years ago and it will continue to change no matter what we do. Societies which did not adapt to variations in climate died out long ago, a good example being the once prosperous Greenland Viking colonies which perished when the Medieval Warm Period ended in the mid-14th century. Even today, indigenous populations in the Arctic and the Sahel region of Africa experience severe hardship due in part to natural climate change.
Organizers expect us to believe that natural climate drivers such as ocean currents, cloud cover, solar variations, changes in orbital parameters, etc., phenomena that led to multi-million year ice ages and ‘hot house’ epochs when Earth was entirely ice free, are now dwarfed by the impact of man. Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas is taking us to a global warming catastrophe, Earth Hour spokespeople maintain. The fact that ‘global temperature’ has remained flat for 18 years while atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have risen 10% has no impact on their narrative.
Scientific studies summarized by the reports of the Nongovernment International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) demonstrate that the evidence for dangerous human-caused climate change remains weak. NIPCC Lead Author/Editor Professor Bob Carter, former Head of the Department of Earth Sciences at James Cook University in Australia, explains, “Science has yet to provide unambiguous evidence that problematic, or even measurable, human-caused global warming is occurring. The hypothesis of dangerous man-made climate change is based solely on computerized models that have repeatedly failed in practice in the real world.”"
Founder of Greenpeace Destroys Al Gore and Global Warming
New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
Labels: Earth Hour, insanity
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Sharia law goes against all values that we hold dear, blasts LEO MCKINSTRY
"Supporters of cultural diversity prattle about tolerance and equality, but in reality, their demands for acceptance of the Islamic legal code in Britain, they are promoting the most brutish forms of intolerance and inequality.[---]
It is grotesque that self-styled liberals, so smug in their progressive opinions, should back a judicial system that effectively institutionalises persecution, misogyny, oppression, homophobia and barbarity.
Wherever sharia operates across the world, it means the triumph of savage superstition over humane justice, the reign of the mullahs in place of democracy and freedom.
Every theocratic country governed by sharia has an appalling human right records, complete with vicious punishments for so-called crimes like apostasy and blasphemy."
"But sadly in recent decades, the moral self-confidence of the West has been shattered by the malignant doctrine of political correctness, which holds that it is racist to challenge any cultural practices brought by immigrants.[--]
This is the outlook which allowed female genital mutilation to flourish in this country and turned a blind eye to the criminal activities of Pakistani sex gangs preying on vulnerable white girls in places like Rotherham and Derby.
The same morally inverted attitude has facilitated the growth of sharia law in our midst.
Unbelievably, there are now estimated to be a minimum of 85 sharia courts operating in Britain, and the real total could be higher."
"According to one survey, around 40 per cent of Muslims in Britain want to be governed by sharia.
Most of our politicians are too cowardly to speak out forcefully against this trend.
But this week the Mayor of London Boris Johnson was refreshingly uncompromising in his hostility to any form of sharia in Britain.
During a radio interview on LBC, he said that he “won’t have it in London” because “a parallel judicature” is “absolutely unacceptable” and “alien to our traditions.”
Boris is right. His ability to speak with such conviction reflects his reverence for western liberal civilisation, bred through both his historical studies and his cosmopolitan background.
But sadly over recent years, there have been too few figures in our civic life who share this robustness."
I Haven't Heard A Naughty Limerick In Ages,...
These ones are fairly tame.
The following are X-rated:
Jokes 1
Rude Limericks
Dirty Limericks
Naughty Limericks
Adult Limericks
Take That, Obama...
"Two weeks ago, Bibi Netanyahu was praised by conservatives as a world leader as he condemned Obama’s proposed Iranian nuclear deal with fierce clarity. With less American fanfare, two months ago, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, demonstrated his world leadership, urging the Grand Sheik of Al-Alzar to save Islam and the world from perdition, pleading that:"It is inconceivable that the ideology we sanctify should make our entire nation a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction all over the world. You must oppose it with resolve. Let me say it again: We need to revolutionize our religion. Honorable Imam (the Grand Sheik of Al-Azhar), you bear responsibility before Allah. The world in its entirety awaits your words, because the Islamic nation is being torn apart, destroyed, and is heading to perdition. We ourselves are bringing it to perdition.”
I wonder if any of this would be happening if it wasn't for Iran's quest for nukes. The Arab world suddenly finds itself in need of Israel, so they are cozying up.
Hero of the Middle East: Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
"The courageous, historic speech yesterday by the Grand Imam of al-Azhar University, the seat of Sunni Islam, calling for the reform of Islam, was the result of the even more courageous, historic speech delivered a few weeks ago by Egypt's devoutly Muslim President, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.
The Muslim Brotherhood, the current American administration's great friend, is the tree whose fruit is the Islamist terrorism embodied by the ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Nusra Front, Boko Haram and others.
Apparently some of the Sunni Arab States have not yet realized that their own national security, and ability to withstand Iran, depend on how strong Egypt is."
It's A Planet Eat Planet...
Astronomers witness supermassive black hole eat its own galaxy's star-forming gas
Study suggests that Jupiter destroyed early planets
Meanwhile, this is super cool:
Labels: awesomeness, cool, space
Reburial Of Richard The IIIrd's Remains...
"Benedict Cumberbatch, the actor, will read a 14-line poem at the service.
Cumberbatch is Richard III's third cousin 16 times removed, according to researchers at the University of Leicester who said around 13 million others share that connection with the fallen monarch."
Third cousin 16 times removed? Get your head around that one. If he was anything like most monarchs of those days, he also has millions of descendants through all the illegitimate children he fathered.
Labels: history, The Royals
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Justice In Egypt
"The Egyptian government under General al-Sisi just sentenced twenty-one more Muslim Brotherhood members to death by hanging. Amongst the twenty-one sentenced is Mohamed Badie, the chief of the Muslim Brotherhood. Badie and thirteen other Muslim Brotherhood terrorists were found guilty of organizing an “operation room” by which to guide terrorists and mobs to revolt against the al-Sisi government and spread chaos throughout Egypt"
Gotta love that name "Badie".
Labels: al-Sisi, Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, terrorism
Earth Hour
Labels: Earth Hour, idiocy
"The government has cut its funding to the CBC by $115 million over the past three years in the 2012 federal budget."Still too much if you ask me.
"Radio and television ads on CBC and Radio-Canada stations were estimated to bring in $15 million to $20 million but failed to actually produce that much revenue."Likely 'cause no one watches/listens to it.
"People think, ‘Oh geez! I’m giving 29 bucks to CBC/Radio-Canada for these programs!’ No. You’re giving 29 bucks to get the programs, plus [a] reinvestment of close to four bucks in the Canadian economy,” said LaCroix."My one year old grandson can't afford "29 bucks". Can the thing now!!!
Labels: CBC
Monday, March 23, 2015
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling...
I may have to start calling it Great Britain again, instead of The Once Great Britain. We'll see.
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, The Once Great Britain
Global Warming /sarc
"A low pressure system over Western Montana this morning is forecast to track eastward and strengthen somewhat today and tonight, then push slowly across North Dakota Tuesday and Wednesday. An area of rain and snow has already formed over Southern Alberta and Northern Idaho on the north and west sides of the system. This scenario will continue as the system pushes eastward, with snow expected to track into West-Central Saskatchewan tonight and continue eastward on Tuesday. Meanwhile as the system strengthens on Tuesday, snow will develop in southeastern areas Tuesday morning and then intensify during the day.
Southwestern regions should miss the brunt of the snow, however there may be patchy freezing rain overnight. The potential still exists for 10 to 15 cm of snow in total over southeastern areas, and warnings may be issued for some regions as the system moves closer.
The public is advised to monitor future forecasts and warnings as warnings may be required or extended.
Please monitor the latest forecasts and warnings from Environment Canada at www.weatheroffice.gc.ca."
Labels: Brrrrrrrr, global warming, snow, weather
According to press statements by religious authorities on Wednesday, Egypt has the highest number of atheists in the Arab World, amounting to 866.
"This contentious figure was cited by Ibrahim Negm, advisor to Egypt’s Grand Mufti, based on an international survey, conducted by independent polling and survey group "Red C" in 2014.
Negm added that the country has witnessed a marked increase in atheism over the past four years, with a number of Egypt-based groups appearing online, including, “Atheists Without Borders,” “The Atheist Brotherhood,” and “Atheists Against Religions.”
An Egyptian atheist, “X,” whose name is being withheld due to security concerns, commented: “I trust that the number of atheists in Egypt far exceeds 866; at least ten times, if not a hundred times this number, maybe even more … There are likely more than 866 atheists just in downtown Cairo right now … I don’t know how they arrived at this figure. I haven’t heard of such statistics, or a survey being conducted about atheism before today.”
“Given the religiosity and conservatism of Egyptian society, nearly all atheists keep a low profile and do not publicly announce their atheism. So, even if there were a survey or census conducted, many atheists would not disclose their non-belief in religion. It’s a matter of ensuring one’s physical and psychological security.”"
They are also the unhappiest.
Egypt ranks as one of unhappiest countries in the world, says poll
"Out of the 143 countries surveyed for levels of happiness and positive emotions, Egypt fell toward the bottom of the list at 123.
The poll showed that countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are among the lowest in the world when it comes to expressing positive emotions, with an average score of 59. Egypt scored 58 in that list, which was topped by Paraguay and many other Latin American countries that scored 89.
With the exception of Saudi Arabia, all MENA countries scored far below the global mean for happiness. However, the report noted that the data for many Gulf countries had not yet been finalized.
Some of the other saddest countries in the world included Sudan (47), Tunisia (52), Turkey (54) and Afghanistan (55).
“People in the MENA region not only report the lowest positive emotions in the world — they are also reporting the highest negative emotions in the world. In fact, last year, the MENA region represented four of the top five countries in the world for negative emotions — including Iran, which was, interestingly enough, in the news for jailing four young people for making a video about happiness,” the report said."
Contrast and compare:
Israelis ranked 11th-happiest people in the world
Can't have that now. Better find a way to make those Jooooos unhappy. /sarc
And Canada is #6!
Labels: atheism, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Israelis, Middle East, religion, The Religion of Peace
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Did You Know...
Seriously, you can't make this shit up.
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming, you can't make this shit up
Follow The Money
Gates Foundation's $1.4bn in fossil fuel investments
"The charity run by Bill and Melinda Gates, who say the threat of climate change is so serious that immediate action is needed, held at least $1.4bn (£1bn) of investments in the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies, according to a Guardian analysis of the charity’s most recent tax filing in 2013.
The companies include BP, responsible for the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, Anadarko Petroleum, which was recently forced to pay a $5bn environmental clean-up charge and Brazilian mining company Vale, voted the corporation with most “contempt for the environment and human rights” in the world clocking over 25,000 votes in the Public Eye annual awards.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Asset Trust is the world’s largest charitable foundation, with an endowment of over $43bn, and has already given out $33bn in grants to health programmes around the world, including one that helped rid India of polio in 2014."
Al Gore's tangled web of un-green corporate investments
Green energy costs 'far higher than ministers admit'
Merchants of Doubt a Huge Flop at the Box Office
"Never underestimate the intelligence of the American public. Who would go see a movie about global warming in the dead of winter (which is breaking cold and snow records in many areas of the U.S.)? I think, and this is only speculation, that people are tired of having fingers wagged at them like a parent reprimanding a child. From Obama to John Kerry to Gina McCarthy to Gore and so on, maybe, just maybe, people are simply tired of all the lies."
Royal Society Lets The Dogma Out: Global Warming Think Tank Brings Balance to Climate Science Debate
Will Warmists Please Stop Whining
The true cost of UK renewables policy
"The true cost of UK renewables policy is massively understated and household bills could be £214 per year lower if renewables were dropped in favour of gas, according to a report published today by the Centre for Policy Studies, a free-market thinktank.
The report has been covered by the Telegraph, with a focus on the cost of renewables, and by the Daily Mail, which says "Green targets 'cost £214 a year'".
The report's cost estimates are out of line with government figures and its proposed alternative to renewables of relying on gas would be incompatible with UK climate targets. Carbon Brief takes you through some of the details with the help of several energy policy experts."
Seriously, I'll stop gloating, if you stop whining.
Labels: Al Gore, Bill Gates, climate change, fossil fuel
Warm And Toasty...
Global Warming: A Flop at the Box Office
Fossil Fuels Save Europe From Blackouts During Solar Eclipse
New Study: Climate Alarmism Takes One Helluva Beating
Why I’m a Climate Change Skeptic (And warmists should chill out)
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, climate change, global warming, you can't make this shit up
Saturday, March 21, 2015
"They raped and raided. They pillaged and plundered. With their horned helmets and deadly weapons, the Vikings terrorized Europe for centuries.
Or did they?"
"The Vikings are traditionally known for leaving destruction in their wake as they travelled around Europe raping, pillaging and plundering.
But Cambridge University has launched a campaign to recast them as "new men" with an interest in grooming, fashion and poetry.
Academics claim that the old stereotype is damaging, and want teenagers to be more appreciative of the Vikings' social and cultural impact on Britain.
They say that the Norse explorers, far from being obsessed with fighting and drinking, were a largely-peaceful race who were even criticised for being too hygienic."
I think I liked the old image better:

Tsar Putin...
Vladimir Putin’s Russia is treading water in a sea of red ink
Time for another revolution?
Whenever I Hear...
Les and Irene Dube donate $6.5 million to Children's Hospital Foundation in Saskatoon.
And they've been doing that for years.
More here and here.
Labels: charity, philanthropy, wealth
Snowing Out...
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global cooling, global warming
Friday, March 20, 2015
Well, Well, Well!!
Meanwhile, the lamestream media is furiously all worked up about it, and exhibiting a serious case of Harper/Conservative Derangement Syndrome.
Labels: citizenship, Islam, lamestream media, women
Those Aussies Hit It...
WOO HOO! Queensland Parliament in Australia considering a ban on all mosques
When will Canada follow suit?
Trouble For "The One"...
US House Speaker John Boehner to Visit Netanyahu
John Boehner To Visit Israel After Netanyahu Election Victory
US Republican plans Netanyahu visit
Labels: America, democracy, elections, Israel, Republicans
The Origin Of Life
"Origin-of-life researchers have long suggested scenarios for which set of biomolecules may have arisen first and set the stage for the others. But now chemists in the United Kingdom report new evidence that precursors for all three sets of biomolecules—nucleic acids, amino acids, and lipids—can be generated by a pair of simple compounds that would have been present on early Earth. As such, the work offers a possible way out of the paradoxes of the origin of life on Earth."
We're all just one big chemistry experiment
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth -- at least that is one version of the origin of everything that has existed since the Bronze Age."[---]
"An experiment to test this hypothesis was made in 1953 by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey. The scientists put water, methane, ammonia, and hydrogen -- all common chemicals available on the primitive Earth -- into a large flask and provided energy in the form of heat. At the conclusion of this experiment very complex chemicals including amino acids, the foundation of organic chemistry, were found in the flask.
In fact, when the sealed vials of the experiment were tested in 2007, they found more than 20 amino acids in the experiment. Life as we know it uses only 20 of these chemicals, so the experiment seemed to indicate the basic chemistry of life could arise spontaneously, given energy and time."
Origin-of-life puzzle cracked
"Origin-of-life researchers have long suggested scenarios for which set of biomolecules may have arisen first and set the stage for the others. But now chemists in the United Kingdom report new evidence that precursors for all three sets of biomolecules—nucleic acids, amino acids, and lipids—can be generated by a pair of simple compounds that would have been present on early Earth. As such, the work offers a possible way out of the paradoxes of the origin of life on Earth."
The NDP...
Saskatchewan government fails to tackle climate change in provincial budget
"Environment critic Cathy Sproule said budget cuts in the last several years have shown the government's lack of action.
Climate-change deniers exist and ... that's something that is disappointing when we see that kind of attitude within our government," said Sproule.[---]
The NDP will have "a lot more questions" if Eyre is elected in Saskatoon Stonebridge-Dakota in the next election, she said."
"We have the highest per-capita emissions in the country, which is embarrassing."[--]
"Eyre noted in her column that there have been several extreme weather events in history — from extensive flooding in Saskatchewan in 1974 to tornadoes in the mid-western United States in the 1930s.Will it ever end??
"Could it be the weather's always been a bit wacky and prone to periods of extremes?" she wrote. "Ontario may have roasted last summer and a 40 C day there last week inevitability made the evening news. But the province has always been prone to high heat."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, climate, climate change, floods, global warming, tornadoes
Thursday, March 19, 2015
I'm So Glad...
Canada must extend mission to meet Islamic State threat: Nicholson
Rob Nicholson: Canada Wants To Expand Iraq Mission To Keep ISIL Threat In Check
ISIS mission: Rob Nicholson addresses coalition ambassadors
Islamic State suspected of genocide against Yazidis, says UN
Canada must extend mission to meet Islamic State threat: Nicholson
Hip, hip,...
Vikings did not replace Orkney population, concludes DNA study
"Their findings, published in the scientific journal Nature, show that just 25 per cent of the Orcadian DNA was of Norwegian origin, showing “clearly that the Norse Viking invasion (9th century) did not simply replace the indigenous Orkney population.”
The study showed that the UK was divided into 17 genetically distinct clusters of people – three of which are in Orkney."
New genetic study of UK shows 10,000 years of immigration and invasions
Britons’ DNA much more German than Norman, Roman or Viking
Labels: Brits, DNA, Germany, history, invasions, Romans, Vikings
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
PM poised to extend, expand mission against ISIS
Labels: Canada, Iraq, ISIS, Prime Ministers
Go For It
Guaranteed to put the Cons back in power.
Labels: Canadian politics, Liberal Party, NDP
Looking Good
(This is one of the things that actually sucks about our multi-party system. A party does not need a majority to form a government. There is a solution, but it requires compromise by the parties themselves. Like that will happen. Too bad. So sad.)
Labels: Canadian politics, elections, political parties
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Labels: literature, Spain, Spanish
Hope This Holds
If the cons are watching, now would be a good time to call an election.
Libs = 123
Cons = 143
NDP = 66
Greens = 2
BLOC = 4
Others = 0
I wonder which riding the extra "Green" will come from? Likely the left coast.
Labels: Bloc Quebecois, Canadian politics, Conservative Party, elections, greens, Liberal Party, NDP, polls
Fresh From The...
Eric Holder’s Replacement Gets Some Major Bad News
Federal Judge Accuses Eric Holder of Massive Crime… Arrest Him
Eric Holder Announces What He’ll Do His Final Weeks in Office… And It’s HORRIBLE
BREAKING: Missouri Lt. Gov. Drops Felony Bombshell Against Eric Holder
Things are not turning out so well for The One and his crew, are they?
It's gotta be that global warming.
Are you gonna impeach him now?
Speaking of global warming:
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, global warming, politics
Netanyahu And The Arabs
Jon Voight supports Netanyahu in new ad, says Obama abandoning Israel so he can buddy up to her ENEMIES
Ya think!!!??
Netanyahu Himself Says Foreign Powers Are Trying To Defeat Him As Obama’s Meddling Is Probed
Labels: Barack Obama, Netanyahu
Are We Fixing For...
US Tanks Are Rolling Across Latvia
Russia launches large-scale military manoeuvres in the Arctic
Drill spree: NATO tanks arrive for military exercise in Estonia
Or a coup?
Who're you gonna believe?
Monday, March 16, 2015
Let Me Be The First...
Painting the streets green: Cities across the country [Great Britain] celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Labels: Ireland, St. Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Bible As History
Labels: ancient history, Bible, Israel
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Hear! Hear!
"The Kurds practice a moderate form of Islam, have a democracy with regular elections, and are blessed with what The Economist calls “a raucous media” and “a boisterous parliament” (if our cousins across the pond think the media and parliament is let-loose, it really must be). It is time the Kurds in northern Iraq were granted statehood and given greater military aid. This is the Muslim democracy we have been hoping for."
Friday, March 13, 2015
A Bit Old, But...
Time to undo multiculturalism mistake
Labels: Islamism, terrorism, Western Civilization
Thursday, March 12, 2015
The Settled Debate...
Global Warming
"Climate change encompasses both increases and decreases in temperature, as well as shifts in precipitation, changing risk of certain types of severe weather events, and changes to other features of the climate system." That definition covers all weather phenomena throughout all 4.54 billion years of Earth's existence."[---]
"Today CO2 concentrations worldwide average about 380 parts per million. This level of CO2 concentration is trivial compared with the concentrations during earlier geologic periods. For example, 460 million years ago, during the Ordovician Period, CO2 concentrations were 4,400 ppm, and temperatures then were about the same as they are today. With such high levels of CO2, at least according to the warmers, the Earth should have been boiling."[---]
"Climate change predictions have been wrong for decades. Let's look at some. At the first Earth Day celebration, in 1969, environmentalist Nigel Calder warned, "The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind." C.C. Wallen of the World Meteorological Organization said, "The cooling since 1940 has been large enough and consistent enough that it will not soon be reversed." In 1968, Professor Paul Ehrlich predicted that there would be a major food shortage in the U.S. and that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people (would) starve to death." Ehrlich forecasted that 65 million Americans would die of starvation between 1980 and 1989 and that by 1999, the U.S. population would have declined to 22.6 million. Ehrlich's predictions about England were gloomier. He said, "If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.[---]
In 1970, Harvard University biologist George Wald predicted, "Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind." Sen. Gaylord Nelson, in Look magazine in April 1970, said that by 1995, "somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of all the species of living animals (would) be extinct.""
"The most disgusting aspect of the climate change debate is the statements by many that it's settled science. There is nothing more anti-scientific than the idea that any science is settled. Very often we find that the half-life of many scientific ideas is about 50 years. For academics to not criticize their colleagues and politicians for suggesting that scientific ideas are not subject to challenge is the height of academic dishonesty."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
"France has about five million Muslims - the largest Muslim minority in Western Europe - but it is thought only about 2,000 women wear full veils."News like this is coming thick and fast out of Europe. There is hope yet.
Labels: courts, France, Islamosophia, the veil
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Evolution In Action
"By shaping landscapes, dumping pollutants into rivers and lakes, and transforming wild areas into suburban ones, humans are spurning the creation of everything from wild animal hybrids to pests immune to poisons and superbugs that can't be killed with bacteria."
There are several examples of human caused evolution in the article.
Labels: evolution, human intervention
Strange Bedfellows
"Expert tells Arutz Sheva how covert ties with the Saudis might possibly develop, and how Saudi ties with the US are quickly shifting."[---]
"“Saudi Arabia is very angry with the United States for hurting the Kingdom’s interests: the way it supported Mohammed Morsi and opposed Hosni Mubarak; the way it did not follow through (with military action) against Syria over chemical weapons, and now how it is leaving Iran as a nuclear threshold state,” said Yaari."
Labels: Arabs, Israel, Middle East, you can't make this shit up
Very, Very Interesting
"...a group of scientists lead by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader and Cairo University’s Faculty of Archaeology, have recovered a total of more than 400 skeletons, hundreds of weapons, pieces of armor and the remains of two war chariots scattered over an area of approximately 200 square meters.
They estimate 5000 other bodies could be dispersed over a wider area – a huge army for it’s day! And not a peep from the mainstream press..."
Labels: archeology, Bible stores, Christianity
Monday, March 09, 2015
Wanna Know What...
Watch this:
Labels: Afghanistan, ancient history, assholes, brutality, Taliban
What will they do now??? Must be because of those shorts the men wear. They'd prefer it to be a little warmer. /sarc
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, global warming, Switzerland, warmanistas
Barely A Week Goes...
CN crude oil train derailment in Gogama, Ont., ‘very concerning,’ transportation minister says
Train derails in Northern Ontario, heightening safety fears
Update on two ND oil site explosions
Must be a conspiracy by - DO-DO-DO-DO-DO- BIG OIL!!!
Sunday, March 08, 2015
What Took You So...
Extremism in Britain: Now the crackdown is launched Ministers are planning a raft of new measures to help stem the tide of Islamic extremism and radicalisation
"A leaked draft of the Home Office’s new counter-extremism strategy, seen by The Telegraph, targets Sharia courts and calls for a ban on radicals working unsupervised with children over fears the young could be brainwashed.
Other measures include a requirement that staff at job centres identify vulnerable claimants who may become targets for radicalisation, after public outrage at people who hate Britain being able to live off the state.
There will also be an introduction of penalties in the benefits system to make people learn English to improve their integration into British society.
The rules on granting citizenship will also be tightened to ensure new residents embrace “British values”."
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, Islamosophia, The Once Great Britain
Saturday, March 07, 2015
Speaking Of Evolution
"Israel and Saudi Arabia are mortal enemies, but a columnist at a pro-government newspaper in Saudi Arabia this week praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a friend to peace in the Middle East and branded President Obama “one of the worst American presidents” over his negotiations with Iran."
Maybe he does deserve that Nobel Peace Prize, after all. /sarc
Labels: Arabs, Barack Obama, Israel, Nobel Peace Prize
More Interesting Stuff
"Mr. Seyoum, a graduate student in paleoanthropology at Arizona State University, had made a discovery that vaulted evolutionary science over a barren stretch of fossil record between two million and three million years ago. This was a time when the human genus, Homo, was getting underway. The 2.8-million-year-old jawbone of a Homo habilis predates by at least 400,000 years any previously known Homo fossils."
Labels: evolution, human history, interesting, pre-history, science
Friday, March 06, 2015
Never Thought I'd Say This...
"The CBC should be able to fund itself."
Perhaps a coalition involving the Cons and the Libertarians is in the offing.
Labels: Canada, CBC, political parties
Climate Change..
‘Climate Change Is Real Because Shut Up!’ Explains the BBC. Again
A Famous Scientist Becomes a Skeptic
Labels: AGW scam, global warming
Alleged Rapist Paraded Naked, Killed in Nagaland
Beats British justice.
(I don't know how that woman can keep a straight face while she's reporting this story.)
Heavy Sigh
Would that it were not true, but I'm afraid it is only too true.
But we can't have that now, can we?
Feds prepare criminal corruption charges against Senator Bob Menendez
Muslim guilty of jihad plot to bomb NYC subway
Muslim Found Guilty Of Plot To Bomb NYC Subway
UK bomb plot suspect Abid Naseer found guilty
“Jihadi John” linked to 2005 London jihad bomb plot
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, Islamosophia, terrorism
Will Wonders Ever Cease!!!!
Oh, but it's all due to global warming, dontcha know?
There’s growing evidence that global warming is driving crazy winters
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global cooling, global warming
Brass balls indeed! And 27,000!! Almost unbelievable.
Thursday, March 05, 2015
I May Have To Change My Mind...
Nobel Peace Prize Chairman Demoted For Awarding Obama Peace Prize
In "Unprecedented Move" Nobel Peace Prize Chairman Demoted For Decision To Give Obama 2009 Award
Nobel Peace Prize Committee OUSTS Chairman Who Crowned Obama With $1.4 Million Award
Now, if they would just take the prize back from The One.
Labels: Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Long Time Coming...
Fort Hood Terrorist Sentenced To Death, Despite Obama’s Best Efforts
Jury sentences Hasan to death for '09 Fort Hood massacre
Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting rampage
I Mean Quite Literally...
Mount Everest Is Now Covered In Human Poop Thanks To Sloppy Climbers
Labels: mountains, you can't make this shit up, yuk
Must Be An Election Coming
"“This is not parole,” Harper said. “Unlike parole, decisions will not rest with an appointed board but with the federal cabinet, men and women fully accountable to their fellow citizens and to the families of the victims of these crimes.”"
About damned time.
Labels: crime, death penalty, elections, prisons, Stephen Harper
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Woot! Woot!
Labels: Canada, global warming, spring, winter
Well Done, Chad!
"The military of Chad recently overtook 207 Muslim jihadists and slaughtered all of them."[---]
"Chad’s military also claimed to have seized large quantities of small arms and ammunition and two pick-up trucks."[---]
"The African Union last month authorised the creation of the regional force, which will also include Benin, and is pushing for a UN Security Council mandate for the operation."
Monday, March 02, 2015
We Are All GMOs
"We are all genetically modified organisms (GMOs), all 7.1 billion of us and every other creature on earth produced by sexual reproduction. We are all a random combination of our mother’s and father’s genes and are therefore genetically unique modifications. Only identical clones are not genetically modified.[---]
We have been modifying the genetics of plants and animals since agriculture began, first by choosing which superior individuals to select for breeding, and more recently by using radiation and chemicals to induce mutations. How many people know the Durham Wheat used to make most of our pasta had its DNA modified by exposing seeds to high-level gamma radiation? No labeling required.
Oh no, the anti-GMOers opine, “Nature never moves DNA from one species to another; therefore GMOs are ‘unnatural’.” Not so, genes have been moving across species since life began. The random movement of genetic material from one species to another has been one of the driving forces of evolution. The human genome has 70 percent of its genes in common with the sea urchin for example. We would be remiss if we did not harness this naturally occurring phenomenon to improve the genetic makeup of our food crops."
"The new biotech crop varieties have been adopted at such a rapid rate that today 280 million farmers in 27 countries are growing GM crops on 12 percent of the world’s farmland. It would be at least three times that if not for bans and restrictions due to irrational opposition. And now smallholder farmers in developing countries grow the majority of GM crops."RTWT
Warmanistas Are..
Weather Bulletin 8: Records Breaking Across America
"As temperatures continue to dip and snow accumulates, support for claims human caused global warming is causing winters to disappear are melting like ice under a heat lamp.
All fifty states are expecting to see snowfall in the next seven days with most of them already having experienced modest to record amounts of snow as this particularly wicked winter just refuses to let up."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, Brrrrrrrr, CAGW, global cooling, global warming
More Evidence Of A...
Australian Leader Abbott Slams Muslim Imams, Launches Crackdown on Radical Mosques, Muslims Furious
Sarah Palin Puts the Fear of God Into Radical Islamists, Crowd Goes Wild
Even MSNBC Blasts Obama for His Softness on Radical Islam
Austria passes controversial reforms to 1912 Islam law
Expand burka ban, says Muslim group
'Islamophobia’: Austria Passes Reforms Setting Restrictions on Islam, but Not on Other Faiths
Austria's Muslims fear changes to historic Islam law
AUSTRIA reforms its 1912 ‘Islam Law;’ Muslims outraged
Muslim group calls for burka ban
Muslim leaders outraged by Tony Abbott's chiding over extremism
Obama Tracking Muslims For Military And Pentagon Positions, To Replace Patriotic American Commanders
Why I, as a Muslim, am launching a campaign to ban the burka in Britain
Labels: Islam, Islamophobia, Islamosophia
Sunday, March 01, 2015
But It's A Dry...
February cold in Montreal breaks 115-year old record
February was the coldest month on record for Quebec, parts of Ontario
But maybe not, what with the St. Lawrence River and Hudson's Bay nearby.
Labels: AGW scam, Brrrrrrrr, CAGW, Canada, global cooling, global warming
The Best Take On...
Is 'emotional last farewell' fly past of Penang island the key clue to the mystery of missing Malaysia flight MH370?
Labels: plane crashes
"Several sources from within the city of Derna Libya confirmed that ISIS in a surprise move decided to pack up and completely escape from their stronghold coastal city of Derna on the Mediterranean seacoast.
Italy declared that warships will be sent for exercises in the Libyan shores to intimidate ISIS after the latter announced in its branch in Sirte for the execution of five Libyans charged of dealing with the enemies of the Islamic State.
Italian military sources said that several Italian Navy ships were already deployed yesterday towards Libya claiming to conduct naval exercises on the territorial waters of the shores of Tripoli borders. But a spokesman from the Ministry of Defense stated that the maneuvers aimed at terrifying ISIS.
The call by ISIS to evacuate completely from Derna, which surprised most people ordered all fighters to get out quickly which started at midnight on Friday through Saturday in which ISIS fled to the nearby mountain at Ras Al-Hilal area."
Brings to mind Fabrizio Quattrocchi's "I'll show you how an Italian dies."
Apparently they mean business:
Italy said to be preparing an action in Libya, probably near Misurata
Iraqi forces gear up for fierce assault on Tikrit
Every day it seems we are closer and closer to WWIII.
Labels: civilization, ISIS, Islamofascism, Italy, war
Egypt court labels Palestine's Hamas as terrorist group
Parliament Hill shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau buried in Libya
"Zehaf-Bibeau's cousin Ashraf Zehaf said that the body was given an Islamic burial in the town of Zawiya in mid-November and the killer's father travelled to Libya to bury his son in his home country."
Good riddance. Too bad he wasn't given the Osama Bin Laden treatment while being flown over the Atlantic Ocean.
Hillary Clinton Is Not Presidential Material
Understatement of the year, nah, of the decade.
Veto of the pipeline is purely political
Ya think???
Large Triangle-Shaped UFO — The Size Of A Football Field — Filmed Over Mississippi
Labels: Egypt, Hillary Clinton, Round up, terrorism