"I Think I'll Go Out To...
Labels: Alberta, grandchildren, personal
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @ oldweesie@sasktel.net
Labels: Alberta, grandchildren, personal
Labels: Afghanistan, America, Canada, soldiers, war
"A palace source reports. “She [Queen Liz] sent a message to his father, Prince Charles, telling him to pull Harry back in line or there would be consequences.”"Secretly, he's probably jealous.
Labels: scandal du jour, The Royals
Labels: idiocy, Israel, leftards, leftards and leftards, Yawn
Labels: Canadian politics, Liberal Party, NDP, Robocalls
Labels: dictatorships, men, sex, women
"Former Québec Premier Jacques Parizeau has delivered a political shocker and a slap to Pauline Marois. The man who almost won independence for Québec, in 1995, is now supporting Jean-Martin Aussant, leader of a new party called Option Nationale.Now that will be the one to watch!! What percentage of the popular vote will the "Option Nationale" get?
Following the public endorsement by Jacques Parizeau of Jean-Martin Aussant's bid to get reelected in the riding of Nicolet-Yamaska, most observers were quick to point out that it could have an adverse effect on the Parti Québécois' efforts to win a majority government in this year's Québec election (September 4).
Mr. Aussant was first elected to the Assemblée nationale in 2008 as a Parti Québécois member. But he quit three years later, in 2011, because of disagreements with the PQ leader Pauline Marois, whose efforts to win independence for Québec were now seen by Mr. Aussant as too weak. He went on to create his own political party, Option Nationale, and a political program that calls for governing Québec as an independent State as soon as elected. A constitution proclaiming a sovereign Québec would be drafted and submitted to the population through a referendum."
Labels: Canadian politics, leftards, leftards and leftards, Quebec
Labels: hippy-dippy days, history, Memory Lane, personal
Labels: Iran, Mad Mullahs, Middle East, Syria, war
Labels: The Royals
Labels: humor, you can't make this shit up
"A poll conducted by Frank Graves at EKOS Research, entered in evidence in the Federal Court cases, found that a significant number of opposition supporters in targeted ridings reported receiving deceptive phone calls telling them their polling stations had moved."Over a year later, they're coming out of the woodwork? Of course Maude and her gang couldn't possibly have put them up to this.
Labels: Canadian politics, leftards, leftards and leftards, Robocalls
Labels: AGW, blogging, books, fossil fuel, global warming, technology
Labels: Galloway, leftards, leftards and leftards
Labels: Canadian politics, Canuckistanis, Khadr
Labels: Democrats, sex scandals
Labels: Canadian politics, Quebec
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, humor, you can't make this shit up
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, Canada, scumbags, technology, you can't make this shit up
"Mulcair said that new refineries could create jobs and improve Canada’s energy security, but he also reiterated previous comments about his belief that Enbridge’s proposed pipeline would never be approved.Betcha within a very short time he'll be singing the praises of the Northern Gateway route, all the while, finding something to blame on Harper. Gotta throw some bones to the HDS crowd that forms part of his base, too, not just his union buddies who are anticipating all those employment opportunities.
“The problem of course with Northern Gateway is it goes through some of the most pristine ecosystems,” Mulcair said. “It’s extremely dangerous on that coast and I just don’t think it makes any sense.”
He noted that even Prime Minister Stephen Harper has recently suggested that a scientific assessment would determine the fate of the project that would ship about 550,000 barrels of heavy oil every day from near Edmonton to Kitimat.
“Mr. Harper seems over the summer to have discovered the merits of science,” Mulcair said. “The problem is he keeps firing his scientists and the ones he isn’t firing, he’s muzzling. So if we can at least come up with a common understanding and use the highest level of environmental assessment and get the best results, then maybe these things can move forward in other places, but the Northern Gateway I think, is a non-starter.”"
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, Canadian politics, NDP, Northern Gateway Pipeline, oil, oilsands
"The Kitchener, Ont., man and the Australian native were crowned Grand Champions at the fifth annual Canadian Cheese Rolling Festival in Whistler, B.C., Saturday after tearing after cheese wheels bombing down Blackcomb Mountain."It seems to me this should become an Olympic sport. After all, if jumping up and down on a trampoline makes the grade, why not have a cheese chasing race?
Labels: Canuckistanis, humor, Olympics
Labels: Indian Industry, leftards, leftards and leftards
"Insightrix needs to rerun the poll, this time asking Canadians about what actually matters."Dear Tom: Polling companies rarely undertake a poll on their own dime, except maybe during election campaigns during which many parties, both media and political, will be interested in paying to see the results thereof. After all, pollsters do need to earn money for the effort and service they provide.
Labels: AGW scam, lamestream media, polls
Labels: history, Julian Assange, South America, The Once Great Britain, war
"The proposed sale of protected prime lakefront Crown land near Shellbrook to a First Nation that intends to develop it is drawing criticism from environmental groups.Get back on to that reservation, dammit!!
The Fur Lake region is a densely forested area home to scores of birds and other wildlife and should not be sold off, they said.
"This land should not be made available. It should be untouchable," said John Shanks, a local cabin owner who represents the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation on the area's management board.
The potential buyer, the Mistawasis First Nation, intends to build cabins and develop the lakefront property as a way to create much-needed jobs and revenue for its community. The purchase would be funded through a settlement that saw the band compensated for land taken from it a century ago."
Labels: environuts, First Nations, Indian Industry, Indian Mythology
Labels: art, Memory Lane, music, trivia, you can't make this shit up
"The findings are in a survey conducted by Insightrix Research, Inc. for IPAC-CO2 Research Inc., a Regina-based centre that studies carbon capture and storage.Or maybe I'm not permitted to call attention to who commissioned and, presumably, paid for the survey. That's something only leftard environuts are allowed to do. And they don't even need to provide evidence of their claim that "Big (Bad) Oil" is funding deniers.
The online poll of 1,550 people was done between May 29 and June 11. The results were to be released on Wednesday.
"Our survey indicates that Canadians from coast to coast overwhelmingly believe climate change is real and is occurring, at least in part due to human activity," said centre CEO Carmen Dybwad."
"According to the survey, Prairie respondents are least likely to believe that climate change is occurring due to human activity, while residents of Quebec, Atlantic Canada and British Columbia are most likely to hold this belief.
The survey found 44 per cent of Quebec respondents, 34 per cent of Atlantic Canadian respondents and 32 per cent of those surveyed in British Columbia are likely to believe climate change is occurring due to human activity. Alberta and Saskatchewan came in at 21 per cent while Manitoba was at 24 per cent."
Labels: CAGW, environuts, knuckledraggerland, media bias, Saskatchewan
Labels: Iran, Israel, Mad Mullahs, war
"...Scientists have succeeded for the first time in impregnating an elephant with frozen sperm..."That had to be one giant test tube/petri dish.
"Getting anything done around here is like mating elephants.Groan.
It's done on a very high level.
There's a lot of stomping and screaming involved.
And it takes two years to get any results."
Labels: Canada, Canadian politics, Quebec
"Such an event could make thermonuclear war or global warming seem trivial, spewing untold tons of ash into the atmosphere to block sunlight. The result would be many years of frigid temperatures, wiping out millions of species. A super-volcano that erupted 250 million years ago is now believed to have created the greatest mass extinction the world has ever seen, wiping out up to 95 percent of all plant and animal species. Some renegade scientists believe it was a volcano, not an asteroid, that killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago."And it stinks, too.
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, environuts, geological catastrophe, global warming, narratives, Plimer's da Man, volcanoes
"“In the last two years, our sales tax generation has doubled or tripled the pace in the rest of the state, and it’s almost entirely because of Canadians coming south,”"And look at that lineup!! Must be getting some good deals. But, oh, the CO2!! The climate! Damn those Canadians! Maybe Bellinghamers could get the environuts on their side.
"Residents angry at the 'rude Canadians' have now started a Facebook page calling for them to be banned during certain times.What rude bastards those Canadians are, eh? I tell, ya. Times are changing. We're not a British colony any more. We're becoming more and more like those wretched rebels. Yee God!! What's this world coming to!!!
The site, named 'Bellingham Costco needs a special time just for Americans', shows pictures of cars with BC plates "taking up two parking spaces."
Labels: bitching, Canuckistanis, humor, Yanks, you can't make this shit up
Labels: Canadian politics, Canuckistanis, parasites, Quebec
Labels: Islamism, leftards, leftards and leftards
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, books, Indian Head, Indian Industry, personal
Labels: CBC, elections, leftards, leftards and leftards, Liberal Party, Robocalls, Yawn
Labels: men, sex, women, words fail, you can't make this shit up
Labels: children, cute, Memory Lane
Labels: Barack Obama, environuts, Keystone XL
Labels: boring details, Egypt, Islam, Islamists, Israel, Middle East, taqiyya
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, General Petraeus, Hillary Clinton, Yanky politics
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, empires, I've got too much time on my hands, personal, you can't make this shit up
Labels: CBC, lamestream media, media bias, taxpayers money
Labels: anti-Americanism, humans are puny, humor, I've got too much time on my hands, science, Yanks, you can't make this shit up
Labels: bigotry, idiocy, Islamism, narratives
Labels: Barack Obama, humor, Yanky politics, you can't make this shit up
Labels: humor, you can't make this shit up
"The U.S. Department of Agriculture has created the largest natural disaster area in U.S. history. The USDA has declared 1,016 counties in 26 U.S. states to be disaster areas. The USDA declaration basically covered about half of the nation, and there is now no denying how horrible this drought really is."They're a God-fearing people, far more than we atheistic Canucks, in any case. Why not send some of what you've been giving us to them? Hmmmmm? We'd happily share it with them.
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, Canuckistanis, climate, God, weather, Yanks
“The media class is the wall we need to climb over in order for our voices to be heard. Once our voices our heard then democracy will happen.”Oh, yeah, baby. And climbing over is exactly what we are doing with blogs. Our voices, at long last, are being heard. The bludgeon of political correctness is no longer working. What's happening to the left (as the drek circles in the bowl) reminds me of what happens when you push the flusher on a toilet and of scenes from Linda Blair's performance in The Exorcist.
Labels: bloggers, lamestream media
Labels: humans are puny, words fail, you can't make this shit up
"The warmest global climates of the past 65 million years occurred during the early Eocene epoch (about 55 to 48 million years ago), when the Equator-to-pole temperature gradients were much smaller than today and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were in excess of one thousand parts per million by volume. Recently the early Eocene has received considerable interest because it may provide insight into the response of Earth’s climate and biosphere to the high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that are expected in the near future as a consequence of unabated anthropogenic carbon emissions."
"The study in Nature suggests Antarctic winter temperatures exceeded 10C, while summers may have reached 25C.[---]
Better knowledge of past "greenhouse" conditions will enhance guesses about the effects of increasing CO2 today."
"The early Eocene was a period of atmospheric CO2 concentrations higher than the current 390 parts per million (ppm )- reaching at least 600ppm and possibly far higher.Inneresting, no?
Global temperatures were on the order of 5C higher, and there was no sharp divide in temperature between the poles and the equator."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, geologic time, global warming, narratives, Plimer's da Man
Labels: This label has been censored by the Committee for Morality, Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, words fail, you can't make this shit up, yuk
"The provincial NDP decries what its president calls a “lack of civility displayed by Sask. Party activists,” while the executive director of the party of Premier Brad Wall’s government called the situation “laughable.”[---]
In a statement, Cory Oxelgren, president of the NDP, said the party launched a website Tuesday on which it invited comments directed to Wall about the government’s proposed labour law changes. The timing corresponded with the launch of the NDP caucus’s “consultation tour” on the same issue, but was a separate effort."
"Many of the comments indicated support for Wall and the Sask. Party, which appeared ironic on Twitter under the NDP heading, which was later changed to “SKLabour Review.” Some were negative regarding the NDP and organized labour in general.In other words, the comments were politically incorrect.
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, Canadian politics, cool, knuckledraggerland, leftards, leftards and leftards, NDP, Sask Party, Saskatchewan
Labels: America, history, Middle East, oil, scaaarrry