Oh Gawd...
The first man to stand on the moon is dead. I don't really care about Diller. I wasn't crazy about her at the time and she was just another comedian with her own brand of schtick and rather stupid schtick at that, but Armstrong! That's a different story. Armstrong's bouncing, weightless hopping around on the moon epitomized the highest achievement of mankind. To me, it represented the apex of American power and ingenuity. And in my ever so humble opinion, things have been in a long, slow decline ever since. Now maybe I'm exaggerating. Maybe American achievements have continued apace, but I can't think of a single event that so galvanized and amazed the world like that one did, except maybe the fall of the Berlin Wall, which in many ways was also an American achievement.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I'm must be getting close to the end too, with all these old icons popping off every day, and I worry about the problems our generation are going to leave behind when we croak, too. Will the never ending crisis in the Middle East be solved, for example. I'd be very surprised if it is. And it began before I was born. Will leftardism ever cease and desist? I doubt that, too. I just hope they are permanently assigned to be on the outside looking in, screeching, contorting and leaving their slime all over the place.
But anyway, enough of that. I intend to live a few more days. Enough to get my weeding done anyway.
Holy cow! And The Count too!
Labels: hippy-dippy days, history, Memory Lane, personal
According to Armstrong himself, he actually said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." For some reason, the recording and transmission didn't pick up the "a" but Armstrong said he distinctly remembers saying it.
In any case, Neil Armstrong was a truly remarkable man, as his Wiki bio shows. We are all in his debt. Truly, "the right stuff".
You know what I like best about him? I've been reading quite a bit and he, apparently, was a sort of nerdy kid. All hail to the nerds!! I'll betcha the cool kids from his youth went on to accomplish - well - not much.
If humanity doesn't blow itself to bits, the nerds and geeks will sooner or later end up owning the world. The 1% of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. will end up being the bosses of all the rest of us. Maybe that's an evolutionary step upwards from the 1% being composed of the baddest warriors and most ruthless dictators.
I think the geeks already own the world. I'm addicted to the net, after all. Tim Berners-Lee, damn you.
Oh yes,and the biggest nerd of them all, Al Gore.
Al Gore?! Al hasn't evolved upwards from Pond Scum to Nerd yet! That'll take a few more eras.
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