Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Remember When...

...Environuts worshiped Indians because they were the original environmentalists. Well, baby, we've come a long way:

Lakefront crown land sale draws protests

New jobs would help band
"The proposed sale of protected prime lakefront Crown land near Shellbrook to a First Nation that intends to develop it is drawing criticism from environmental groups.

The Fur Lake region is a densely forested area home to scores of birds and other wildlife and should not be sold off, they said.

"This land should not be made available. It should be untouchable," said John Shanks, a local cabin owner who represents the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation on the area's management board.

The potential buyer, the Mistawasis First Nation, intends to build cabins and develop the lakefront property as a way to create much-needed jobs and revenue for its community. The purchase would be funded through a settlement that saw the band compensated for land taken from it a century ago."
Get back on to that reservation, dammit!!

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