Dippers - Doing What Dippers Always Do
'Lack of civility' closes website
"The provincial NDP decries what its president calls a “lack of civility displayed by Sask. Party activists,” while the executive director of the party of Premier Brad Wall’s government called the situation “laughable.”[---]
In a statement, Cory Oxelgren, president of the NDP, said the party launched a website Tuesday on which it invited comments directed to Wall about the government’s proposed labour law changes. The timing corresponded with the launch of the NDP caucus’s “consultation tour” on the same issue, but was a separate effort."
"Many of the comments indicated support for Wall and the Sask. Party, which appeared ironic on Twitter under the NDP heading, which was later changed to “SKLabour Review.” Some were negative regarding the NDP and organized labour in general.In other words, the comments were politically incorrect.
Dippers. They can dish it out, but they can't take it. I would suggest they pick up their marbles and run on over to CBC's website where they're sure to receive a warm welcome from their comrades, sisters and brothers.
Seriously, give your heads a shake folks. You shut the website down because you didn't like the way Saskatchewanites were responding to your fishing expedition.
Makes me think (hope) we really are done with the Dippers in this province. It's looking more and more like that's so. The bullies always retreat when you stand up to them. The proletariat is fighting back. We have stood up and we're roaring. And they're fwightened.
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, Canadian politics, cool, knuckledraggerland, leftards, leftards and leftards, NDP, Sask Party, Saskatchewan
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