Sunday, September 29, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Good For You...
=========Original Post Starts Here=========
Although I had no skin in this game, I was watching, reading, listening, and generally shaking my head in disbelief.
What really pissed me off, was the advertizing spots produced by CUPE, against the private-public partner ship. (No vested interest there, of course.) They were littered with stale old lefty-speak about the evils of private enterprise.
Not only that but they featured people that did not even live in Regina, and who, to the best of my knowledge have never lived in Regina, including one from my home town.
I suspect (hope) that means our two major cities are no longer swayed by brain-dead leftardish ideology and their sleazy tactics. Being university towns, they have traditionally been dominated by left wing zealotry. Perhaps that is finally dead. (Fingers crossed. Knocking on wood.)
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, knuckledraggerland, leftards, leftards and leftards, Saskatchewan
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I Don't Know What...
Emotional welcome for ex-Israeli captive Schalit in Montreal
"Schalit, 27, looking well and much better than the very thin, pale man he was when he returned to Israel in October 2011, appeared dazed and humbled by the emotional response from the audience.[---]
He received two sustained standing ovations, filled with shouts and whistles, from a crowd that included many young people.
Wearing a grey sports jacket and black tie and without glasses, Schalit emphasized his gratitude to the community and to Canada."
"To his delight, Schalit was presented with a Montreal Canadiens jersey with his name on the back and the number 18, meaning life."[---]
"Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander echoed that sentiment.Well, some of us do.
Alexander, a former diplomat who served as ambassador to Afghanistan, said the prisoner exchange was “not a sign of weakness on Israel’s part, as its enemies have tried to spin it, but of strength and moral courage.”
Israel’s strong democratic values, he added, are in sharp contrast to those of its neighbours.
This is the reason, Alexander emphasized, that his government, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper personally, have repeatedly taken such a strong stand in support of Israel.
Canada has “taken flak of the international stage” for this position, but the Harper government will remain constant, he said.
“The reason is not that it is necessarily in our interest, as narrowly construed, but because we share values” of democracy and human rights, Alexander said."
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, Israel, Western Civilization
Haunting Memorial
"The shapes were then left to the mercy of the tide which washed away the 'fallen' after around four and a half hours."And speaking of which:
Was a Canadian soldier mistakenly given a Nazi burial? Hopes that DNA testing will finally reveal whether remains of this private were laid to rest in a German war cemetery
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Islamism And Quebec
"Claire L’Heureux-Dubé claims she sees more veiled women in Quebec than in her travels to Muslim countries."[---]
"The province’s minority government argues that its initiative will bring to heel a growing wave of unreasonable faith-based exceptions from societal and workplace rules, guarantee equality of the sexes in the province and reinforce the religious neutrality of the state.What's next, I wonder? Quebec's Values Charter takes aim at all faiths, not just Islam, yet, unlike this former Supreme Court Judge, it seems too chicken shit to call a spade a spade.
The many critics in the political, legal and academic arenas warn the proposal would violate religious freedoms already enshrined in Canadian and Quebec charter rights and inevitably be ruled unconstitutional."
Labels: democracy, Islamism, Islamosophia, Quebec
Back To Egypt
"The Islamist movement's financial assets are also ordered confiscated in one of the current government's most sweeping measures yet against the group."[---]
"For most of its 85-year history, the Muslim Brotherhood has been an outlawed organization. Now it has come full circle.[---]
The Islamist movement, which soared to undreamed-of political heights when one of its leaders became Egypt's president last year, suffered a decisive blow Monday when an Egyptian court banned all of its activities and ordered the confiscation of its financial assets. It was among the current government's most sweeping measures yet against the group, most of whose leaders have been jailed on serious charges, with thousands of its followers dead or in hiding.
But what remains to be seen is whether this latest move by an increasingly authoritarian interim government will provoke a backlash, enhancing the movement's prestige in the eyes of supporters, and stiffening the resolve of its remaining followers."
"Monday's court ruling, the text of which was made public by the state news agency, included a broad-ranging indictment of the Brotherhood's "abuse and arrogance" during its months in power, and a ringing endorsement of the coup that brought Morsi down.It ain't over yet, by a long shot.
Pressure on the group had heightened in the last week after separate court rulings froze several top leaders' assets, and its most visible English-language spokesman was picked up by police. The latest ruling paves the way for authorities to move separately against the movement's many branches, with the likely effect of driving its adherents even deeper underground."
Labels: Arab Spring, Egypt, revolution
"New Democrats consider this an outrage."
Harper takes a pass on UN blowhard opportunity
"Stephen Harper won’t address the UN General Assembly when it gathers in New York this week, just as he didn’t address it last year or the year before.
The Prime Minister will be in New York, but won’t make the trip to UN headquarters to join other government leaders at the podium. John Baird, the Foreign Affairs Minister, will get that honour, as he has for the past two years. Instead Harper will co-chair a session on health issues for women and children in developing countries, part of a Conservative initiative launched in 2010, and take part in a discussion on the economy at the Canadian-American Business Council.
New Democrats consider this an outrage. “It’s embarrassing that the Prime Minister — for the second year in a row — will be in New York during the opening ceremonies of the UN General Assembly, but apparently can’t be bothered to show up, stand up, and speak up on behalf of Canada,” intoned Paul Dewar, the NDP critic.
Mr. Dewar speaks before he thinks. Other than a few leaders — the U.S., China or Russia — General Assembly speeches draw little attention beyond the leader’s own delegation. But they’re very popular with international despots who enjoy the chance to harangue less repressive countries under the protection of the UN banner."
Labels: NDP, Stephen Harper, United Nations
Monday, September 23, 2013
Striking Back
Tough shit!!
There. I've discussed it.
Labels: Europe, Islamism, Islamization, Islamosophia
Welcome To...
City council to examine strip club rules
As long as they allow those Chippendale guys.
Labels: "If you are not with us...", I've got too much time on my hands, men, Virtue and the Prevention of Vice
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
I'm Starting To Like...
"Pope Francis said the Catholic Church must shake off an obsession with teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality and become more merciful, or risk the collapse of its entire moral edifice “like a house of cards.”I like people who shake things up. There are a few other areas that desperately need a good shaking, though. Oh well. The pendulum is swinging.
In a dramatically blunt interview with an Italian Jesuit journal, the Pope said the church had “locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules” and should not be so prone to condemn."
Comments Are Disabled...
Good ole Rex Murphy, CBC's one and only gem who doesn't bow down to political correctness is allowed to tell it like it is, but God forbid they let anyone else have their say. There's no telling what might happen.
Labels: Canada, CBC, lamestream media, political correctness, Quebec, Rex Murphy
Red Green...
Danish engineers plan to send astronaut into space in homemade rocket made from cork, duct tape
Duct tape is going into space, along with pigs and frogs.
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, humor, science, you can't make this shit up
Thursday, September 19, 2013
We All Know "Climate Skeptics" ...
And we all know that big journalism doesn't "spin" the very same subject, right?
Climate Skeptic Groups Launch Global Anti-Science Campaign
Pretty lame.
Labels: CAGW, climate change, global warming, journalism, journalists
It's Getting Really Hot...
Egyptian security forces encircle Islamist stronghold near Cairo, senior officer killed
51 arrested in raid on Islamist-dominated district near Cairo
Egypt police storm area near Cairo, officer killed
Egypt Police Storm Islamist Stronghold Near Cairo
Labels: Arab Spring, Egypt, Middle East
You Go...
Pipe ceremony 'moon time' rule stirs debate
University of Saskatchewan
Or, "Political Correctness Takes a Hit". Will wonders ever cease?
Did I ever tell ya, the first time I ever heard someone actually use the term "politically correct" to excuse themselves from acknowledging the truth, was from the mouth of a faculty member in the Native Studies Department at the U of S. The faculty member was herself an Aboriginal woman.
Me thinks there is a certain professor at my Alma Mater who should receive an email from me, if I can find his email address.
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, Indian Industry, Indian Mythology, political correctness, you can't make this shit up
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Thing is, is he scared of some "collateral damage" coming out of the situation in Syria? Is he reflecting the fact that Iran has been crippled and isolated? Or is he just feigning innocence while plotting evil? Or something else? In any case it sure is an about face.
Labels: Iran, Mad Mullahs, nukes
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Tough Shit!
But he's way too young. And I'm sure the drug cartels will get to him.
==========Original Post Starts Here==========
Mexico 'Really Mad' At Canada
"The Mexican ambassador to Canada says his country is "really mad" at the Harper government for the continued imposition of a visa on its travellers here. Ambassador Francisco Suarez told The Canadian Press in an exclusive interview that Mexico is so upset that if the issue isn't resolved by next year, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto might have to postpone a planned visit to Canada."BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Labels: Canada, diplomacy, Harper's hidden agenda, Mexico, Stephen Harper
Sunday Afternoon Round-Up
Kinda reminds me of my late Uncle John: Shot down over France. Captured by the Germans. Spent the rest of WWII as a prisoner of war.
I'm glad they recovered the remains of these two men, so many years after the war. They had laid there for a long, long time.
The Ig Nobels are at it again: Shrew eating, penis amputation studies earn Ig Nobel prize
As you can see, there's a Canadian angle:
"The work of a Canadian anthropologist who studied how a shrew would look after being eaten, digested and defecated by a human has been honoured with an Ig Nobel prize, alongside research on penis amputations and how drunkenness affects perceptions of attractiveness."Well done, Canada! I've always wanted to know how a shew would look after being eaten and turned into poop!
More here:
And, in case you'd forgotten there are other royals in Europe: Swedish king, 40 years on throne, invites everyone to dance
Ahhh. How romantic. I wonder if he steps on her feet, and would she say anything if he did?
Another washed up old star trying to find a way to get some attention again:
A far cry from 'Hiroshima'
"Only a mind-yodelling vacuous lyricist could dredge up this tasteless analogy — comparing a Canadian city and its inhabitants with a radioactive ruin".Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea ice In 2013 - 'Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record'
Well, let's say that's just about it, ladies and gentlemen. It will be very hard for the warministas to continue this folly much longer, and I'm certainly done with it.
Speaking of "done with it" I've been meaning to start another blog for some time now, on a different subject entirely, one that I have only briefly touched on here from time to time, so stay tuned. But I hereby declare the global warming climate change fiasco to be kaput and I don't care how the warministas deal with it. I feel certain some of them will have grown up a bit and learned from this experience. The rest are just a lost cause and I don't even feel sorry for them.
It is too bad so much money was spent on this non-sense. I hope some heads roll, but they probably wont.
Labels: AGW scam, Europe, Ft. Mac, history, Hollyweirdos, oilsands, Round up, The Royals
Saturday, September 14, 2013
You Go Girls!!
Labels: humor, I've got too much time on my hands, women
Friday, September 13, 2013
My Little Sydney...

Labels: cute, girls, grandchildren, personal, sweet
Just To Show...
Balloonist trying to cross Atlantic with 400 balloons ditches in Newfoundland
Labels: Canuckistanis, Yanks, you can't make this shit up
How 'Bout Them...
I'm not much of a professional sports fan, unless a significant team gets in the finals, and by "significant" I mean a Canadian team in the NHL or the Saskatchewan Roughriders in the CFL.
Earlier in the CFL season this year, it seemed the Riders could be headed for the Grey Cup (or is it Gray? Don't know. Don't care.)
Anywho, I was wondering what the Riders would do this year to screw up in the dieing minutes of the big game. The 13th man would be a hard act to follow.
Well, now I have my answer. They're not even going to bother with the Grey Cup:
Another Roughrider charged with aggravated assault after bar fight
Ooogah! Ooogah! Ooogah! Ooo! Gah! Gah! GO R
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, knuckledraggerland, sports
The Humanity Loving...
(Several months ago, during the flooding in Calgary, an article about the flood appeared on CNN's website. Comments are still going on. This is a little example of the humanity loving zealotry on display. Of course, I had to poke my face and my comments into the fray. Here is one brief exchange.)
ronjayaz Steve
• 3 months ago
On behalf of all humanity, pleze discuss climate change. This is no time for pious keening.
LouiseShah ronjayaz
• a day ago
Who appointed you to speak "on behalf of all humanity"?
ronjayaz LouiseShah
• 16 hours ago
Okay, I'll exclude U and say, "On behalf of almost all humanity..."
Labels: AGW scam, leftards, leftards and leftards
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Canuckstani Humor
"Shortly after a British Airways flight had reached its cruising altitude, the Captain announced:
'Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain.
Welcome to Flight 293, non-stop from London Heathrow to Toronto The weather ahead is good,
So we should have a smooth, uneventful flight. So sit back, relax and... OH, MY GOD !'
Silence followed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some moments later the Captain came back on the PA; 'Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry if I scared you.
While I was talking to you, a flight attendant accidentally spilled a cup of hot coffee in my lap.
You should see the front of my pants!'
One Newfie passenger yelled,
'Lord tunderen jezis,
You should see the back of mine!'"
Labels: Canuckistanis, humor
How 'bout...
Wind proponents want to sell power to City of Saskatoon
Labels: idiocy, knuckledraggerland, Saskatchewan
What Started As...
Obama team fires back at Putin op-ed on Syria
Amid all the sorrow and inhumanity in the world, sometimes there is outright hilarity. What's Obama going to do next? Bang his shoe on the desk in the Oval Office and then throw it at Putin? Funny how history just keeps playing over and over and over:
Labels: Barack Obama, Cold War, history, Soviet Union
Y'all Have Heard How We Deniers Are..
Check out the interview with Joanne Nova from the link here. She cites a figure of $257 billion in grants/money warmists have consumed. I have no idea whether that's Australian dollars or American, but it's a little gem worth spreading.
Labels: AGW scam, global warming, oil
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
The rest are here.
Labels: AGW scam, Aussies, climate change, CO2, global warming
Even My Pollyannish Optimism...
Child bride, 8, dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: Residents, activist
"An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night after marrying a man five times her age, a social activist and two local residents said, in a case that has caused an outcry in the media and revived debate about child brides.[---]
Arwa Othman, head of Yemen House of Folklore and a leading rights campaigner, said the girl, identified only as Rawan, was married to a 40-year-old man late last week in the town of Meedi in Hajjah province in northwestern Yemen.
“On the wedding night and after intercourse, she suffered from bleeding and uterine rupture which caused her death,” Othman told Reuters. “They took her to a clinic but the medics couldn’t save her life.”
Othman said authorities had not taken any action against the girl’s family or her husband.
A local security official in the provincial town of Haradh denied any such incident had taken place. He did not want to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the press."
"Human Rights Watch urged Yemen’s government in December 2011 to ban marriages of girls under the age of 18, warning it deprived child brides of education and harmed their health.Shakes head. Sheds tear.
Quoting United Nations and government data, HRW said nearly 14 percent of Yemeni girls were married before the age of 15 and 52 percent before the age of 18. The group said many Yemeni child brides-to-be are kept from school when they reach puberty."
As one of the commentors says, Happy September 11th, everyone.
Labels: Arabs, child abuse, Islam, Islamosophia
Forelorn Hope In Next Year Country
"The federal NDP is wrapping up its summer caucus retreat in Saskatoon today.
Official Opposition leader Tom Mulcair told Saskatoon Morning his party is focusing on winning seats in Saskatchewan in the 2015 federal election.
Even though Saskatchewan is the birthplace of the CCF/NDP, the party has not won a seat federally since 2000.
With new electoral boundary maps that have been redrawn to include urban ridings, Mulcair and the NDP believe they have a better chance of making inroads in the province."
Mulcair runs into a Wall in Sask
"Of course, federal politicians are supposed to be optimistic when they make their occasional forays into the hinterlands where they enjoy little or no support.Hope not. One Liberal is bad enough.
So one certainly expected federal NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair to accentuate the positive during his "return to Saskatchewan roots" summer retreat, where he has waxed on about how much this province means to his party.
And with the demise under boundary reorganization of what Mulcair described as Saskatchewan's "rurban" seats, it's quite possible that his party can win a seat or two or three in the 2015 vote. Heaven knows that Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau hasn't exactly inspired the kind of confidence in this province that will deliver the Grits much more than Ralph Goodale's perennial Wascana seat.
But it's beyond optimism for the NDP to win five Saskatchewan seats, as the Ottawa pundits seem to be thinking, or a majority of the province's 14 ridings as Mulcair boldly predicted Monday. Making such a prediction is to venture into the realm of fantasy and New Democratic folklore that thinks of Saskatchewan as an NDP province or that it really has ever been fertile territory for the federal party. As cabinet minister Gerry Ritz put it Monday, "Mr. Mulcair is probably making use of some of Justin Trudeau's decriminalized marijuana." The good news for the NDP is that the new federal boundaries offer a chance to show that Saskatchewan isn't necessarily homogeneously Conservative. The NDP's best chance is the new Regina Lewvan seat, which is similar to the former Regina West seat that Les Benjamin held for years. Regina lawyer Noah Evanchuk, a previous candidate in Palliser, is likely to win the party's nomination and the NDP will put substantial resources into the riding.
The party also has a good chance in Saskatoon West, although the persistence of former candidate Nettie Wiebe in seeking the nomination may not be as helpful as one thinks, given that she may be well past her best-before date as a political commodity. Rumour has it the party aggressively pursued two-time provincial NDP leadership candidate Ryan Meili, but that Meili's always limited interest in politics waned with Wiebe's expression of interest in the nomination."
But if they do, it will be in our cities. Funny how the CCF/NDP began as an agrarian movement, but is now almost exclusively a city phenomenon. Hope the good folks of Regina and Saskatoon shut them out and shut them up. However, look for the areas around the universities, and the North, to go NDP. Those are the only places left were the Dippers have any stalwarts. Common sense prevails every where else.
Labels: elections, knuckledraggerland, NDP, Saskatchewan
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
This Blog Entry Is Dedicated To...
My online avatar is Queen Boadicea, AKA, Warrior Maiden. Lots of good stuff there, besides me.
Labels: personal, The Once Great Britain
Oh Yah!!!
Writers, filmmakers to demand Egypt free detained Canadians
But they're Canajun, don't ya know. You know. Peace keepers. They are also artsy-fartsy types. How dare anybody not listen to them.
Labels: art, Canuckistanis, CBC, spoiled brats
Well, There's...
...and then there's this:
And now it's global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year
'World's largest volcano discovered beneath Pacific
Ian Plimer has a lot to say about underwater volcanoes in his book, Heaven and Earth.
PS: I'm really getting tired of this issue. Hopefully, within a year or two, we won't hear any more about it.
Labels: global cooling, global warming, Plimer's da Man
Monday, September 09, 2013
Sunday, September 08, 2013
Returning To The Graveyard
New Democrat MPs return to Saskatchewan roots to plot parliamentary strategy
Faster, please.
Labels: Canadian politics, history, knuckledraggerland, NDP, Saskatchewan
Saturday, September 07, 2013
Thank God For Captions
Yes. Britain once ruled the waves. Now she's going down the tube. Nothing lasts forever. (Heavy sigh. I hate to see that happening to the land of my ancestors.)
Labels: history, music, The Once Great Britain
Friday, September 06, 2013
Another Hmmmm!
"A man excluded from an election for chief of a Saskatchewan First Nation because he did not have a Grade 12 education has successfully fought to have a byelection called on the reserve.[---]
Louis Taypotat, who is 75, challenged the exclusion in Federal Court after he was not allowed to run in the 2011 election on the Kahkewistahaw First Nation in southeastern Saskatchewan."
"Taypotat's initial argument that he was discriminated against was unsuccessful, but the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled that the band's election rules violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms."I must say, I think I'm with him on this one. It's not unusual for a man that age to have less than grade 12. Perhaps the band felt he was not sufficiently indoctrinated. In any case, it's rather funny considering how we always hear about how revered elders are amongst First Nations communities. And what's this about using the Whiteman's courts. Why wasn't there a sentencing circle?
Labels: education, First Nations, hypocrisy, Indian Industry
Equipment problem blamed for power outage
We have power outages nearly every day. Often they are only for a few seconds, but it's enough to make all the electric clocks go blink, blink, blink, blink.
I even had a long term battle with Sask Power recently that involved several phone calls and letters to them and several choice words exchanged between us. I even got Premier Wall involved and he even replied and thanked me. And I WON!!
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, knuckledraggerland, personal, Saskatchewan
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Sometimes I Amaze Myself...
St. John's researchers studying Basque bones Four-century-old bones are remains of Basques people who hunted whales near Labrador
Welcome To The Middle East...

HT:Answering Muslims
Labels: Islam, Middle East, you can't make this shit up
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Moving Right Along
"A French intelligence report on Monday alleged that the Syrian regime launched an attack on Aug. 21 that involved a "massive use of chemical agents" and could carry out similar strikes in the future.[---]
The government, on its Web site, published a 9-page intelligence synopsis about Syria's chemical weapons program that found that at least 281 deaths could be attributed to the attack in rebel-held areas outside Damascus. The analysis based that count in part on dozens of videos culled by French intelligence services."
"The intelligence estimate also said it didn't appear to be the first time that chemical weapons were used in Syria this year. It said French intelligence services had collected urine, blood, soil and munitions samples from two attacks in April — in Saraqeb and Jobar — that confirmed the use of sarin gas."I wonder if they're worried about a resurgence of car-be-ques?
Labels: Ba'athists, car-be-ques, chemical weapons, France, Syria, war
I Think We're About Due...
In Britain, Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements
Labels: censorship, free speech, Islamization, raaaacism, race hucksterism, The Once Great Britain, words fail, you can't make this shit up
It Was "Les Anglais"
"Somewhere under the forests, soil and bedrock of southern Quebec lie the ancient, undiscovered traces of an enormous meteor strike so catastrophic that it helped change the Earth's climate and alter human history.
At least, that's what Dartmouth University geochemist Mukul Sharma argues in a newly published paper, which could lead to an explanation of one of the most baffling episodes in our planet's history.
"The whole idea is controversial," he said. "There's a correlation between a climate event and a meteor, but what is the cause? How did it all play out?"
Sharma has long been fascinated by a period about 13,000 years ago called the Younger Dryas, during which the Earth suddenly reversed a warming trend and cooled radically for more than a millennium.
North American ice-age mammals from camels to ground sloths to sabre-tooth tigers became extinct. Ancient humans had to put away their mastodon spears and learn to survive on roots, berries and small game — and maybe even shift to agriculture.
"It was an abrupt event when the Earth (was starting) to warm up," said Sharma. "Suddenly, the climate changes again to very, very cold conditions and remains so for 1,400 years and then goes back merrily to warming again."
But why?"At least Mr. Sharma acknowledges that correlation does not prove cause and effect, unlike so many of the global warmanistas. But I'll bet he hasn't explored the possibility that this event was an Anglais conspiracy.
Labels: AGW scam, global cooling, Quebec, science
Monday, September 02, 2013
Have You Noticed?
Climate change 'driving spread of crop pests'
There have been "potato bugs" in gardens here for eons. I would think that if they are showing up further north where they previously were never seen, perhaps means that potatoes are, too. And potatoes are a very versatile veggie. Try potato pancakes, potato blintzes, potato soup, scalloped potatoes (or "scalped" potatoes as we kids use to call them), baked, boiled or mashed.
And we've had sprays, powders and bug squishers to deal with them, too. The little critters have not been able to take over.
Potatoes store well, too. It was always funny to peer into the potato bin in the spring and see these spider-like creatures with long white tentacles growing out of them. They kept well, all winter long. By the time they had these long sprouts on, there was another crop in the ground.
Anyway, the warmanista global warming hysterics are getting really, really comical. Perhaps they should read up on a bit of Saskatchewan history and learn how new strains of wheat were developed in order to make agriculture viable on the Canadian prairies. My ancestors needed wheat that matured in a shorter growing period, and, thanks to agricultural research stations spread out across the Canadian prairies, they got it!
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, science, you can't make this shit up
Big Oops!
And your point is? A Ba'athist is a Ba'athist is a Ba'athist.
Labels: Iraq, Syria, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Oh Canada, Again!
But, but, but. Alberta is the most bigoted region in Canada, dontcha know. (Seriously, though. Calgary rocks.)
Sunday, September 01, 2013
Yawn. Another Day...
Toddler's death in Hobbema treated as suspicious
You'll notice our exquisitely politically correct CBC has turned off the comments on this one. Quelle surprise.
Labels: CBC, children, First Nations, political correctness
Proxy War Already On
As long as they don't have to do it themselves.
"Arab states on Sunday urged the international community to take action against the Syrian government over a chemical gas attack that killed hundreds of civilians.[---]
The final resolution passed by an Arab League meeting in Cairo urged the United Nations and international community to “take the deterrent and necessary measures against the culprits of this crime that the Syrian regime bears responsibility for.”"
"The League foreign ministers also said those responsible for the attack should face trial, as other “war criminals” have.
Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said condemnation of Syria over the poison gas attack, which U.S. officials say killed 1,429 people, was not enough.
He said opposing international action on the grounds that it was “foreign intervention” was no longer acceptable.
“Any opposition to any international action would only encourage Damascus to move forward with committing its crimes and using all weapons of mass destruction,” said Faisal."
Iran is salivating at the possibilities. Or is that "shaking in their boots", trying to pretend they are invincible.
France is all bluster and bravado, but is Hollande willing to eat anything but cheese? They sat out Iraq, which had also used WMD on her own people, but then Iraq was Britain's former colony, not France's.
"Aux armes, les citoyens!"
Labels: chemical weapons, Europe, France, Syria, war
Okaaay. Disinformation Campaign...
Who ya' gonna believe? Rough times ahead.
I just had a horrible thought. Does that mean Joe Biden becomes Prez? Rock. Meet hard place.
(Might explain The One's reluctance about Keystone XL, too.)
Labels: Barack Obama, Islamists, Muslim Brotherhood
"Make It A Dry Reserve"
Young child allegedly killed ‘fun-loving’ six-year-old found badly beaten on a Saskatchewan reserve: RCMP
"Mounties say the person they believe is responsible for the death of a six-year-old boy in a Saskatchewan community is also a child."[---]
"On the reserve’s Facebook page, people are airing their concerns, frustrations and support for the petition.What??? You're not gonna blame the Whiteman or colonialism or residential schools or a small-pox infested blanket from two and a half centuries ago? What's this world coming to.
Sharleen Edwards wrote, “I say make it a ‘dry’ reserve implement it. Would be a great step to healing.”
Others, like Tania McKay aren’t sure the petition and the changes it calls for will help.
She posted: “I don’t mean to be a negative nelly…but really what is that going to do? It is always just action. I’m not a band member but this is my home..where I choose to raise my family…Until we all realize that we failed the young people..our future..we are never gonna go anywhere.”"
Labels: children, colonialism and other excuses, crime, First Nations