You Go Girls!!
Labels: humor, I've got too much time on my hands, women
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @
Labels: humor, I've got too much time on my hands, women
Don't mess with the Little Old Lady! She can be bad-ass!
Reminds me of a funny incident years ago when I lived in Calif. In the rural county next to where I lived, a young dirtbag with a longish criminal record for drugs, theft offences was released from the county jail after serving a short sentence. He was free for only a matter of hours before that evening he broke and entered into a house, with the idea of theft of any valuables with which to fence and buy drugs.
Well, he tried to burglarize the wrong house! The owner was a little old lady, in a wheel chair no less. Only this little old lady was armed with a .38 revolver.
As she sat in her wheelchair and the dirtbag came in the hallway, she opened up. She winged him with the first shot, then kept shooting. He yelled "I'm leaving!" as he struggled to open the front door, then ran off into the night.
She called the police, who quickly responded. They arrested him at the local hospital, where he'd had to go to get his gunshot wound in the arm treated. The cops took her revolver.
The general public reaction in the town the next day when it was on the radio news and in the local paper was:
1. good for the little old lady! AND
2. annoyance at the police for taking her revolver.
The Police Chief was quick to notify the radio station and the local paper that the police had only borrowed her revolver, to get a ballistics report to match up with the bullet taken from the perp's arm at the hospital, and that they'd already returned her revolver to her.
The little old lady expressed annoyance that she'd only wing'ed him, saying "...I'd tried to shoot him in the tummy"!. Yeah, don't mess with that Little Old Lady! :-)
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