Have You Noticed?
Climate change 'driving spread of crop pests'
There have been "potato bugs" in gardens here for eons. I would think that if they are showing up further north where they previously were never seen, perhaps means that potatoes are, too. And potatoes are a very versatile veggie. Try potato pancakes, potato blintzes, potato soup, scalloped potatoes (or "scalped" potatoes as we kids use to call them), baked, boiled or mashed.
And we've had sprays, powders and bug squishers to deal with them, too. The little critters have not been able to take over.
Potatoes store well, too. It was always funny to peer into the potato bin in the spring and see these spider-like creatures with long white tentacles growing out of them. They kept well, all winter long. By the time they had these long sprouts on, there was another crop in the ground.
Anyway, the warmanista global warming hysterics are getting really, really comical. Perhaps they should read up on a bit of Saskatchewan history and learn how new strains of wheat were developed in order to make agriculture viable on the Canadian prairies. My ancestors needed wheat that matured in a shorter growing period, and, thanks to agricultural research stations spread out across the Canadian prairies, they got it!
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, science, you can't make this shit up
What "Global Warming"? They really need some "global warming" in South America...
Antarctic Ice Cap growing, North American weather getting cooler, Siberian weather likewise...Google any of these things ... Of course, all this is merely global "weather", not "Global Warming©", "Climate Change©"...
Thanks for that. I hadn't heard or read anything about 2013 winter south of the equator.
It's a serious years-long trend now. Many long-settled villages in the S. American Andes, formerly self-sufficient in food, farming maize and other fruits and vegetables, are now barely habitable, due to the greatly shortened growing season.
All this tends to reinforce the effects of the sun moving into a cyclic period of lower solar flare and other energy emissions. This is why there's been no "global warming" for the last 10-20 years. From what I've read at WUWT and elsewhere, the sun has it's own natural cycles of flares and general solar emissions. The period of earth warming of the previous decades, due to the up cycle of emissions, has gone the other way and we can now look forward to likely an at least equal period of colder weather; shorter, milder summers; commensurately shorter growing seasons; longer, harsher winters.
Likely, for example, a lot of those S. American Andes communities will either have to be evacuated and resettled at lower levels, or they will die out.
This is rather like the Viking communities in Greenland, when the Little Ice Age supplanted the Medieval Warm Era, when the Vikings first settled these colonies in Greenland. The Vikings could adapt, move en masse, or die out. The Greenland Vikings died out.
Of the Global Warming/"Climate Change©" con artists already have a glib answer for why there's no longer any "Global Warming©". The world's oceans have decided to change the long-proven Newtonian Laws of Thermodynamics and are now doing something they've never done before -for scientifically explainable reasons- acting as a heat sink for the atmosphere.
Mind you, I'm no scientist or engineer. However, I did learn to read in school, I did stay awake in my H.S. and college science and math classes. And I did learn a little bit of critical thinking skills. When people of the ilk of The Goracle and hack "Science Journalists" at MSNBC, CBC, et. al. just mindlessly repeat the Big Lie, insisting "the science is settled" and refuse to debate "Global Warming", now morphed to "Climate Change", my B.S. Detector goes off.
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