Sunday Afternoon Round-Up
Kinda reminds me of my late Uncle John: Shot down over France. Captured by the Germans. Spent the rest of WWII as a prisoner of war.
I'm glad they recovered the remains of these two men, so many years after the war. They had laid there for a long, long time.
The Ig Nobels are at it again: Shrew eating, penis amputation studies earn Ig Nobel prize
As you can see, there's a Canadian angle:
"The work of a Canadian anthropologist who studied how a shrew would look after being eaten, digested and defecated by a human has been honoured with an Ig Nobel prize, alongside research on penis amputations and how drunkenness affects perceptions of attractiveness."Well done, Canada! I've always wanted to know how a shew would look after being eaten and turned into poop!
More here:
And, in case you'd forgotten there are other royals in Europe: Swedish king, 40 years on throne, invites everyone to dance
Ahhh. How romantic. I wonder if he steps on her feet, and would she say anything if he did?
Another washed up old star trying to find a way to get some attention again:
A far cry from 'Hiroshima'
"Only a mind-yodelling vacuous lyricist could dredge up this tasteless analogy — comparing a Canadian city and its inhabitants with a radioactive ruin".Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea ice In 2013 - 'Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record'
Well, let's say that's just about it, ladies and gentlemen. It will be very hard for the warministas to continue this folly much longer, and I'm certainly done with it.
Speaking of "done with it" I've been meaning to start another blog for some time now, on a different subject entirely, one that I have only briefly touched on here from time to time, so stay tuned. But I hereby declare the global warming climate change fiasco to be kaput and I don't care how the warministas deal with it. I feel certain some of them will have grown up a bit and learned from this experience. The rest are just a lost cause and I don't even feel sorry for them.
It is too bad so much money was spent on this non-sense. I hope some heads roll, but they probably wont.
Labels: AGW scam, Europe, Ft. Mac, history, Hollyweirdos, oilsands, Round up, The Royals
Hmmm...19,000 Manhattans of ice. But that's just weather, not climate. I'm just tired of the "ice-free arctic ocean", "rising sea levels" Big Lie mantras still being repetitively spouted by The Usual Suspects. As a Western movie character said in a movie years ago, "Don't p*ss down my leg and tell me it's raining."
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