Tuesday, September 03, 2013

It Was "Les Anglais"

Ancient climate-cooling meteor might have hit Quebec
"Somewhere under the forests, soil and bedrock of southern Quebec lie the ancient, undiscovered traces of an enormous meteor strike so catastrophic that it helped change the Earth's climate and alter human history.
At least, that's what Dartmouth University geochemist Mukul Sharma argues in a newly published paper, which could lead to an explanation of one of the most baffling episodes in our planet's history.
"The whole idea is controversial," he said. "There's a correlation between a climate event and a meteor, but what is the cause? How did it all play out?"
Sharma has long been fascinated by a period about 13,000 years ago called the Younger Dryas, during which the Earth suddenly reversed a warming trend and cooled radically for more than a millennium.
North American ice-age mammals from camels to ground sloths to sabre-tooth tigers       became extinct. Ancient humans had to put away their mastodon spears and learn to survive on roots, berries and small game — and maybe even shift to agriculture.
"It was an abrupt event when the Earth (was starting) to warm up," said Sharma. "Suddenly, the climate changes again to very, very cold conditions and remains so for 1,400 years and then goes back merrily to warming again."
But why?"
At least Mr. Sharma acknowledges that correlation does not prove cause and effect, unlike so many of the global warmanistas. But I'll bet he hasn't explored the possibility that this event was an Anglais conspiracy.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

I just got off the phone with Al Gore and James Carville. They assured me this was the entirely the fault of George W. Bush. "The Science is settled!"

September 08, 2013 9:03 am  

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