Well, There's...
...and then there's this:
And now it's global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 60% in a year
'World's largest volcano discovered beneath Pacific
Ian Plimer has a lot to say about underwater volcanoes in his book, Heaven and Earth.
PS: I'm really getting tired of this issue. Hopefully, within a year or two, we won't hear any more about it.
Labels: global cooling, global warming, Plimer's da Man
While you may be really getting tired of this issue, the West's Goracles, corrupt, lying politicians and corrupt, lying scientists are far from tired of economically screwing the Western democracies.
I'm reminded of the story from ancient Athens. An Athenian politician, I think it was Pericles, was trying to get a group of Athenian men to come to the city square where political debates and votes were held. Some of the men told him they just weren't interested in politics. He replied "Just because you aren't interested in politics doesn't mean politics isn't interested in you."
A big part of the reason all the "GreenCrime" has been successful is apathy and ignorance on the part of far too many of the West's electorates. All of us have to stay focused on this, or the GreenCriminal politicians and scientists will win. Not only we, but our children and their children will pay heavily for this massive economic crime.
So, please, keep up your good blogwork, as your contribution to the fight! :-)
LOL! I was just thinking this morning about Minimata. Remember the mercury poisoning in Japan? Environmentalists were all over that one like flies, and rightly so, but now they are pushing those little wiggly-curly-que light bulbs that are supposed to have mercury in them. That's okay, I guess.
I remember that tragedy. I remember seeing some photos in the National Geographic, including one heart-breaking one of a Japanese mother bathing her terribly deformed toddler, victim of his mother being mercury-poisoned while she was pregnant. What really struck me was the look of love for her little boy in the mother's eyes. Maybe the most poignant photo I've ever seen.
Now, as you wrote, the "Green" con-artists want us to use those toxic light bulbs, which by US EPA regulations, are, because of their mercury content, theoretically supposed to get a HazMat clean-up if shattered.
Don't know about the Great Frozen North but here in the Great Satan, they backed down and are allowing the sale of the "old-fashioned" CLEAN light bulbs. I'll NEVER buy one of those "green" toxic bulbs.
I have a good store of light bulbs - both the old fashioned kind and the curly, hazmat type. Although none of my lamps need the old kind, I know of people (my daughter being one) that have lamps that require the shape to be attached to the bulb. You can't do that with the new curly-que bulbs. Thankfully, I don't have any like that, but, since I have a good store of the old kind, they haven't been on my shopping list for some time, so I don't know who readily available they are in the stores.
require the *shade* to be attached to the bulb.
"*how* readily"
Proof reading in another thing I haven't done in a long time.
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