I Think We're About Due...
In Britain, Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements
Labels: censorship, free speech, Islamization, raaaacism, race hucksterism, The Once Great Britain, words fail, you can't make this shit up
"British police are arresting people in the middle of the night if they have made racist or anti-Muslim comments"
The police knock on the door in the middle of the night for people speaking or writing their views...I thought that was the hallmark of fascist dictatorships, not "free" and "democratic" Britain.
... I also note at the bottom of the London Daily Mail article "Sorry we are unable to accept comments for legal reasons." So, the Daily Mail isn't willing to stand up for either Freedom of Speech or for Freedom of the Press.
When the police knock on the door in the middle of the night is at your doors, cowardly English "journalists", who will be left to protest and cry out?
Yup. CBC often doesn't allow comments, either. Maybe they are afraid of being sued by Islamists or, more likely, they are just excruciatingly politically correct.
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