Thursday, May 31, 2012

Climate Conference

I've been slowly going through the videos of speakers at the recent Heartland Institute's latest Climate Conference.

They are all good. Some are, perhaps, a bit too technical for a layperson. But one, in particular, is about public funding of science and the bias that creates.

Patrick Michaels's presentation is especially worth a listen, in this regard.

First of all, he is introduced by a Canadian scientist who relates an egregious instance of bias at the CBC, which filmed a conference held at the Museum of Civilization down Ottawa way and at which Patrick Michaels was a speaker. The CBC conveniently removed an inconvenient part of his words from their broadcast. Surprise. Surprise.

But Patrick Michaels presentation itself is chock-a-block full of examples of bias. Y'all no doubt have heard lefties quoting President Eisenhower's famous statement about the Military-Industrial Complex. (I wonder how many of these little minions know they are quoting a Republican president? But I digress.)

Michaels reveals other quotable quotes from the same Presidential address which lefties will not find nearly as convenient.  Check it out at the link above.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You Never Know...

...who might crash your party:

Cows Crash Party, Drink Beer
"The herd made their way to a local home, drove off the human residents — who were holding a backyard party — and made straight for the beer."
"the cows took over the table, knocking over the beers with their noses, drinking the beer off the table."
Where's PETA when you need 'em?

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Just plain creepy.

I wonder if the perp who's doing this is the same one responsible for all those feet washing up on the West Coast.

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Like I said...

Go make it (sorta) big in the USA, then come back to Saskatchewan where they make Grade-B movies.

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No Way...


Why UK should abolish its 'failed' monarchy

Sure. We get some duds, sometimes, like the one coming up, for example, but for me the British Royals are a symbol of a long and glorious history. It's one of the oldest institutions in the world, if you ignore the brief period following Chucky-Pooh the First losing his head.

 I find the palace intrigue of the old days and the distant cousins, grandsons, from all over Europe, vieing for the job, to be just a fascinating study of European history. 

History is important. It tells us who we are and where we've come from. I don't think you can put a price tag on that. 

Besides, Great Britain has survived all these years without a written constitution guaranteeing citizens' rights. But they do have a marvelous tradition of the rule of law.

What they should get rid of is their guilt tripping about the British Empire.  As empires go, you can count yourself lucky if you were colonized by that one. Other empires haven't been so beneficent.

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Too Bad... sad, Julie.

I wonder who's paying his legal bills? His groupies?

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The Great Climbdown...


Global warming skeptics as knowledgeable about science as climate change believers, study says

Ya' think??

"Are global warming skeptics anti-science? Or just ignorant about science?

Maybe neither. A study published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change finds that people who are not that worried about the effects of global warming tend to have a slightly higher level of scientific knowledge than those who are worried..."
""As respondents’ science literacy scores increased, their concern with climate change decreased," the paper, which was funded by the National Science Foundation, notes."
"Kahan said that he thought another finding of the study was more important: That people’s cultural views – how much they value things like individualism and equality -- affect their views on global warming much more than actual knowledge about science. Regardless of how much they know about science, individualists were relatively unconcerned about global warming, whereas those who value equality were very concerned."
Hence, the term "watermelon".

""The aim of the study was to test two hypotheses," study member Dan Kahan said. "The first attributes political controversy over climate change to the public's limited ability to comprehend science, and the second, to opposing sets of cultural values.

"The findings supported the second hypothesis and not the first,"...That's the result of "cultural cognition," the researchers said, the unconscious tendency of people to fit evidence of risk to positions that predominate in groups to which they belong."
Case closed, IMHO.

Now I'm going to watch more videos from the Heartland Institute's climate change conference in Chicago.

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Anyone Notice What's Missing...


There's a strange, bright orange ball in the sky, and nary a cloud in sight. It was like that yesterday. If this condition remains, I might actually be able to remove all the weeds and grass from my flower beds today. Might even clip my hedges. Unless I find an acceptable excuse. If I do, please talk me out of it. The weather man is predicting more rain (and thunder storms) tomorrow.

I don't know about this home ownership business. Especially on corner lots.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quotable Quote...

...from Canadian Climatologist, Tim Ball, at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, responding to claims by environuts who don't want you to hear what he has to say:

"C(laim): He is, in fact, a Geologist.
R(esponse): Apparently the same as the charge that I‘m a geographer. I was in the Geography Department because in Britain and Canada Climatology was a subset of Physical Geography. But what’s the point? Even a Geologist, is better qualified to understand climate than a Geneticist or US Vice President."

Another article from the same issue of their Newsletter:

Reformation In The ‘Church of Global Warming’?
"Nearly 50 NASA scientists and astronauts took aim at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science."
"“We feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate,” they wrote. “At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.

In their letter, the group said that thousands of years of data challenge modern-day claims that man-made carbon dioxide is causing climate change.

“With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from (NASA’s) Goddard Institute for Space Studies leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.”"

You can sign up to have the Frontier Centre's newsletter delivered to your inbox. The FCPP is one of the few Think Tanks in Canada worthy of the name. It's highly worth it.

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Monday, May 28, 2012


We Hear Ya...


Tell 'em to shove it.

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Would You Go... see this exhibit? Would you be afraid that someone you know might see you there? How would that person gossip afterward that they had seen you there?

What I found rather funny is that the City of Ottawa seems more prudish (or afraid) than Regina?

BTW, y'all must know that the word Regina rhymes with a certain part of the female anatomy. Must have something to do with this difference. Or maybe it has something to do with Saskatchewan's long, cold winters.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Latest ICCC in Chicago

Lots of links and videos of this year's (the 7th) conference sessions as well as the past six.

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Rain. Rain. Go Away.

The weeds and grass are taking over my flower beds, yet there's no end in sight. At least the farmers should be happy - those that have finished seeding. But those seeds will need some nice warm soil, too. Couldn't we have a few days of sunshine? What happened to that global warming we've been promised?

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Not Being American,...

...and all, I have no idea what it takes to impeach a President. But it seems to me this should do it. Allan West for President!!

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One of the things I like about small town life is the quiet. Today, that's been shattered. There must be some sort of motorcycle rally somewhere, and it seems all the bikers have chosen to get to and from the rally via the street my house is on. It's non-stop roaring and rumbling. There's too many to be just locals.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Interesting Psycho-Babble...

...about the sexes:



I use the word psycho-babble because often this kind of science is of the "wait-five-minutes" variety.

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Oh, My! My!

Quebec unrest: more arrests in a few hours than throughout the October Crisis
"The historic scope of the unrest in Quebec was illustrated in surreal scenes and statistics compiled early Thursday: More people were detained within a few hours — at least 650 of them, in mass roundups — than were arrested in all of the October Crisis. More than 2,500 people have been arrested in a months-long dispute that has catapulted the province onto international news pages, which is at least five times the number jailed during the 1970 FLQ crisis that saw martial law declared in Quebec."
This is for all you folks who think Trudeau was such an odious character.

Notice the Parti Quebecois leader is opening the door for more of the same:

"“The government has led us to the worst social crisis we have ever known in Quebec,” Parti Québécois Leader Pauline Marois scolded the premier during a legislature exchange Thursday."
In other words, stick around folks. I think we can use you.

But, no Pauline. No Quebec cabinet minister has been murdered. No foreign diplomat has been kidnapped. Quit exaggerating and exploiting a bad situation for your own gain. This is serious stuff.


October Crisis

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Well, If We Have to Take Him...

...back, let me recycle an old idea of mine, from the Iraq war days. I had a plan back then to take So-Damned-Insane and put him in a specially constructed prison at the north end of Ellesmere Island, where he could bask in the 24 hours of sunlight for a few weeks every year (and freeze in the dark, for the remainder). But then they went and hanged him, instead. Oh well. I still think it's a good idea.

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He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he!

Amnesty International denounces Canada, and everyone else too

"The latest report, issued Wednesday, makes clear that the world has let Amnesty down. Again. The world — yes, the whole thing, all seven billion of us — is a constant disappointment to the people at Amnesty International, who just can’t figure out why we can’t measure up to a few simple rules.

The United Nations is denounced as essentially useless because it hasn’t managed to halt the bloodshed in Syria. Canada is condemned because we didn’t arrest George W. Bush when we had the chance. It has no time for the United States, because it keeps using drones to kill terrorists, without asking permission. The raid that finally ended the life of Osama bin Laden was illegal. Israel is, as always, a favourite target, accused of continuing its brutal treatment of Palestinians, and imposing a “blockade” of Gaza and its 1.6 million residents. Mexico makes the list for failing to protect human rights in its war against drugs. Even Switzerland gets a cuffing for its treatment of asylum-seekers, especially a pair of Nigerians who were treated badly when they landed in the country."
Well, they got one right. The UN is useless.

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How the Left Fights...

...or How You Can Tell the Left is Losing:

Fellatio Photoshop of conservative pundit sparks outrage

When they have to sink that low, you know they've lost. Mind you, I'm not sure if they really had to sink in order to get there. All they had to do was bark loud enough and long enough.

Tories say ‘professional agitators’ behind robo-calls legal fight

Sorry, Maude, but when your name is affiliated with a story/scandal, both your reputation and that of the organization you represent, suffer even further. You and others of your ilk are the reason we vote for the Cons.

Robocalls: A year in, report on Elections Canada probe of mystery calls expected soon

But, why wait for that. The Cons have already been tried and convicted by Maude and her ilk.

Here's a hint. Next time, why not wait until the evidence is in and, for really, really effective impact, trot out your complaints right after the supposed incidents take place. Don't wait nine months. That just kinda reduces the impact, not to mention the believability, of your complaint -and your credibility.

But, who am I to complain? The more you open your loud mouth, the better it is for the rest of us. You know the old saw: "Better to remain silent....."

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Saskatonians having fun on sandbars in the South Saskatchewan River, at a spot not to be confused with Bare-Ass-Beach, which is a little further upstream. I've been there a few times - fully clothed, as was everyone else.

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Hope Things Turn Out Well...

...I was getting worried that this day would never come:

Egyptians flock to the polls for historic vote
"But for every voter who expressed joy, there were just as many who felt trepidation. “The Islamists want everything,” said Samir Sedky, a Christian, after voting in his mixed Christian-Muslim working-class district of Imbaba in western Cairo. Mr. Sedky was referring to the already dominant position held by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist Nour party in the country’s parliament elected at the start of the year. “If they also win the presidency,” he added, “they will take everything from us.” Not only Christians, who comprise 10 per cent of the population, are apprehensive. For the young liberals who got the revolution rolling last year, the almost certain prospect that the new president will be either an Islamist or a member of the old regime has come as a shock. Though 12 men are on the ballot, only four – two prominent Islamist candidates and two former ministers from the Mubarak regime – have a realistic chance of winning. While some liberals vowed to boycott the process, most gritted their teeth, as people do in democratic countries, and cast their votes for the one they saw as the least bad of the lot."
And may there be many more. The Middle East has a history of one election, one candidate, one time events. As always, I rushed over to see what Sandmonkey has to say. A bit disappointing, to say the least, but then again, democracy is a process, not a single event, and the milieu in which that process unfolds. And thanks, Obama, who, apparently does not have Sandmonkey as a fan. But Sandmonkey, being the kind of guy he is, manages to crack a few jokes and got me grinning, if nothing else. Here's a speech he gave in Washington, DC:

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I've Got Nothing Else to Do

Actually, I do, but listening to golden-oldies is more interesting than watching the rain fall while the weeds grow. (I wonder if I can get a cut from Olay et al for helping to spread their advertizing?) That's enough for now. I could go on and on and on. So I will: All you younguns can take yer eye rolling and snearing somewhere else. Get yer own blog.

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Grief..

...I had no idea there were that many monarchs left. I bet 90%-95% of them are just figureheads, relics and symbols of the glorious past. Of course, included in the 5%-10% are a handful of Saudis and related sandbox dwellers.

Hell. Nearly half of them are sandbox dwellers. They ain't exactly "just figureheads" either. But there's also the powerful monarchies of Liechtenstein and Monaco.

If you really want to date yourself,  you can say you remember when American actress Grace Kelly married the Prince of Monaco. There just aren't enough royal houses left to arrange a proper political union through the marriage of your royal kids.  Gotta marry commoners, now. Sometimes, even foreign commoners.

Mind you, there are some pretty strikingly beautiful commoners out there.  Back in the days when all that incestuous intermarriage between European Royal houses was the norm,  ya took your chances that some of the offspring might not be all that, well, you know, fit for anything but cementing alliances.


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Head On Over... Dr. Roy's place for some videos of fantastic flyovers (and marches) in honour of Queen Liz.

(Notice in the first vid the less than enthusiastic applause from her hubby.)

I'll betcha even those traitorous Yanks will be impressed. Should have stuck it out, folks. ;p

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Alms for the Poor

Correction: $1,750. Time to trade the baby in on a new one. I'm thinking of buying a pickup truck, so I can fit in. =====================

Got my car back. $750 smackeroos. Ouch!! Mac and Cheese is good for you. Mac and Cheese in good for you. Mac and Cheese is good for you.

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When I Moved... Saskatoon, way back in 1970, this was still on everyone's mind, eight years after it happened. They still talked about it. Everyone could point out the location where her body was found. If this is true, it would appear that the case is finally going to be cracked - fifty years after it happened. The perp is probably dead already. I hope he lived a horrible life.

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I Wonder...

...if his wife thinks he's this hot? I wonder if he's the one going to Cleveland? Oh. The things you find on Facebook!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Saskatchewan's Very Own...

...entitled to my entitlements fiasco:

Saskatchewan filmmakers not happy with province's new non-refundable tax credit

Dozens ride from Saskatoon to Regina, rally against cut of Saskatchewan's film-tax credit

Supporters of Saskatchewan's old film tax credit rally outside legislature

Actor Kim Coates leads ride to protest Sask. film-tax credit cut - Film and TV industry fans ask gov't to reconsider

Kim who? Never heard of him. And that's the point

And yup. Fans of the industry. Not fans of the actual output/product of the industry.

The whole thing is enough to make your head spin, but here's what I think.

There is a place where Canadian talent goes to make it big. That place is called the USA. Those with real or at least half-assed talent go there. Those without, stay put and expect government handouts, because, after all, what would we do without them.

Not with my tax dollars, thank you very much.

Where did these artsy-fartsy types get the notion that they are God's gift to Canada/Saskatchewan and the rest of us, who couldn't care less, have to pay for their very existence, else the sky will fall in on us? This whole thing is just a wealth redistribution scheme.

Tell you what folks. If you have a good idea that you want to make into a film, you should be able to get private financiers to back you. If you are as good as you think you are, people will flock to your movies and tune in to the telly when the series airs. You and your industry will make the necessary money.

If you can't find private money or if your "art" is a big flop at the box office, then tough. There is no reason to expect that Saskatchewan MUST HAVE a film industry despite the fact that there is neither the talent nor a willing market. If you really have something to give to the world, go where the money is and leave us alone. Our tax dollars should go where it really makes a difference. Maybe you could learn something from this.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Anti-CAGW Primer...

Jesus Murphy!

It's Been a Long Time...

...since I bashed the UN, but they've walked right into it. It's actually hard to imagine the UN doing anything worthy of Canada's attention. We can ignore them again without suffering any consequences. About the best thing to come from this is it has our resident leftards all worked up into a lather, which is always entertaining. Anyway, now would be a good time to pull out and encourage the US to boot the organization out of North America. Not that The One would entertain such a notion. Maybe toward the end of January next year Harper could bring it up with President Romney.

Anyway, I hope someone gave this idiot some poutine with extra artery clogging gravy.

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More Good News...

...from the Hitler Harper government:

Canadians who won’t work shouldn’t get EI
"...if a government program has become part of the problem, it’s incumbent upon the government to fix it."
Hear! Hear!

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....this qualifies as news?

8 Canadians to watch at the Cannes Film Festival

No doubt their trip will be covered by the taxpayer.

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Proving Once Again...

...what a great place Toronto is:

 UFO: Toronto witness reports flying Jellyfish entity with eyeballs

Notice it was sighted on April 12th. Can't be an April Fool's joke. Apologies to Toronto's sane residents.

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Well, Who Would?

John Baird happily admits Tories didn’t like axed environment watchdog’s advice

Isn't it interesting that the same organization mentioned in the article cited in my previous blog entry of today's date is central to this article?

PS: Have you noticed how the CAGW crowd has pulled out all the stops recently - and in most cases are making the most absurd arguments? The last howls of a dieing animal.

And don't you just love this: "The Liberal leader immediately jumped on Baird’s words as proof of the Tories playing partisan politics in the budget."

Uh. Mr. Rae. Isn't that what a government's budget is for?  It goes along something like these lines: Governments fulfill promises made during elections or governments implement policies their base will support. It's the nature of the political game. Wanna get re-elected, give the electorate what they want.

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Oh, Take a Pill!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

One More Tip of the Hat... Lord Monckton:

Thank you sir. Your work has born fruit.

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Go, and SIN No More

Canada just isn't gonna be any fun any more.  They're phasing out the SIN card.

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...Sitemeter provides such tantalizing little morsels for me to chew on.

Just a bit earlier today, someone from the UK was searching for "Katepwa History Book" and landed on this page.  Katepwa is the name of the district where I grew up. There's a Katepwa Lake about a mile east of the homestead where our house stood. The one-room country school where I got my "readin', writin' and 'rithmatic" skills (such as they are) was called Katepwa. It still stands today, although it long ago ceased to be a school. Various people have owned the building and lived in it over the years, but I believe there is still a sign on the side of the building that says "Built in 1919. Year of the Great Peace", or something like that.  The word "Katepwa" is said to be Cree for "Who Calls?", and is rooted in a legend about the Qu'Appelle (French for "who calls") Valley and River made famous by the poet Pauline Johnson.

Now, who in hell's bells in the UK would be looking for a Katepwa history book?  I have distant relatives in the UK. Could it have been one of them? If so, a shout out to ya, cuz.

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Better Than Car-Be-Ques...

Primal Scream or Massive Yawn...

...Which would be more appropriate?

WWF report criticizes Canadians' ecological footprint

I guess the call has gone out amongst ecofreaks to bash Canada. Oh well. If ecofreaks are bashing us, we must be doing something right.  Get a life, and better luck next time, fools.


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Equalization Payments

A few days ago I mused (not on this blog) that Canada's system of equalization payments should be scrapped. They are, and have been, a massive welfare scheme that prevents people and provinces from taking responsibility for themselves. Hence, some provinces, think Quebec and Ontario, become Welfare Queens writ large.

Low and behold, at the same time, the Media was putting more or less the same arguments out there.

God I'm hot!! /sarc

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Darwin Award Candidate...

...from right here in Saskatchewan:

Moose Jaw man hides from police, becomes trapped in furnace duct
"The man tried to evade police officers by crawling down the chimney from the roof of the four-storey building on High Street in Moose Jaw, said Const. Sheldon McNaughton of the Moose Jaw Police Service.

He was taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries and dehydration, McNaughton added.

The incident began around 10 a.m. on Saturday, when police arrived at the apartment building to check on the well-being of a man who was on the roof.

As police tried to reach the roof, the man started throwing cinder blocks at them, McNaughton said in an interview Sunday. They retreated and negotiators were called in to assist. In the meantime, the man crawled down the chimney and became lodged in a duct."
Darwin Awards are given out to people who do stupid things which result in their voluntarily removing themselves from the gene pool. Technically, I guess, this man cannot be a candidate, since he is still alive, and in fairness, he apparently is suffering from a mental illness. Real and qualified Darwin Award candidates don't have that alibi.

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Another Leftard Cause...

...bites the dust:

G20 Summit: RCMP acted reasonably, public complaints commission says
"The RCMP acted in a “reasonable and appropriate” fashion during the Toronto G20 summit marred by violence and mass arrests, says the watchdog that keeps an eye on the national police force.

In its long-awaited investigation report, the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP says there were no incidents of unreasonable force by the Mounties.

It also found RCMP planning was thorough, placement of security fencing justifiable and intelligence-gathering done with attention to the rights of demonstrators.

In addition, there was no indication that RCMP undercover operators or event monitors acted out of line or as agents provocateurs, the commission says in its report released Monday."
I wonder what the Rent-a-Rioters will try next. Those masks have to come off now, if they decide to disturb the shit.

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Back to Anthony Watts' Blog and Nails...

...there's a massive nail posted at Watts Up With That.  A nail that goes right through James Hansen.

An Unsent Memo to James Hansen

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And Speaking of Nails and Cornered Rats... seems science journalists are finally going to talk about underwater volcanoes. Perhaps some discussion of the role played by these volcanoes, which are far greater in number than the above ground ones, in global warming may not be far behind.
""A lot of luck was attached to this find," said Anthony Watts, a geologist at the University of Oxford who led the study.

His team's findings indicate that submarine volcanoes, some of the Earth's most mysterious features, may shrink and swell in dramatic pulses of activity.

Rotten eggs and compelling clues
As they surveyed the seafloor near Monowai seamount, which lies at the intersection of the Pacific and Indo-Australian tectonic plates at the Tonga-Kermadec subduction zone, Watts and other scientists aboard the ship noticed yellow-green water and gas bubbles rising above the volcano.

"As the ship was leaving the area, we went through a patch of discolored water with a very strong smell, like rotten eggs," Watts told OurAmazingPlanet. "We suspected that maybe the volcano was venting gases, but we didn't know that it was about to erupt."

A week later, while surveying another area, Watts got some compelling information. A seismic station in the Cook Islands had detected an intense five-day swarm of seismic activity and traced it to an eruption at Monowai seamount. Watts and the ship returned to find that parts of the volcano had collapsed and grown in dramatic fashion.

Using advanced bathymetry tools, the scientists saw that a large section of the volcano's flank had collapsed — a volume equal to about 630 Olympic-size swimming pools. The peak of the volcano, however, had grown by 236 feet, adding 3,500 swimming pools' worth of volume to the summit."
"To account for Monowai's growth between 2007 (the last time Monowai's height was measured) and 2011, the volcano would have needed 10 to 13 events like the one Watts' team documented. That's about 2.5 large, quick eruptions each year, with relatively long pauses between each eruption, Watts said."
"Submarine volcanoes like Monowai are much more difficult to study than volcanoes on land, which can be monitored with techniques that can't penetrate ocean waters. Because so little is known about submarine volcanoes, it's unclear whether others also grow in rapid pulses, or whether Monowai marches to its own beat, Watts said.

"Terrestrial volcanologists get very excited when they see differences of 10 or 20 centimeters," he said. "What we've seen here is on a scale that has rarely — if ever — been repeated."
Trust Anthony Watts to lead the way. For years, his blog Watts Up With That? has been a leading antidote to the "catastrophic global warming" nonsense being spewed out by leftards.

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Nails - Coffin

The Cornered Rats of Climate Change
"Public confidence in scientific “consensus” regarding the theory of manmade climate change is threatening the believing scientists’ confidence. While polls show that taking action to fight climate change is off the radar of most Americans, the behavior of the theory’s advocates is even more telling. They are behaving like "cornered rats"—taking extreme actions to protect their turf.

On February 23, European Union officials are expected to vote on a draft law would assign a higher carbon-emissions value to bitumen-derived fuels, compared to more conventional crudes. The European Commission has proposed a Fuel Quality Directive that, if passed, will exclude fuel derived from Canada’s oil sands from European use. The premise is that the production of the oil in question produces more carbon emissions than conventional oil.

While virtually none of the bitumen-derived fuels are currently shipped to Europe, supporters of the manmade climate change viewpoint have been using the pending vote in attempt to get the issue back on the public’s horizon.

On February 21, two days before the scheduled vote, a half-page ad was placed in the Financial Times. The ad’s large print states: “Eight Nobel Peace Laureates—including Archbishop Desmond Tutu—want to keep dirty oil out of Europe. Support the European Commission’s Fuel Quality Directive.”"
"The expensive ad then features a letter that the Nobel Laureates sent to “European Heads of State” in which they say, among other things: “Tar sands development is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, and threatens the health of the planet. As the tar sands have contributed to rising emissions, Canada recently stepped away from the Kyoto Protocol. Europe must not follow in Canada’s footsteps.” Therein lies the true purpose of the ad."
"The expensive ad seems to have been purchased out of fear that the “equalizing” Kyoto Protocol may be dropped by Europe—as it has been by Canada.

It is, additionally, interesting to note that the Laureates mentioned in the ad are not Laureates in physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, or even economic sciences—who might have some unique insight toward climate issues. They are Nobel “Peace” Laureates.

The day before the Financial Times carried the “keep dirty oil out of Europe” ad, a story broke citing water scientist and climate analyst Peter Gleick’s admission that his “judgment was blinded by my frustration with the ongoing efforts—often anonymous, well-funded and coordinated—to attack climate science.” He apologized for his hoax that tricked The Heartland Institute into releasing confidential documents. Gleick, who has been active in defending the manmade climate change view, used a false name in his ruse. He acknowledges that his actions were the result of “a serious lapse of my own and professional judgment and ethics.”

A UK Guardian news report about Gleick’s admission stated that his behavior “was seen by some as crossing a new line in the increasingly vitriolic debate.” In the New York Times, journalist Andrew Revkin describes what Gleick did as “an act that leaves his reputation in ruins.”"
"What would cause these two well-reputed sources to go to such extremes—expensive advertising and reputation-ruining acts—to defend their manmade climate change positions? The rat is cornered."

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

He, he, he, he, he, he

They are talking about this over here. I guess James Hansen struck a cord with the already converted. What a sorry, self-recriminating bunch! I'll bet you they had their knickers all in a knot when we sent American "war resisters" packing not long ago. Sorry folks. This is not the old Canada of your fairy tales and dreams of the past. We've moved on. Time for you to do the same. One good thing about these folks, tho, is that some of them have chosen not to reproduce.

Oh, and do read the first link. It's hilarious. "Eco groups" are going to "black out" their websites for one day. Everything will come crashing down. Life as we know it, will cease to exist. Stock up now. Head for the hills.

Oh, and this is just for you doom and gloom folks posting at that website:

Need, justification for Keystone grows
"Establishment of the pipeline would reduce U.S. dependence on oil from the Middle East and South America. It represents private investment and will create jobs, especially during construction. The pipeline will help move crude oil from western North Dakota to southern refineries in a way that’s safer than by truck or rail -- safer for the environment and people on the road in this state’s oil patch."

"Approval of the pipeline has now moved to the negotiating table between U.S. House and Senate as conference committee members began work on a multi-year transportation bill. The possibility of the pipeline surviving the conference committee continues to improve.

Obama administration friend, billionaire Warren Buffett, has lined up behind Keystone, along with major players from business and industry. “There are an awful lot of pipelines running in the United States and net, they’re certainly been a huge plus for the country,” Buffett said. He makes practical case for the pipeline."
"In North Dakota the intensity of oil exploration and development continues to grow. The risk of having an accident on the state’s western highways has greatly increased. Safety for the motoring public has been put at risk by the high volume of truck traffic, which could be reduced by more pipeline capacity. Increased safety on North Dakota roadways makes a good case for the Keystone pipeline.

Moving oil by pipeline also is safer for the environment than shipping it by truck or rail."
Not that you'll read it.

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Yes folks, there is and was a place called Palestine. It's not new. It wasn't invented in the recent past. It's just never been a recognized nation state. The concept of a nation state is of fairly recent vintage, unavailable for leftards and others to use throughout most of Palestine's history.  Throughout most of Palestine's history it has been under the thumb of one empire or another, so it's never become a modern nation state.

I've been thinking for a long time that a similar notion exists right here on the Canadian prairies, in a region we prairie folk know as the Palliser Triangle. It exists. As a geographic region, it's been here a very, very long time. It's been inhabited, first by nomadic tribes, later mostly by farmer folk and now by urban dwellers. Never been a nation state, though.

History is full of changing borders or frontiers and conflicts over the same. And quite often winners of said conflict will change the names of those places as well as the borders. Usually, although less so in more recent times I suspect, frontiers and regions have been defined by the topography, the climate, the principal method of wresting a living therefrom. The Palliser Triangle, for any reader who has never heard of it, was a region on the northern North American plains which is characterized by fertile soils and climate conditions that barely allow for the practice of agriculture. Palliser was a dude hired by the Canadian/British government to assess the suitability of the region for settlement. Thanks to the development of new strains of wheat, the region did become suitable for grain growing, although Palliser had his doubts, and beginning in the 1880s began to fill up with peasant and other farmers, a tiny number of whom happen to be my ancestors who arrived in 1882. But I digress.

The whole point of this post is to answer the oft repeated meme coming mainly from my side of the political spectrum, that there was never any such place as Palestine. Sorry friends. That's just nonsense. 

Doesn't mean I support the Palestinian cause vis-a-vis Israel, 'cause I don't. I once had sympathy for the Pals, but they have proven over and over and over that they aren't the least bit interested in settling with Israel and getting on with it. That's another thing that I don't expect will happen in my lifetime, but I'm betting when and if it does, it will happen as suddenly as the collapse of communism did in Eastern Europe, following the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Ah Yes!

Our courts still work - sometimes:

Rafferty guilty of all three counts in murder of Tori Stafford

Big sigh of relief.

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It's Not Much...

...but at least here's a little bit about the status of Brian Storseth's proposed amendment to Section 13 of the Human Rights Act:
"This evening, members will debate Conservative MP Brian Storseth's private member's bill, which would delete Section 13 of the Human Rights Act -- the often-criticized hate speech law which has been said to violate the right to free speech.

The bill is in the House, back from committee.
And a bit more here:
"Another private member’s bill on Wednesday moved toward the final stage of Commons approval, to loud applause from Conservative benches. Bill C-304 would repeal Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and prevent rights claims based on hate speech from being brought before human rights commissions."

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Just In Case...

...the "Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming" cause goes belly up, which seems nearly certain, the Greens are sewing the seeds of the next big Watermelon cause:

Absent elephant, rhino poop means less diversity in jungle

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Calling All Nerds and Geeks...

...please tell me why my blog is showing up with the country code "it" at the end of it. It's supposed to be .com. Does this mean someone in Italy has "mirrored" my site? And if so, does that mean anything significant?

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Remember That Old Horror Flick...

...The Blob?

They've found the blob!!!!

I wish I knew how to insert sound files. This one just cries out for scary music.

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Well, T'Aint Gonna Be...

...this year.
"In addition to a still vibrant scene of a king and his retinue, the walls are rife with calculations that helped ancient scribes track vast amounts of time. Contrary to the idea the Maya predicted the end of the world in 2012, the markings suggest dates thousands of years in the future."
I wonder if that applies to global warming and the evil Alberta "Tar sands". Somebody needs to tell James Hansen.

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Speaking of Testosterone Levels...

...someone needs to tell this guy that now could be a good time to take his pants off.

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It Just Doesn't Get...

...any better than this.  At Hot Air, they are reacting to an alarmist, doom and gloom article by James Hansen that was published in the New York Slimes, sliming the Alberta "Tar" Sands, of course.

One of the best comments, so far, provides a link to this Nixonian era document authored by Daniel Moynihan predicting doom and gloom by the year 2000.
"“It is now pretty clearly agreed that the C02 content will rise 25% by 2000. This could increase the average temperature near the earth’ s surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York.

Goodbye Washington, for that matter. We have no data on Seattle.”"
I wonder if Moynihan lived in Seattle?

In any case, helloooooooo. It's now 2012.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Keystone XL Back On?

UPDATED AND BUMPED: Interesting discussion.
========Original Post Starts Here========
 Maybe. Maybe not.


"The Road To Hell... paved with Ivy League degrees."

Best damn quote I've ever heard.

Check out this discussion with Thomas Sowell. That little bit of wisdom comes at about the 27:27 mark:

Dammit. I spend too much time in front of this small boob tube and it's thanks to folks like Sowell (with due thanks to Al Gore for inventing the internet, of course) and whomever invented, even though I have some issues with them. They were probably a bunch of university computer science geeks working on a collaborative project for credit towards their degree and every fresh crop of CS students has been tasked with making it "new" and (cough, hack) "improved" (double cough, hack, spit and sputter).

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I'm Sorry Mr. Brievik, But... are insane.
"The man who killed 77 people in Norway last July has pleaded not guilty to acts of terrorism and mass murder. Anders Behring Breivik admits carrying out a bombing in the capital, Oslo, and going on a shooting rampage on the island of Utoeya, but denies criminal responsibility."
"Saying the killings had been a "gruesome" experience for him as well, he explained how he had to force himself to do something which felt so "against human nature". He offered an apology for "innocent" people who died in the Oslo bombing, referring to those who were passing by and who had no political connections. But asked if he extended that apology to those he killed on Utoeya, he said: "No, I do not." He reiterated his belief that they were "legitimate targets", and added that there were many others in Norway "who deserve to be executed, eg journalists and members of parliament"."
"Breivik said he intended hundreds should die in his attack on the Labour Party summer camp, and that a primary target was a former prime minister, Gro Harlem Brundtland. He claimed he planned to behead Mrs Brundtland, who he thought would be on the island, and post a video of this on the internet. In fact the ex-PM left Utoeya before Breivik arrived. He also hoped his car bomb in Oslo would kill the entire government."
Hmmmm. Sounds like Guy Fawkes, doesn't it. That, and that alone, should make him a hero with environuts and leftards, aka, Anonymous.

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Good Grief!

It's bad enough that they get TV, and that they get paid.

Vic Toews says he’s cut access to porn on TVs in Nova Scotia prison

More here:

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All Hail Brad Wall

Labour law under scrutiny Public asked for input

Yup. This is a province where the NDP legacy equals stranglehold and it's main arena is legislation giving labour and, especially unions, the upper hand. The employer, or capitalism in general, is seen as guilty until proven innocent, and its a forgone conclusion that if you are an employer you must be guilty, guilty of something, even if you haven't been charged.

Keep going, Brad! I mean, if this isn't intrusive, I don't know what is:

"The province's Trade Union Act allows an employee to opt out only on religious grounds, and the employee must pay an amount equal to the union dues to an agreed upon charity."
I wonder which charities the union bosses would agree with.

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Well, Halelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!

At last, a Charter ruling that I can agree with!

U of C violated students' Charter rights

"The highest court in Alberta has ruled the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does apply when universities discipline their students.

Wednesday's ruling in the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld a lower court decision stating the University of Calgary violated the rights of twin brothers by disciplining them for criticizing a professor on Facebook.

The university put one of the brothers on probation for the 2007 incident, and asked both of them to apologize.

Steven and Keith Pridgen took the matter to court, saying they had a right to free speech, and the judge sided with them.

The university appealed that decision and the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld the lower court ruling.

The university said in a statement it was reviewing the decision."
It's high time some pushback of university professors took place.

More here:

"Finding that Charter rights remained valid on university campuses, the case could restrict the ability of university administrators to control speech in everything from anti-abortion exhibits to political correctness codes. “If this goes to the Supreme Court of Canada and it upholds the Alberta court of appeals decision, then it’s good news for campus free speech,” said John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms."

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Going Nowhere

Elections Canada's hunt for Pierre Poutine hits another roadblock

Not much has been dug up, other than the robocalls scheme seems to have been thought up by some low level (I'm tempted to say low-life) Tory campaign worker(s).

Thing is, it doesn't matter what the Harperites do with this (these) jerk(s), the leftards are having a hay-day and will, no doubt, continue with the reverie. While decrying the attempt to undermine democracy (with which I agree), at the same time they see no reason to have to wait for Elections Canada to finish its investigation and have already, gleefully tried and convicted the entire Conservative Party.

You see, undermining democracy = bad. Undermining due process = well that's okay. We're Liberal. We can do that.

My hunch is, this will backfire on them.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Compare and Contrast...

...CBC's coverage of the foreign funding of environmental groups:

Power and Politics

May 4th

May 4th

Power and Politics

May 8th

May 8th

With Sun TV here and here:

Now, whose side is the "some would say" CBC on? Who do they come down hard on and who gets treated with kid gloves?

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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

This One Is Really Interesting

Not a lot of hard evidence, but still intriguing:

Cabot may have known of Canada before the voyage
"Among the questions posed are two particularly significant ones: Did Cabot already know about "the land" he was supposedly setting off to find? And is it possible that other sailors from England, where Cabot had moved to pursue his dream of overseas exploration, had previously visited "the new land" of North America - perhaps even before Christopher Columbus's voyage to the Caribbean Islands in 1492 and that epoch-making "discovery" of the New World?"
Did English sailors visit Canada before Columbus ‘discovered’ New World?
"The clue turned up as Guidi-Bruscoli researched the financing of a series of voyages between 1496 and 1498, when he disappeared. The historian, working with British researchers, found a brief reference in a 516-year-old accounting ledger that points to support from a bank in Florence for Cabot's expedition to find "the new land." The revelation suggests the voyage was not a strictly English enterprise, as has been generally accepted. "It opens a whole new chapter in Cabot scholarship, introducing an unexpected European dimension and posing new questions for the field," Guidi-Bruscoli writes in an article published in the scholarly journal Historical Research. The Postmedia story says the reference suggests it's possible Cabot, who moved to England to pursue his goal of overseas exploration, may have already known about "the new land," and that English sailors had visited North America perhaps even before Christopher Columbus's "discovery" of the New World in 1492. Historian Evan Jones of the University of Bristol, home of the Cabot Project, said the clue lies in the ledger's use of the word "the" instead of the indefinite "a" in referring to new land, suggesting they already knew it was there. "I think we can be pretty certain that 'the new land' doesn't refer to the land Columbus had found - given that the royal patent Cabot was granted was pretty clear about excluding these territories," said Jones. "So, I think the reference must indicate that the Bardi (bank) believed that Cabot was going off to discover/rediscover a land already known about. The use of 'new' suggests it was a land which had been found relatively recently - so this can't be a reference to the Norse voyages.""
I wonder if they've explored the records of the Basque fishermen who fished the Grand Banks off of Newfoundland. We already know they had contact with the indigenous people of that Island. Perhaps knowledge of "the" new land came via them.

Discovery sheds light on Cabot's travels
"At the heart of Guidi-Bruscoli's discovery is a long-overlooked accountant's notation in records held by a Florentine archive detailing a loan of "nobili 50" - 50 nobles sterling, or about 16 English pounds - to "Giovanni Chabotte viniziano" (John Cabot of Venice) "a trovare il nuovo paese" (to find the new land). Historians have traditionally described the sailor's voyages, despite Cabot's Italian heritage, as a purely English enterprise commissioned and supported by King Henry VII and merchants from the west coast port city of Bristol. But "despite the brevity of the entry" in the record book maintained by the Bardi banking family of Florence, "it opens a whole new chapter in Cabot scholarship, introducing an unexpected European dimension and posing new questions for the field," Guidi-Bruscoli writes."
"The late British historian David Quinn, a dean of discovery scholarship, argued that the Day letter provided "a rational case for placing the English discovery of America in the decade before Columbus sailed in 1492, and possibly as early as 1481." Quinn concluded the likeliest such discovery could have been made during a 1481 voyage organized by four Bristol men - Thomas Croft, William Spenser, Robert Straunge and William de la Fount - who had equipped ships named the George and the Trinity "to serch & fynde a certain Isle called the Isle of Brasile.""
All very inneresting. I wonder if the Italians will want some sort of compensation for that loan? Like a cut in Canada's GDP. Shhh. Don't tell them I said this.

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I've been preoccupied with issues such as a broken car and yard work. (It's finally stopped raining!!! Now comes the hard part.) Plus I am getting a bit tired of blogging. It seems there is nothing new to blog about. Same old idiocy, sometime wrapped in new paper, but still same old, same old. Anyway, this is what's caught my eye over the last two or three days: First from the settled science department, is this bit of desperation, or is it classic climbdown or just plane whackiness. I think the message is greenhouse gases=global warming=extinction.

Dinosaur gas 'may have warmed the Earth': UK study
"Giant dinosaurs that roamed the Earth millions of years ago may have warmed the planet with the gas they produced from eating leafy plants, British scientists said on Monday. Much like modern cows that emit a significant amount of methane in their digestive process, the 20,000 kilogram (44,000 pound) sauropods contributed the same way, and likely more, to the warming climate, said the study in the US journal Current Biology. The climate during the Mesozoic Era, which spanned 250 million years ago to about 65 million years ago, was believed to be hotter than it is today."
There's more here: Dinosaurs farted their way to extinction

..and here: Inherit the wind: dinosaurs blamed for changing climate
"''Our calculations suggest that these dinosaurs could have produced more methane than all modern sources - both natural and man-made - put together.''"
"Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, with a stronger ability to trap heat."
"Global methane emissions from the animals would have amounted to about 472 million tonnes a year, the scientists calculated. The figure is comparable to total natural and man-made methane emissions today. About 150 years ago, methane emissions were about 181 million tonnes a year. The scientists wrote, ''The Mesozoic trend to sauropod gigantism led to the evolution of immense microbial vats unequalled in modern land animals. Methane was probably important in Mesozoic greenhouse warming. Our simple proof-of-concept model suggests greenhouse warming by sauropod megaherbivores could have been significant in sustaining warm climates.''"

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Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Tip Of The Iceberg

Former Mosquito First Nation chief pleads guilty to defrauding band
"The charges result from a five-year investigation by members of the Saskatoon RCMP commercial crime section and the North Battleford detachment. The North Battleford-area band, whose full name is Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man First Nation, was paid $9.6 million as part of the 1992 TLE agreement, which compensated 33 Saskatchewan First Nations for land they'd been owed since the signing of the treaties. The moneys were placed in trust accounts and were to be used to buy land and, if a band chose, to invest in economic development projects. The Mosquito First Nation was required to purchase at least 8,132 hectares to add to its reserve, but the fund has been exhausted without meeting the requirement."

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Friday, May 04, 2012

Is There A Difference?

Between this and this: Still, it's nice to see a Christian standing up for himself. But I think we all know what would happen if some young Muslim showed up in school with a T-Shirt with "Islam Will Dominate" emblazoned all over it.

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Tears In My Eyes

A few weeks back, my daughter, who is getting hitched this summer, asked a bunch of us if we had any favourite songs from "our era", which would be the stone age, that we'd like to hear played at the wedding. I couldn't think of any at the time, but I just remembered this one and sent her an email. Now I'm crying and emptying the Kleenex box: Forgive me for being a sop, but I think it's fitting (the tears, that is).

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I Have It On Good Authority...

...that Archie has married Veronica!! Archie came into this world a fully-grown teenager in 1941. That would make him well into his 80s. What took him so long? Is he gay? Betty must be heartbroken, if she's still alive. There's always Dennis the Menace. I wonder if Jughead is still eligible?

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Thursday, May 03, 2012

Cloud Cover

Need I say more:

Saturn, moon and star offer triple night sky treat Thursday

Get ready for Saturday’s supermoon, astronomy fans

We've had cold, rainy, gloomy weather here for the past several days with no letup in sight. Bummer!

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More Disagreement In The Realm...

...of settled science:

 Study finds even polar bear cubs can swim huge distances in open water
"The study, published in the Canadian Journal of Zoology, tracked 52 female polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea off Alaska. Between 2004 and 2009, a period of extreme summer-ice retreat, about a third of those bears made swims exceeding 30 miles, according to the study. The 50 recorded swims averaged 96 miles, and one bear was able to swim nearly 220 miles (354 km), according to the study results. The duration of the long-distance swims lasted from most of a day to nearly 10 days, according to the study."
"Many of the polar bears in the study had young cubs with them, and it appears that at least some of the cubs – which were not collared – might have been able to keep up with their mothers in the water, USGS officials said. The scientists were able to track 10 of the studied bears within a year of collaring and found that six still had their cubs, the lead scientist said."
""These observations suggest that some cubs are also capable of swimming long distances. For the other four females with cubs, we don't know if they lost their cubs before, during or at some point after their long swims," Anthony Pagano, a USGS scientist and lead author of the study, said."
"The study simply describes behaviour that was observed, Oakley said. "It's just very interesting that in fact they can swim long distances, and cubs can swim long distances," she said. "Do all the cubs that attempt to swim these long distances survive? We don't know." Scientists do not know whether such long-distance swimming is a new behaviour, USGS officials said. The technology to track long-distance bear swims accurately was not available in the past, Oakley told Reuters. "The GPS technology, which is relatively new, is what allowed us to really do the actual in-depth analysis of this," she said."
Visionary or Vision-Impaired? Lovelock Is Both
"Just because someone has had some brilliant ideas, it doesn’t mean every word he utters shines with truth. Let’s keep that in mind in the furor about James Lovelock, inventor of Gaia theory. Lovelock finally stepped back from his doomsday interpretation of climate change last week, but he’s still got a lot of the science wrong. Lovelock is not a climate scientist, and he continues to misinterpret the climate science even in his retractions in an MSNBC article, as Joe Romm has pointed out for Climate Progress. What’s more, in his 2006 book The Revenge of Gaia, he basically invented a dire interpretation about how forests would respond to warmer temperatures with what he admitted were, in his words, “imaginary sketches. This invention was unnecessary given that there’s plenty of evidence about how forests responded to past times when the planet suffered a hothouse existence. My 2010 book Life in the Hothouse – which delves into this evidence to re-examine how Gaia theory applies to the ongoing warming – was written in part to help counterbalance Lovelock’s overly active imagination as laid out in The Revenge of Gaia. To address the climate issue first, clearly he was branching out into his own reality when he issued this claim in his book, repeated in a 2006 Independent column: “… before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.” No other scientists supported that wild exaggeration. And who knows where he got the idea that a continuous increase in carbon dioxide should lead to a continuous increase in temperature. It wasn’t from the climate models that he blames for the supposed error. No models project the atmosphere to behave so linearly – partly for the same reasons that Lovelock identified when he proposed Gaia theory. The Earth is too big, with moving parts that include life and ocean currents, to expect it to respond with such predictable precision. Seeing the Earth as a complex living system is the crux of Gaia theory. As described in his seminal 1979 book, Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth, Lovelock’s theory suggested that life on our planet helps keep global temperature within a survivable realm. In modern times, temperatures can range from the icy existence of penguin territory to the humid tropics where bugs thrive year-round. Life survives in every realm. In the distant past, the planet has passed though ice ages and hothouses. Life forged ahead, and here we are.
"Like many people, I was inspired by his vision of a living, breathing planet. I admire Lovelock for coming up with this vision, and for having the courage to share it with a community of skeptics. Still, I allowed my respect for his creativity and courage to keep me from directly challenging his more outrageous suggestions as much as I should have. Along with the comment that humans were heading toward extinction this century, there was another major flaw from The Revenge of Gaia that demanded an outraged response. On page 63, he featured three drawings that looked like very basic vegetation maps – one of a colder past, one of the present, and one of a warmer future. These are the drawings he rightly described as “imaginary sketches.” In his imagination, forests virtually covered the continents of the ice-age Earth, while only a few specks of forests remained near the poles in his rendition of a hothouse Earth. In fact, the opposite situation is closer to the truth, based on evidence from fossils, sediments, peats and coals, and anything else that survived time’s passage. In the distant past, albeit in the absence of widespread human civilization, forests generally expanded during hothouse periods and shrank during ice ages. In addition to my book, recent articles in Scientific American and National Geographic have described abundant hothouse vegetation in places Lovelock pictured it absent."
Sea-level rises 'may not be as high as worst-case scenarios have predicted'
"The new study, published in the journal Science on Thursday, focused on the latter effect. Moon said: "We found, contrary to conventional wisdom, that glaciers have rapid and large changes in speed."
"The new work shows the situation is not as bad as the worst possible case, but it is still serious for future sea level rise and is certainly more complex than many of the models suggest. Other recent satellite science has revealed complexities in other parts of the world, with the world's greatest peaks in the Himalayan mountain chain revealed as having lost no ice in the last decade. Another study showed the Karakoram glaciers as having grown over the last decade."

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This Is Why...

...I like Sun TV. They point out absurdities, which just so happen to be in the domain of the "brain dead" leftosphere: Same thing I do.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

That's Nice...

Have Scientists Found a Potential Cure For Aging In Space?

I'm all for advances in sciences, but how about a cure for aging down here on earth?

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I'll Scream...

ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH! is screwing up today. It will not recognize a paragraph break by the usual means - hitting the enter key twice. But then again, maybe the blog Gods are trying to tell me something. Like, take a break, dammit!

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All Of Which...

...goes to show these old bearded ones just can't get it up and keep it hard: Sex with corpses halal, ladies with sexual urges may use carrots… They'll do anything to avoid discovery of their dirty little secret.

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Documents reveal al Qaeda's plans for seizing cruise ships, carnage in Europe
"On May 16 last year, a 22-year-old Austrian named Maqsood Lodin was being questioned by police in Berlin. He had recently returned from Pakistan via Budapest, Hungary, and then traveled overland to Germany. His interrogators were surprised to find that hidden in his underpants were a digital storage device and memory cards. Buried inside them was a pornographic video called "Kick Ass" -- and a file marked "Sexy Tanja.""
So that's how they recruit them. Porn Found in Osama Bin Laden Evidence Trove
"...the pornographic material was found in a wooden box in bin Laden's bedroom..."
Well, someone has to review, evaluate and select the material. It's a dirty job, but....

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How Much Do You Wanna Bet...

...there will be cloud cover that day:

 Last chance to see Venus transit for over 100 years

And besides, didn't your mother always tell you not to look directly at the sun?

And by golly, if that doesn't put in mind of some music:
I can't help it.

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Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Earth Passes ...

I Most Strongly Object!!

Someone in Peoria, Arizona did a search for "sunburnt toothless redneck" and found my blog! Harumph!!

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Here's Something... replace the AGW scam especially made for scaremongers, except this one has happened before and could be genuinely catastrophic:

Mysterious Siberian blasts point to rapid pole reversal

First time I've heard of Tunguska explained this way. Not much we can do about it, either.

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It's A Law

Whenever a Kennedy is assassinated, there is always a second bullet from somewhere.



I wonder if he could wangle a workers comp claim outta this? And we learned a new word today, didn't we. Priapism. Use it to impress your friends. But I guess in this case it's not a case of "use it before you lose it".

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