"On May 16 last year, a 22-year-old Austrian named Maqsood Lodin was being questioned by police in Berlin. He had recently returned from Pakistan via Budapest, Hungary, and then traveled overland to Germany. His interrogators were surprised to find that hidden in his underpants were a digital storage device and memory cards. Buried inside them was a pornographic video called "Kick Ass" -- and a file marked "Sexy Tanja.""So that's how they recruit them. Porn Found in Osama Bin Laden Evidence Trove
"...the pornographic material was found in a wooden box in bin Laden's bedroom..."Well, someone has to review, evaluate and select the material. It's a dirty job, but....
Labels: al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, pornography
Whas the porn of women or was it, like the tastes of Yasser Arafat and a lot of Afghan men, of young boys?
Well, one of them was about Tanja. Don't know about the other.
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