Thursday, May 31, 2012

Climate Conference

I've been slowly going through the videos of speakers at the recent Heartland Institute's latest Climate Conference.

They are all good. Some are, perhaps, a bit too technical for a layperson. But one, in particular, is about public funding of science and the bias that creates.

Patrick Michaels's presentation is especially worth a listen, in this regard.

First of all, he is introduced by a Canadian scientist who relates an egregious instance of bias at the CBC, which filmed a conference held at the Museum of Civilization down Ottawa way and at which Patrick Michaels was a speaker. The CBC conveniently removed an inconvenient part of his words from their broadcast. Surprise. Surprise.

But Patrick Michaels presentation itself is chock-a-block full of examples of bias. Y'all no doubt have heard lefties quoting President Eisenhower's famous statement about the Military-Industrial Complex. (I wonder how many of these little minions know they are quoting a Republican president? But I digress.)

Michaels reveals other quotable quotes from the same Presidential address which lefties will not find nearly as convenient.  Check it out at the link above.

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