You Know The Arab World Is Afraid Of Iran When...
Yasser Arafat's Widow: Time to Recognize Israel and Condemn Hamas
Labels: Iran, Israel, Yasser Arafat, you can't make this shit up
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @
Labels: Iran, Israel, Yasser Arafat, you can't make this shit up
Labels: climate, global cooling, global warming, ice
"A Belgian MP has told a Ukip conference that Muslims are staging a “Trojan horse”-style invasion of Europe, The Guardian reports.
Speaking to Ukip members in Blackpool on Saturday, Aldo Carcaci, an MP for the right-wing Belgian People’s party, said that “Muslim immigration from across the Mediterranean is getting totally out of proportion”.
In an audio recording obtained by the Guardian, Carcaci can be heard saying: “It is not immigration, it’s invasion. Europe is totally inefficient in tackling it.”"
Labels: Europe, immigration, Islamists, Islamofacism, Islamosophia
"Alberta RCMP say human remains found near Leduc, south of Edmonton, are 33-year-old Delores Brower, who was reported missing by family in June 2005.
The Métis woman, known by the nickname Spider, worked in the sex trade in Edmonton and was last seen by police on the corner of 118th Avenue and 70th Street on May 13, 2004, at 5:40 a.m. Police said she was trying to get a ride westbound.
Her remains were found on April 19, 2015, on a rural property near Rolleyview, east of Leduc and south of Edmonton."
Labels: crime, Memory Lane, murder, scaaarrry
Labels: budget, CBC, Conservative Party
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, Islamization, women
"Not so fast, Mr. President. While there were Muslim African slaves (who were forced to convert to Christianity) in America’s beginning, Islam played absolutely no role in the ideas and principles which forged our nation. In fact, the Founding Fathers held nothing but contempt for Islam.
Many of them were quite familiar with Muslims through their experiences with the Barbary Pirates, which roamed the Mediterranean, seizing ships and an estimated 1 million European slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries. Once America won its freedom from England, it no longer enjoyed the protection of the French navy under the Treaty of Alliance. Northwest African Berber Muslim states, known collectively as the Barbary States, soon began attacks on American ships and enslaving crews for high ransom...."
Labels: Africa, Barack Obama, Europe, Islam, Islamist
Labels: 'awkey, Canada, lamestream media, Stephen Harper, you can't make this shit up
"On August 7, 2007, Brian Salmi, then-president of the Rhinoceros Party, announced a $50-million lawsuit contesting an election reform law that had stripped his party of its registered status in 1993.
Legally changing his name to Satan, he had planned to run under the Rhino banner in the September 2007 by-election. However, a previous law in 1993 stating registered parties must run candidates in at least 50 ridings, at a cost of $1,000 per riding, to keep their status. In protest of the new law, the party planned to abstain from the election. Canada's then-Chief Electoral Officer, Jean-Pierre Kingsley, rejected the abstention and ordered the party removed from the Registry of Canadian Political Parties. The lawsuit was filed as a result of the removal from the National Party Registry by Mr. Kingsley. Since Mr. Salmi had legally changed his name, the lawsuit was filed as Satan vs. Her Majesty The Queen. The lawsuit was dropped after the ruling of the Chief Electoral Officer was reversed in a new law passed in 2004 that said a party only had to run one candidate in a federal election or federal by-election to be considered registered"
Labels: Canadian politics, humor, political parties, you can't make this shit up
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, Brrrrrrrr, CAGW, global cooling, global warming
Labels: leftards, leftards and leftards, Pat Condell, racism, you can't make this shit up
Labels: babies, The Royals
Labels: budget, CBC, Conservative Party
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming, humor, you can't make this shit up
"Survivors told authorities that between 700 and 950 people were aboard the ship that went down on Sunday"
Labels: Italy, Lybia, Mediterranean, refugees
Labels: awesomeness, science, space
Labels: Brits, Canucks, The Royals, WWI
Labels: America, elections, Hillary Clinton, Yanks, Yanky politics
Labels: Iraq, Saddam Hussein, war
"Here’s hoping sidelined Canadiens forward Max Pacioretty didn’t aggravate whatever’s hurting him by laughing himself silly, wherever he was watching this."[---]
"Just think: 15 more wins and the Canadiens will have a parade. In front of no one, probably, because every fan will be in a cardiac ward."Awe, for the good old days.
Labels: 'awkey, humor, you can't make this shit up
"US-Israel relations are on a collision course because of [President Barack] Obama’s policy on Iran..."[---]
"“We cannot accept the American policy on Iran and sometimes small states have to oppose even superpowers’ policies.”"
Labels: Arabs, Barack Obama, Iran, Islamofascism, Israel, war
"With his rugged face and wild hair, Macdonald was a dead ringer for British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881). The resemblance was so uncanny, one official at Disraeli’s funeral in London mistook Macdonald for Disraeli’s ghost."
Labels: addiction, Canada, history, Sir John A.
"On Sunday, Pope Francis said he held “dismay and disbelief” over what is happening in Iraq. He called the Islamic State fighters terrorists and said there was a need for “a professional, well-equipped army.” “The situation is going from bad to worse,” he warned.
Meanwhile, Chaldean Patriarch Louis Sako of Baghdad said, “There is a need of international support and a professional, well-equipped army. The situation is going from bad to worse.”"
Labels: Christianity, Crusades, Islam, Pope Francis, war
Labels: Round up, space, Wow!, you can't make this shit up, Yuri Gagarin
Labels: Cold War, space, Yuri Gagarin
"In a few decades, Malmö has gone from being a Swedish town to a city mainly characterized by Arabs and immigrants from the third world.
The proportion of foreign-born and residents of foreign origin reached 50.2 percent already in 2013 - and the replacement of the Swedes is fast accelerating. Just ten years ago, the corresponding proportion was 39.7 percent, figures from Statistics Sweden shows.
Now, Malmö is in the company of municipalities such as Södertälje and Botkyrka, where the 50% milestone already had passed.
- Malmö pays out the second most in social contribution per capita of all Swedish municipalities.
- 27 percent of all employees work in the municipality, equivalent to 1.5 times the national average.
- Malmö is the municipality with the highest child poverty.
- Malmö's average tax power per capita has fallen from 2 per cent below the national average in 1994 to 16 percent below the average today.
- The crime rate has exploded, so have several bombs in the city."
Labels: Europe, Islam, Islamists, Islamization, Islamophobia, Islamosophia
"Canada will now give first priority to Syrian refugees from ‘religious minorities’…NOT MUSLIMS!"
Labels: Conservative Party, refugees
Labels: 1960's, Israel, music, Rolling Stones
Labels: Brits, Chucky Pooh, The Once Great Britain, The Royals
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH, crime, First Nations, police, you can't make this shit up
"More so than any other nation, India has taken the lead in the rescue of foreigners trapped in Yemen, evacuating more than 550 foreigners from 32 countries, including a dozen Americans and three Pakistanis."
Labels: Barack Obama, India, Middle East, Yemen
Labels: 1950's, movies, science, you can't make this shit up
Labels: crime, drugs, First Nations, police, prostitution
Labels: spring
Labels: Conservative Party, elections, lamestream media, leftards, leftards and leftards, Stephen Harper
"There are unconfirmed reports that mosques across the African country are being destroyed, according to the International Business Times.
President Jose Edurado dos Santos reportedly told the Osun Defence daily: ‘This is the final end of Islamic influence in our country.’
Along with Islam, which is a religion associated with less than 1 per cent of the population of 19 million, 194 other ‘sects’ have been banned in the nation, where more than half the population is Christian.
Ms Cruz e Silva said: ‘The legalisation of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights [and] their mosques will be closed until further notice.’
Clashes between Christians and Muslim people are frequently reported in the local media."
Labels: Africa, Christianity, Islam, religion
Labels: Chucky Pooh, Islam, Islamism, Islamists, Islamization, The Royals
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, depopulation, doom and gloom, global warming
Labels: winter, you can't make this shit up
"Now that the House is controlled by Republicans, discussions about impeaching Obama have started to arise. According to recent reports, the option is being considered as a consequence for Obama’s refusal to abide by rules and his lack of accountability for his actions.
Congressman Tom Marino of Pennsylvania recently claimed that he hears colleagues discussing impeachment on “a regular basis” and believes that we are “finally getting close to that.”
Representative Brian Babin from Texas has also been outspoken in his declarations that Obama “deserves impeachment.” And he has the vocal support of several other Republican representatives.
In fact, some Republicans are even calling for jail time for Obama, claiming that his actions are blatantly illegal."
Labels: America, Barack Obama, impeachment
"Dr Peiser, from the Global Warming Policy Foundation says that the poles are "much more stable" than climate scientists once predicted and could even be much thicker than previously thought.Ya think?!?!?!
For years, scientists have suggested that both poles are melting at an alarming rate because of warming temperatures - dangerously raising the Earth's sea levels while threatening the homes of Arctic and Antarctic animals.
But the uncertainty surrounding climate change and the polar ice caps reached a new level this month when research suggested the ice in the Antarctic is actually growing.
And there could even be evidence to suggest the polar bear population is not under threat."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming, polar bears
"Is promoting genocide a human-rights violation? You might think that's an easy question. But it isn't at Human Rights Watch, where a bitter debate is raging over how to describe Iran's calls for the destruction of Israel. The infighting reveals a peculiar standard regarding dictatorships and human rights and especially the Jewish state."(Emphasis mine)
Labels: genocide, human rights, Iran, Israel
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, The Once Great Britain
Labels: Europe, Islamosophia, Norway
"In a stunning five minute statement read on state television late Friday, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, leader of Israel’s oldest and most implacable foe, called the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza a “collective massacre” caused by Hamas.
It is just the latest signal in a tectonic shift in Middle East geopolitics that has been largely overlooked by Western media seemingly still committed to building upon its decades-old narrative that Israel remains the united enemy of the Arab world.
In the 75 year history of conflict between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East, no state has been more consistently intransigent against the very notion of a sovereign Jewish presence in the region than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, founded by Abdullah’s grandfather, Ibn Saud, in 1923."
Labels: Islam, Israel, Middle East, Saudi Arabia
"President Obama’s fan club is almost completely non-existent at this point in his presidency as the results of a recent Gallup poll indicate his approval ratings are once again at an all time low.[---]
Obama’s ratings have been steadily dropping since December of 2013, where only 50 percent of Americans believed he was doing a satisfactory job governing the nation.
The president’s current numbers are so embarrassingly low it’s enough to make a person blush and almost feel bad for him. Almost.
According to the Daily Caller, the newest Gallup polls have Obama’s approval rating hovering around 38 percent, which is completely horrible, but the president can take a bit of solace knowing that he hasn’t dipped as low as Jimmy Carter did while in office. His rating was a record setting 28 percent."
"So what has all of America turning on Obama the prince of progressives?
After months of scandals, embarrassing foreign policy snafus, the now infamous border crisis, and the fall of Iraq to radical Muslims, the real question should be why not turn on the president?
Obama is out of touch with the American public. Rather than do his job and handle these crises going on around the world, he’s out playing golf or campaigning for his buddies in the Democratic Party, attending fundraisers and dancing the night away while journalists are beheaded by terrorists.
He’s more concerned with improving the political position of his party than working toward military solutions and strategies that will save thousands of lives.
This new poll should put a healthy dose of fear in the president. The American public is no longer buying what he’s selling, which might account for why the liberal media is desperately attempting to create as much positive spin for Obama as they can possibly muster, but in all honesty, most aren’t believing it."
Labels: Americans, Barack Obama, Democrats, lamestream media, polls
"What a scoop this is from Investor’s Business Daily! Someone from the UN is admitting the truth about global warming: it’s a scam! And she even goes as far as to tell us the reason for the scam: to destroy capitalism."[---]
"As yet, no admission has been given for the reason for the destruction of capitalism, but I can’t help wondering if it’s with the aim of introducing communism or some other totalitarian regime. It’s certainly not for the greater good."[---]
"At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism."
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, global warming, idiocy, IPCC, Kool Aid, Nothing to See Here Folks, oops, scandal du jour, science, United Nations, Useless Nations
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming
Labels: Air Canada, air crashes, airplanes
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, humor, teenagers
"We propose that the governments of the aforementioned countries finalise agreements (and inevitably, legislation) which make it possible for citizens to move freely with no restrictions regarding work permits or visa controls.
Through mutual travel agreements and mobility schemes, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand governments can offer valuable economic connections, strengthen political relationships and benefit from cultural and historical traditions, while strengthening trade, investment, military and diplomatic relationships for the future.
Freedom of movement is already a growing global ideology (as seen with the T.T.T.A and the European Union). The U.K, Australia, Canada and New Zealand share the same head of state, the same common-law legal system, the same western culture, the same respect for democracy and even the same is therefore unreasonable for each to not share the same economic, political and cultural benefits that a free movement policy would bring .
We hereby propose this petition to all members of the UK, Australian, Canadian and New Zealand parliaments, and urge them to advocate such freedom of movement principles within their respective governments"
Labels: Anglosphere, freedom
"Republican Gov. Paul LePage decided to put an end to that, by declining federal waivers that allow states to bypass the “work for welfare” laws put into effect that require single, non-disabled citizens to either work part-time twenty hours per week, volunteer twenty-four hours per month or be enrolled in a verified work-training program in order to receive benefits.""
Labels: fraud, nanny state, welfare
Labels: bloggers, free speech, Saudi Arabia
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, Al Gore, CAGW, global cooling, global warming
Labels: Barack Obama, Islamism, Israel, Middle East, war
Labels: British Empire, history, India