Saturday, April 04, 2015

Can Impeachment Be Far Behind?

Obama Should Be Horrified at the Results of This Poll

"President Obama’s fan club is almost completely non-existent at this point in his presidency as the results of a recent Gallup poll indicate his approval ratings are once again at an all time low.

Obama’s ratings have been steadily dropping since December of 2013, where only 50 percent of Americans believed he was doing a satisfactory job governing the nation.

The president’s current numbers are so embarrassingly low it’s enough to make a person blush and almost feel bad for him. Almost.

According to the Daily Caller, the newest Gallup polls have Obama’s approval rating hovering around 38 percent, which is completely horrible, but the president can take a bit of solace knowing that he hasn’t dipped as low as Jimmy Carter did while in office. His rating was a record setting 28 percent."
"So what has all of America turning on Obama the prince of progressives?

After months of scandals, embarrassing foreign policy snafus, the now infamous border crisis, and the fall of Iraq to radical Muslims, the real question should be why not turn on the president?

Obama is out of touch with the American public. Rather than do his job and handle these crises going on around the world, he’s out playing golf or campaigning for his buddies in the Democratic Party, attending fundraisers and dancing the night away while journalists are beheaded by terrorists.

He’s more concerned with improving the political position of his party than working toward military solutions and strategies that will save thousands of lives.

This new poll should put a healthy dose of fear in the president. The American public is no longer buying what he’s selling, which might account for why the liberal media is desperately attempting to create as much positive spin for Obama as they can possibly muster, but in all honesty, most aren’t believing it."

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