Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don't Ask Me... I found this. Let's just say I have some dirty old biddy friends on Facebook:
"A man took his wife to the rodeo and one of the first exhibits they stopped at was the breeding bulls.

They went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said, “This bull mated 50 times last year.” The wife playfully nudged her husband in the ribs and said, “He mated 50 times last year.”

They walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said, “This bull mated 120 times last year. ” The wife gave her husband a healthy jab and said, “That’s more than twice
a week! You could learn a lot from him.”

They walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said, in capital letters, “This bull mated 365 times last year.” The wife, so excited that her elbow nearly broke her husband’s rib, said,

“That’s once a day. You could REALLY learn something from this one.”

The husband looked at her and said, “Go over and ask him if it was with the same cow.”"

And then there's this:

"A Blind guy on a bar stool shouts to the bartender, “Wanna hear a blonde joke?”

“In a hushed voice, the guy next to him says, “Before you tell that joke, you should know something.”Our bartender IS blonde, the bouncer is blonde. I’m a 6′ tall, 200 lb black belt. The guy sitting next to me is 6’2″, weighs 225, and he’s a rugby player. The fella to your right is 6’5″ pushing 300 and he’s a wrestler. Each one of US is blonde. Think about it, Mister. Do you still wanna tell that joke?”

The blind guy says, “Nah, not if I’m gonna have to explain it five times.”"
"Two elderly gentlemen, who had been without sex for several years, decided they needed to visit a cat-house for some tail….. When they arrived, the madam took one look at them and decided she wasn’t going to waste any of her girls on these two old men.

So she used “blow-up” dolls instead. She put the dolls in each man’s room and left them to their business.

After the two men were finished, they started for home and got to talking.

The first man said, “I think the girl I had was dead. She never moved, talked or even groaned… how was it for you?”

The second man replied, “I think mine was a witch.”

The first man asked, “How’s that?” “Well,” said the second man, “when I nibbled on her breast…..she farted and flew out the window!”:)"
What? You'd rather I was all prim and proper?

There's more here.

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Martin Who?

"Don't support the Keystone XL pipeline, Sheen tells Wall
"He didn’t bring it up, but when a reporter at We Day asked actor Martin Sheen if he had a message for Saskatchewan’s premier about the Keystone XL pipeline, the veteran actor and prominent activist had plenty of advice.

“Don’t do this,” Sheen replied. “It’s not going to be something you’re going to be proud of in the future. That, I can promise you.”

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall is set to travel to Washington next week to urge United States lawmakers to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, a $7-billion, 1,800-kilometre pipeline that would ship oilsands crude from Alberta down through Saskatchewan and six U.S. states to Texas refineries on the Gulf of Mexico.

Sheen told reporters Wednesday that Wall should “leave Mr. Obama alone. He’s got enough problems.”

The pipeline is unnecessary for oil supply, and is driven by profits and a desire to control the world’s energy resources, Sheen said."


"Wall on Wednesday responded briefly on Twitter, saying, “I don’t work for Martin Sheen.”

Then, he tweeted, “Anyone ask Martin Sheen how he feels about U.S. importing oil from countries that deny women basic rights?"
Just another Hollyweirdo.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cats And Dogs

Cats, on the other hand....

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Are our household appliances getting too complicated?
"Who needs a kettle with four heat settings? A washing machine with a 'freshen up' function? A toaster with six browning modes? What happened to the good old days of the on/off switch?

The modern washing machine has a dozen or more cycles that no one has ever used. The "baby cycle", for example, aimed, presumably, at parents too lazy to wash their babies in the bath. Or, quoting now from a variety of machines, the "duvet", "sports", "bed and bath", "reduced creases", "allergy" and "freshen up" cycles. As in "I'm just going to hop in the washing machine and freshen up.""
Yup. And the more useless components there are, the more likely one will go "pstttt" on you and the whole damn thing won't work any more...and it costs more to fix it than it does to buy the "next generation", "new and improved" model.

Grrrrrrrr. /old fart speak

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Well That's A New One

Hotter, wetter climate slashes labour capacity by 10%, study shows

Work capability losses owing to hot and humid conditions could double by mid-century, US government scientists say

""This planet will start experiencing heat stress that's unlike anything experienced today," said Ronald Stouffer, a co-author of the study.

The only way to retain labour capacity, Dunne said, is to limit global warming to less than 3C."

You gotta hand it to them. Their creativity knows no bounds.

Can you imagine? Instead of calling in sick, the excuse du jour will now be "it's too hot and humid out there."

I figure what's lost in productivity in outside work will be picked up by brewery workers, wait staff and bar tenders. And folks who sell and service those big coolers that keep the brew cold. On a hot summer day, there's nothing better than an icy cold one - or two - or three.

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The Pressure is On...

...and getting stronger, it seems:

From Alison Redford

From Brad Wall

From Gary Doer. (I still smirk when I see him championing this cause. He was a Dipper, after all, when he was premier of Manitoba. But, good on him.)

Anyway, I've pretty much moved on. I'm on-board the movement that wants to send that oil via pipeline to Eastern Canada where it can be refined, or better yet, keep it here in the West and upgrade our refineries.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Treaties and Stuff - Part 6

There are two clauses pertaining to the role envisioned for the Chiefs of each Band. They are:

"It is further agreed between Her Majesty and the said Indians, that each Chief duly recognized as such, shall receive an annual salary of twenty-five dollars per annum; and each subordinate officer, not exceeding four for each Band, shall receive fifteen dollars per annum; and each such Chief and subordinate officer, as aforesaid, shall also receive once every three years, a suitable suit of  clothing, and each Chief shall receive, in recognition of the closing of the treaty, a suitabe flag and medal, and also as soon as convenient, one horse, harness and waggon."

(You may note the payment is in dollars, not Pounds Sterling, as would have been the currency in use in Great Britain, where "Her Majesty" lived. The sum of twenty-five dollars is a paltry amount, considering what the Chiefs pay themselves today, isn't it? It was also a paltry amount in 1876, when the treaty was negotiated. A few years later, when Industrial Schools were opened, the lowest paid employees at those institutions made almost as much in one month as the Chiefs did in a whole year.)


"That in lieu of waggons, if they desire it and declare their option to that effect, there shall be  given to each of the Chiefs adhering hereto at Fort Pitt or elsewhere hereafter (exclusively of those in the Carlton district), in recognition of this treaty, as soon as the same can be conveniently transported, two carts with iron bushings and tires."

(It seems Her Majesty's Government in Canada had a role which they decided the Chiefs should play.)

The last section worthy of note in the Treaty 6 text pertains to obeying the law, which also pertains, to some extent, to the role envisaged for the Chiefs:

"And the undersigned Chiefs on their own behalf and on behalf of all other Indians inhabiting the tract within ceded, do hereby solemnly promise and engage to strictly observe this treaty, and also to conduct and behave themselves as good and loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen.

They promise and engage that they will in all respects obey and abide by the law, and they will maintain peace and good order between each other, and also between themselves and other tribes of Indians, and also between themselves and others of Her Majesty's subjects, whether Indians or whites, now inhabiting or hereafter to inhabit any part of said ceded tracts, and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tracts. or the property of Her Majesty the Queen, or interfere with or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tracts, or any part thereof, and that they will aid and assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice, and punishment any Indian offending against the stipulations of this treaty, or infringing the laws in force in the country so ceded.  (I think it's safe to say that promise has been broken, and not by the "whites".

So, should we call the Treaties off?

In the next several segments of this series I will examine what little evidence exists in support of the contemporary Indian view of the Treaties, which is obviously very different from this dry legalistic, stilted language in the text of Treaty 6 as well as, to some extent, the rise of the Indian Industry, which has developed a very lucrative grievance mongering business.

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Why Don't We Just...

...tie funding to attendance rates?

Ottawa fights charge it discriminates against aboriginal kids

I know. I know. They'll just fudge the attendance stats. Been there. Seen that.

Did I ever tell you about the time I taught in the first Band-controlled school in Saskatchewan? The Director of Education, a white guy who was an early member of the Indian Industry, gave all the teachers notebooks in which to record attendance. His excuse was, they had been unable to obtain the normal school register books in which attendance is normally recorded. At the end of the year, we handed in the notebooks, where attendance had been dutifully recorded, and the Director organized a little army of recorders to transfer the data to the real register books, fudging the stats while doing so. All's fair in love and the Indian Industry.

This guy went on to teach at the University of Saskatchewan, but not until after he had successfully run for election under the NDP banner and became the Minister responsible for Northern Affairs, where, of course, many Indians lived and still live. God only knows what other scams he pulled off.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Aside From Wanting...

to wipe the kid's nose, I think he's pretty cute. But what grandmother wouldn't.

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Canada - A Laugh A Minute

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Treaties and Stuff - Part 5

In addition to the emphasis on agriculture, Treaty 6 contains two clauses that caused an hysterically negative reaction from the Chief Civil Servant in Ottawa, namely, the "medicine chest" clause and the "assistance during famine" clause, which read as follows:

"That a medicine chest shall be kept at the house of each Indian Agent for the use and benefit of the Indians."

Sometime in the 1930s this clause was interpreted by the courts to mean that all health services would be provided to the Indians, by the government in Ottawa. It has been pointed out that the Hudson's Bay Company provided medical services to Indians, and also that when Rupertsland (Hudson's Bay Company's territory) had been sold to Canada, the Indians were appalled by the loss of these services and the sale of their land, and assumed the Queen's government was intent on taking over the role previously played by the company.


"That in the event hereafter of the Indians comprised within this treaty being overtaken by any pestilence, or by a general famine, the Queen, on being satisfied and certified thereof by Her Indian Agent or Agents, will grant to the Indians assistance of such character and to such extent as Her Chief Superintendent of Indian Affairs shall deem necessary and sufficient to relieve the Indians from the calamity that shall have befallen them."

At the time Treaty 6 was being negotiated, the specter of famine was already in view. The buffalo were rapidly disappearing, and hunger was already gnawing at Indian well-being.  There is little wonder that the need for such assistant was on the minds of the Indians as they negotiated the terms of their land surrender. While Ottawa bureaucrats were appalled, the Indians were grateful that the Queen had stepped up to replace the role previously played by the Company, which, during it's final days, had indeed, provided Indians with just such assistance.

However, the government in Ottawa was ill prepared, both in terms of logistics and mindset, to adequately fulfill these treaty promises, and a widespread famine did ensue while assistance from Ottawa was parsimonious at best.

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Treaties And Stuff - Part 4

Government policy in the 1870s was to turn Indians into farmers. Not surprisingly, then, there are three paragraphs in Treaty 6 that relate to agriculture.  Namely:

"It is further agreed between Her Majesty and the said Indians that the following articles shall be supplied to any Band of the said Indians who are now cultivating the soil, or who shall hereafter commence to cultivate the land, that is to say: Four hoes for every family actually cultivating ; also, two spades per family as aforesaid ; one plough for every three families, as aforesaid ; one harrow for every three families, as aforesaid ; two scythes and one whetstone, and two hay forks and two reaping hooks, for every family as aforesaid, and also one crosscut saw,  one handsaw, one pit-saw, the necessary files one grindstone and one grindstone and one auger for each Band ; also for each Chief  for the use of his band, one chest of ordinary carpenter's tools; also, for each Band, enough of wheat, barley, potatoes and oats to plant the land actually broken up for cultivation by such Band; also for each Band four oxen, one bull and six cows ; also one boar and two sows, and one hand mill when any Band shall raise sufficient grain therefor. All the aforesaid articles to be given once for all for the encouragement of the practice of agriculture among the Indians."

(Needless to say, that clause has been turned into something else completely by the Indian Industry.)


"That during the next three years, after two or more of the reserves hereby agreed to be set apart to the Indians shall have been agreed upon and surveyed, there shall be granted to the Indians included under the Chiefs adhering to the Treaty at Carlton, each spring, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be expended for them by Her Majesty's Indian Agents, in the purchase of provisions for the use of such of the Band as are actually settled on the reserves and are engaged in cultivating the soil, to assist them in such cultivation."


"That with regard to the Indians included under the Chiefs adhering to the Treaty at Fort Pitt, and to those under Chiefs within the treaty limits who may hereafter give their adhesion thereto (exclusively, however, of the Indians of the Carlton region), there  shall, during three years , after two or more reserves shall have been agreed upon and surveyed be distributed each spring among the Bands cultivating the soil on such reserves, by Her Majesty's Chief Indian Agent for this treaty, in his discretion, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, in the purchase of provisions for the use of such members of the Band as are actually settled on the reserves and engages in the cultivation of the soil, to assist and encourage them in such cultivation."

(What is noteable about these clauses is how specific they are. The last one, immediately above, for example, was to apply only to those Indians who had gathered at Fort Pitt, but not to the ones at Fort Carlton, but, perhaps that's because there was a different group assembled at Fort Pitt and those who had assembled at Fort Carlton had already been promised more or less the same. It's also noteable that there was an altruistic spirit in what was being offered. It is also quite evident that the Treaty Commissioners of the day thought the transition to agriculture would be fairly speedy and without major problems. Naivety, perhaps, but it certainly didn't turn out that way.)

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Friday, February 22, 2013


Canada’s Conservatives poised for decades of power in Ottawa, pollster’s book says

Brace yourselves for a lot of howling, whining and crying from the usual crowd. (I've been harbouring this secret theory that most political movements in Canada start in Saskatchewan. Maybe it's true!!)

You know, we spent the first 70 years as a nation under primarily Conservative governments, the next 70+ years under primarily Liberal Governments. Perhaps, 70 years is about what it takes for the pendulum to complete a trip.

Just the thought of the Liberals anointing Baby Trudeau only to see the party permanently incinerated is the stuff of pleasant dreams. I shall sleep well tonight.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

How Much Do You Wanna Bet...

...they'll cut their heads off and broadcast it for all to see. The only question will be kids first? Or their parents, while the kids watch?

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Happy Birthday Nicolaus

I just wanted to let you know you got it wrong. I am the centre of the universe.

Just joking. Sort of. Maybe.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Carbon Free Energy

 Watch this first, then tell me what you think of my idea:

My idea is we should put these econuts on bicycles and whip them soundly if they stop peddling. Think of all the energy that could be generated by all those spinning bicycle wheels. Only one thing wrong, though. The bicycles would have to be produced in a factory that likely produces CO2, in China, probably.  But then China already has a general pass on all things related to CO2 production, so that should be alright.

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Treaties and Stuff - Part 3

Following the clause concerning liquor, comes one about hunting and fishing rights:

"Her Majesty further agrees with her said Indians that they, the said Indians, shall have the right to pursue their avocations of hunting and fishing throughout the tract surrendered as hereinbefore described, subject to such regulations as may from time to time be made by Her Government of her Dominion of Canada, and saving and excepting such tracts as may from time to time be required or taken up for settlement, mining, lumbering or other purposes by Her said Government of the Dominion of Canada, or by any of the subjects thereof duly authorized therefor by the said Government."

(Not quite what Indians understand their hunting and fishing rights to be today, is it?)

Next, is a clause pertaining to lands required for public works or buildings on reserve land:

"It is further agreed between Her Majesty and Her said Indians, (There we go again. It seems Her Majesty viewed "Her" Indians as "Her subjects".) that such sections of the reserves above indicated as may from time to time be required for public works or buildings, of what nature soever, may be appropriated for that purpose by Her Majesty for that purpose by Her Majesty's Government of the Dominion of Canada, due compensation being made for the value of any improvements thereon."

Following that:

"And further, that Her Majesty's Commissioners shall, as soon as possible after the execution of this treaty, cause to be taken an accurate census of all the Indians inhabiting the tract above described, distributing them in families, and shall, in every year ensuing the date hereof,and at some period in each year, to be duly notified to the Indians, at a place or places to be appointed for that purpose within the territory ceded, pay to each Indian person, the sum of $5 per head yearly.  (This practice is still in, place. Members of the RCMP, dressed in their red serge, attend Treaty Days, and assist with the distribution of the cash.)

"It is further agreed between Her Majesty and the said Indians, that the sum of $1,500 per annum shall be yearly and every year expended by Her Majesty in the purchase of ammunition, and twine for nets, for the use of the said Indians, in manner following, that is to say : In the reasonable discretion, as regards the distribution thereof among the Indians  inhabiting  the several reserves, or otherwise, included herein, of Her Majesty's Indian Agent having the supervision of this treaty." (I'll have more to say about this in a future installment. I doubt whether the amounts have been increased, as Her Majesty's government in Canada, at the time, were certain that Her subjects would be completely engrossed in farming in a few short years. In any case, those amounts in 1876 dollars would not buy much in 2013 dollars.)

Part 4...

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

And Speaking of...


Saskatchewan's communist lite party is apparently having a hard time maintaining any relevance:

With two debates left, NDP leadership race set to intensify
"Since November, the rooms have been packed across the province when the NDP leadership debates come to town. So far about 3,000 people have attended the debates."
And Saskatchewan's population is.....1,086,600. It doesn't say how many of those 3,000 are of voting age, but you can bet that some of them were just minors tagging along with their parents.
"Regina Leader-Post political columnist Murray Mandryk suggests the debates alone have shown no front runner. Instead, he sees the candidates setting themselves apart on the campaign trail, for example, Ryan Meili’s use of social media and fundraising abilities and Cam Broten’s support from established NDP-ers.

But, Mandryk says there is something missing from the debates.

“There’s nothing new and innovative,” he said. “I don't think they're moving far enough towards the centre-middle in terms of this process to really help them recapture, and I think that's going to be problematic.”

It is because the topics that have mostly dominated the debates include housing, health care, public ownership of resources, Crown corporations, resource royalty rates and agricultural policies. Those are traditional topics for the NDP, but for an enterprising province, Mandryk says there are some that have not come up nearly as much, including spending and creating business opportunities.

While the long list of themes might appeal to the 11,000 people with NDP memberships in the province, the other voters may not be so sure.

“The more and more they hear these messages specifically tailored to the NDP cliental, the more and more the public at large sits back and says, ‘Well, what do I share with this party?’” Mandryk explained.

The candidates might have to find ways to broaden their support."
Still, they can put on a brave face, if not new policies. Notice the "packed house" of 100 people in Swift Current. Yup. Rent a small room and you can claim to have a "packed house".

And it looks like the fresh blood isn't helping much.

New poll on Sask. NDP leadership race

"The survey shows Cam Broten, Ryan Meili and Trent Wotherspoon are preferred almost equally among the general public. Erin Weir is a distant fourth.

For many respondents, those wanna-be leaders might be known only as good ol' what's-his-name. The poll, by Regina-based Praxis Analytics, found nearly two-thirds of those surveyed - some 63 per cent - couldn't name any of the candidates."
"The poll, which gathered responses from 1,254 randomly-selected people, was conducted between Jan. 31 and Feb. 5.

It is considered generally accurate plus or minus 2.8 per cent at a 95-per-cent confidence level.

Only 55 per cent of respondents were even aware a leadership race was underway. "I would have thought it would be more like 75 per cent, because the race has been going on for a while," Cooper said."
NDP unknowns signify a problem
"New Democrats may try to take solace in the fact that a vast swath of Saskatchewan didn't know who Brad Wall was nine years ago, either.

But this is cold comfort to Saskatchewan's former natural-governing party, which appears to be quickly becoming a political afterthought - a party in which most Saskatchewan people seem to have limited interest, according to this week's Praxis Analytics poll.

Today, Premier Wall is the most recognized Saskatchewan personality short of Gainer the Gopher and Oscar Leroy from Corner Gas. Given that these characters - along with Senator Pamela Wallin - are all fictitious Saskatchewan residents, it's fair to say that Wall is the most recognizable person in the province.

And to do battle with popular and charismatic Wall, the NDP will choose in three weeks a virtual political unknown.

Sixty-three per cent of respondents could not name a single Saskatchewan NDP leadership candidate and 45 per cent didn't even know there was an NDP leadership race going on, according to the 1,235-person survey conducted between Jan. 31 and Feb. 5."
NDP. You are history.

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Persistence Pays Off

'Knees trembling,' blogger Yoani Sanchez leaves Cuba

"Dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez checked in at Havana's international airport on Sunday without complications, with a flight to Brazil the first item on her world tour itinerary.

Sanchez was granted a passport two weeks ago, under more lax travel laws introduced in January by Cuban authorities. The critical online activist, who had been denied a passport in 20 applications over the past five years, was initially skeptical about her chances of securing a passport even under the new system.

The 37-year-old author of the "Generacion Y" blog is one of several Cuban critics to receive a passport, but the first to take advantage of the measure."
Good for her.

Some reprehensible regimes collapse overnight. Others fade away over a long period of time. But nothing lasts forever. This, too, shall come to pass.

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Media Sees What It Wants... see [Emphasis mine]:

From Canada's Globe and Mail

Fewer protesters than expected at D.C. rally against Keystone pipeline
"Thousands of environmental activists braved chilly winds to gather on the Mall in Washington, D.C., Sunday, demanding Barack Obama say “no” to the controversial Keystone XL pipeline proposal to funnel Alberta crude across the United States to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Despite optimistic claims made from the stage and circulated on social media that 35,000 people attended, the reality was different. Long lines of portable toilets were mostly unused, some protesters left early and a straggling column marched on the White House two hours into the rally."
Must have been too damned cold for milquetoast. Oh, the irony!
"“No matter how discouraging the turnout, it’s important to be here and be heard,” said Jim Plunkett, 66, from Portland, Ore., who drove across the country with his wife to decry the Keystone pipeline. “We came a long way to do this.”

Forecasts for snow had threatened to cool activist ardour, but the morning was clear and bright, if barely above freezing, on the Mall in Washington.

Busloads of students from college campuses and environmentalists from several dozens states and Canada converged for the Forward on Climate rally, but hopes that it would spark a massive turnout beyond those already devoted to the the cause seemed to fall short of expectations."
No matter. Enough fossil fuels were burned getting there.

And from NBC:

Thousands rally in D.C. against Keystone Pipeline
"Although the crowd count could not be independently confirmed, organizers estimated nearly 40,000 people from across the country descended on the nation’s capital to gather near the Washington Monument and then march to the White House for the “Forward on Climate” rally."
Eh, so we round off to the next highest number. What does that matter?

All told though, whether it's 35,000 from all over North America or 40,000 just from the USA, it's still not what you'd call the biggest rally on the Washington Mall. But, we'll use the chilly weather to explain that away. Oh, the irony!

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Interesting Insights

Especially about Iran.

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Treaties And Stuff - Part 1

Further to this entry, I intend to go clause by clause through Treaty 6, as it was written when it was signed. (Bolded emphasis is mine, as are the comments in red.)

The opening clauses read as follows:
"Articles of a Treaty made and concluded near Carlton on the 23rd day of August  and on the 28th day of said month, respectively, and Near Fort Pitt  on the 9th day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen of  Great Britain and Ireland, by Her Commissioners, the Honourable Alexander Morris, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba and the North-west Territories, and the Honourable James McKay, and the Honourable William Joseph Cristie, of the one part, and the Plain and Wood Cree and other Tribes (What? You mean they weren't Nations?) of Indians, inhabitants of the country within the limits hereinafter defined and as described by their Chiefs, chosen and named as hereinafter mentioned, of the other part.

And whereas the Indians inhabiting the said country have, pursuant to an appointment made by the said commissioners, been convened at meetings at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt and Battle River, to deliberate upon certain matters of interest to Her Most Gracious Majesty, of the one part, and the said Indians of the other." (Is it little wonder Indians of today consider the treaties to have been made with the Queen of Britain?  But why is that the only thing they seem to remember, today, when there is so much more in the treaties?)
To continue:
"And whereas the said Indians have been notified and informed by her Majesty's said Commissioners that it is the desire of Her Majesty to open up for settlement, immigration and such other purposes as to Her Majesty may seem meet, (Opps. Does that mean mineral rights and other stuff beyond and over and above the "depth of a plow"?) a tract of country bounded and described as hereinafter mentioned, and to obtain the consent thereto of Her Indian subjects (What??!! You mean they were already "subjects" of the crown? How could that be????) inhabiting the said tract, and to make a treaty and arrange with them, so that there may be peace and good will between them and Her Majesty, and that they may know and be assured of what allowance they are to count upon and receive from Her Majesty's bounty and benevolence.

And whereas the Indians of the said tract, duly convened in council, as aforesaid, and being requested by Her Majesty's said Commissioners to name certain Chiefs and Headmen, who should be authorized on their behalf to conduct such negotiations and sign any treaty to be founded thereon, and to become responsible to Her Majesty for their faithful performance by their respective Bands of such obligations as shall be assumed by them, the said Indians have thereupon named for that purpose, that is to say, representing the Indians who make the treaty at Carlton, the several Chiefs and Councillors who have subscribed hereto, and representing  the Indians who make the treaty at Fort Pitt, the several Chiefs and Councillors who have subscribed hereto."
Following these clauses is a description of the territory so ceded, after which is the following:
"And also, all their rights, titles and privileges whatsoever to all other lands wherever situated in the North-west Territories, or in any other Province or portion of Her Majesty's Dominions, situated and being within the Dominion of Canada.

The tract comprised within the lines above described embracing an area of 121,000 square miles, be the same, more or less.

To have and to hold the same to Her Majesty the Queen and Her successors forever."
(Whoa!! You mean, Her Majesty did not recognize these territories as belonging to anyone but herself?  Say it ain't so!!)

Following these clauses are the standard clauses, found in all the numbered treaties negotiated in the 1870s, whereby the Indians were to select the locations where they wanted their "reserves" located, and Her Majesty would arrange to have surveyors mark out the said tracts of land.

(Yup. The Indians got to select their own reserves, contrary to what the Indian Industry would have us believe. Mind you, the intent was to train the Indians how to farm, and in those days, one could make a good living farming on a much smaller tract of land than would be necessary today.)

Part 2...

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Treaties and Stuff - Part 2

Included also in the clauses about reserved land is the following:

"..the aforesaid reserves of land, or any interest therein, may be sold or otherwise disposed of by Her Majesty's Government for the use and benefit of the said Indians entitled thereto, with their consent first had and obtained"

(There were a number of such land "surrenders" duly arranged in the decades that followed, which became the subject of land claims in the 1970s and '80s with the assertion that they had be defrauded of their land, however, it would appear that, contrary to the Indian version of events, all was on the up and up at the time of the surrender.)

In the same paragraph, Indians are promised cash payouts "with a view to show the satisfaction of Her Majesty with the behavior and good conduct of Her Indians", as follows:

"...twelve dollars for each man, woman and child belonging to the bands here represented, in extinguishment of all claims heretofore preferred."

Following that is a promise of schools. (Interesting anecdote: Publicly funded education was a new, and as yet, not universally accepted  concept in the 1870s. Prior to that, most schooling for poor children was delivered by the churches.  So it makes perfect sense that the schools opened on reserves, and later, the residential schools, were administered by the churches.)

The exact wording of the education clause in Treaty 6, is: "And further, Her Majesty's Government of the Dominion of Canada agrees to maintain schools for instruction in such reserves [Emphasis mine} hereby made as to her Government of the Dominion of Canada may seem advisable, whenever the Indians of such reserve shall desire it.

(I placed the words "in such reserves" in bold, in order to emphasize the mindset of the Victorian era. In other words, paying for post-secondary education was not anticipated, as Indian organizations would have us believe today.   Indeed, post-secondary education, or even secondary education, at that time, was a luxury only the well-to-do could afford. As mentioned above, at the time Treaty 6 was negotiated, only recently had public funding for lower-class children become acceptable,  It is highly unlikely that the Treaty Commissioner, or the Queen herself, had that in mind.  What was most likely, given the life-ways of Europeans and the colonials of the time, and given what was anticipated as the future for Indians, was an agrarian mode of life, or careers in trades that supported an agrarian lifestyle, such as blacksmithing.  In fact, and in hand with the residential schools appearing during that era, where "industrial schools", where Indian youth were taught precisely those sorts of skills.)

Finally, to round out Part 2, is the next clause pertained to the general prohibition against alcohol:

"...within the boundary of Indian reserves, until otherwise determined by Her Government of the Dominion of Canada, no intoxicating liquor shall be allowed to be introduced or sold, and all laws now in force, or hereinafter enacted, to preserve Her Indian subjects inhabiting or living elsewhere within Her North-west Territories from the evil influence of the use of intoxicating liquors, shall be strictly enforced."

(This prohibition was an integral part of the Indian Act until the late 1950s (or early 1960s). And still, today, there are "wet' reserves, and "dry" reserves, the status being determined by Band Council resolution.)  

Part 3 -

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Stories That Make You Go...


Medals belonging to Sask. veteran returned to family
"A car crash killed John “Jack” Austin Gibbens in 1957, but his surviving relatives caught a glimpse of the Saskatchewan man for one afternoon when a box of his war medals were returned to the family.

The Canadian military medals and patches from the Second World War stored in an old chocolate box were lost several years ago and recently found by Saskatoon resident Thom Cholowski. The medals revealed much about the man’s military service, but only small clues about their owner.

After months of exhaustive detective work leading him to Gibbens, Cholowski, a conservation manager at the Western Development Museum, returned the medals to the veteran’s family."
"Seven of Jack’s relatives, together spanning three generations, met with Cholowski at the museum, where he detailed his research efforts and what he learned about Jack, his wife Hazel and daughter Dianna — both died with Jack in the car crash — before returning the medals."
"Jack’s medals — including one so well cared for that frequent polishing had erased much of its engraved image — were stolen from a farmhouse several years ago, according to the family.

Cholowski found the medals in a display case at a Saskatoon Value Village. The contents lacked anything identifying the owner."


49 abandoned California dogs take RV trip to new homes in Canada
"Forty-nine dogs of all sizes, ages and breeds, have moved countries to seek their first loving home ever. The dogs were in an overcrowded 'no-kill' shelter in Palm Springs, Calif. but following 8 days in an RV are now citizens of Halifax, Nova Scotia."
Who couldn't fall in love with a face like that?

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Tunguska revisited?
"Bright objects, apparently debris from a meteor, streaked through the sky in western Siberia early on Friday, accompanied by a boom that damaged buildings across a vast territory. Russia’s Interior Ministry said more than 1,000 people were hurt, 200 of them children, mostly from shards of glass that shattered when the meteor entered the atmosphere."
"Russian experts believe the blast was caused by a 10-ton meteor known as a bolide, which created a powerful shock wave when it reached the Earth’s atmosphere, the Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement. Scientists believe the bolide exploded and evaporated at a height of around 20 to 30 miles above the Earth’s surface, but that small meteorite fragments may have reached the ground, the statement said."
"Russian experts believe the blast was caused by a 10-ton meteor known as a bolide, which created a powerful shock wave when it reached the Earth’s atmosphere, the Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement. Scientists believe the bolide exploded and evaporated at a height of around 20 to 30 miles above the Earth’s surface, but that small meteorite fragments may have reached the ground, the statement said."
"Siberia stretches the length of Asia, and there is a history of meteor and asteroid showers there. In 1908 a powerful explosion was reported near the Tunguska River in central Siberia, its impact so great that trees were flattened for 25 miles around. Generations of scientists have studied that event, analyzing particles that were driven into the Earth’s surface as far away as the South Pole. A study published in the 1980s concluded the object weighed a million tons."[
"“Asteroid 2012 DA14 will not impact Earth, but if another asteroid of a size similar to that of 2012 DA14 were to impact Earth, it would release approximately 2.5 megatons of energy in the atmosphere and would be expected to cause regional devastation,” NASA said"
"Referring to the “Tunguska Event,” NASA said the impact of an asteroid just smaller than 2012 DA14 “is believed to have flattened about 825 square miles of forest in and around the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia.”.
Hurry now someone. Before this passes from the news, blame it on global warming.

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Canada is number 1 and Israel is number 2. Inneresting.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

The Reason Criminals Get...

...caught is because they are so damned stupid.

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One Of The Best...

...discussions regarding the Idle No More movement:

Ron Breakenridge interviews Terry Glavin (@ 1/3/2013 10:31:00 PM).

Check out Mr. Glavin's excellent piece here, while you're at it.

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Ya Think So... ya?

Can Leak Detection End the Pipeline Impasse? Interview with Adrian Banica

Nah. The eco-freaks will just come up with another reason to keep their knickers in a knot.

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Gee. Do You Think...

...if you offered something other than grievance studies you might attract more students?

Big curriculum changes to the U of R
"The university says they systematically voted to drop programs based on enrollment rates in past years.

The most affected areas of study were science and the arts. The senate’s vote indicates plans to re-direct funding into areas of study they believe will spark more interest from incoming students, such as kinesiology and creative technologies."
The U of R has been a joke since it became a university in its own right, way back in the mid-1970s.

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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Logan Has His Ears

...lowered. He's still grandma's little man though.

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Saturday, February 09, 2013

That'll Never Do

The Religion of Peace...

...strikes again:

‘They were engaged in life-saving work’: Gunmen kill nine Nigerian women distributing polio vaccinations
"Gunmen suspected of belonging to a radical Islamic sect shot and killed at least nine women who were taking part in a polio vaccination drive in northern Nigeria on Friday, highlighting the religious tensions surrounding the inoculation of children in one of the few nations where the disease still remains endemic.

The attack shocked residents of Kano, the largest city in Nigeria’s predominantly Muslim north, where women often go from house to house to carry out the vaccination drives as Muslim families feel more comfortable allowing them inside their homes than men. It also signaled a new wave of anger targeting immunization drives in Nigeria, where clerics once claimed the vaccines were part of a Western plot to sterilize young girls."
Uh huh.

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Monday, February 04, 2013

Kleptomania Strikes Again, Aided And Abetted By Facebook

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Yes, I'm Still Alive!

Well, we've had our annual deep freeze. It seems to be over, please God. But now we have our annual deep snow season. Yesterday, I went downtown to pick up a few things. Got stuck in the driveway, first, though, and the forecast is for more of the white stuff today and tomorrow. But I've got lots of stuff to do around the house.

PS: I promised the other day to pick apart the Indian Industry's carefully crafted memes. I'm still working on it.

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Saturday, February 02, 2013

France Recolonizes Mali...

" rapturous welcome from thousands of people who gathered in a dusty square next to a 14th century mosque to dance, play drums and chant, “Vive la France!” The muezzin of the mosque, whose singing calls residents to pray five times a day, wore a scarf in the colors of the French flag around his neck, as he shouted, “Vive Hollande!”"But even as thousands of people gathered outside the mud and wood mosque here to greet Mr. Hollande, hailing him as the city’s, and their country’s, savior, questions remain about what, exactly, France has accomplished aside from chasing Islamic extremists from the cities and into their desert and mountain redoubts.

“These Islamists, they have not been defeated,” said Moustapha Ben Essagouté, a member of one of the city’s most prominent families who lined up to greet Mr. Hollande here. “Hardly any of them have been killed. They have run into the desert and the mountains to hide.”

Mr. Hollande, speaking to French and Malian troops gathered here, praised the alacrity of their victories.

“You have accomplished an exceptional mission,” he said. But, he later added, “The fight is not over.”"
"American military and counterterrorism officials applauded the speed and efficiency of the French-led operation, but they voiced concerns that the militants had ceded the northern cities with little or no resistance in order to prepare for a longer, bloodier counterinsurgency.

"Longer term, and the French know this, it’s going to take a while to root out all these cells and operatives," Michael Sheehan, the Pentagon’s top special operations policy official, told a defense industry symposium on Wednesday.

The senior United States intelligence official said that the real measure of success would not be geographical, but whether follow-up operations in the north would be able to degrade Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and other Islamist groups."
"For now, the people of Timbuktu were grateful. They waved French and Malian flags, danced and sang to the thumping rhythms of djembe drums, which were banned under the harsh version of Shariah imposed by the Islamist group that took control of the city. Men and women danced side by side.

As the diminutive Mr. Hollande, ringed by security guards, plunged into the crowd, shaking hands and smiling, some waved banners that said “Papa François, the mysterious city welcomes you.”

“Hollande is our savior,” said Arkia Baby, a 24-year-old college student, who wore a purple batik dress of a style banned by the Islamists. “He gave us back our freedom.”"
That happened in Iraq, too, right after the Americans invaded, but it turned really nasty later on. Oh well, I think by now, ten years on, a lot of Islamist cells and leadership have been taken out. It's gonna be a long war.

In the meantime, the Mad Mullahs and Ahmadinejad, must be fuming over their impotence, and just a wee bit distracted.

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Are Saskatchewanites...

...busier than usual? Or is it all those new people that have moved here for good paying jobs?

Saskatchewan baby boom biggest in a generation

That little one sure is cute. I like the chubby cheeks and the slight frown. Betcha he/she is registering displeasure at the frigid temperatures (which, thankfully (I think)), have been replaced with warmer temperatures and snow. I can tell ya, with near 100% certainty, that there will be a mini babyboom in October. Gotta do something to stay warm.

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Friday, February 01, 2013

Apology Accepted...