Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Well That's A New One

Hotter, wetter climate slashes labour capacity by 10%, study shows

Work capability losses owing to hot and humid conditions could double by mid-century, US government scientists say

""This planet will start experiencing heat stress that's unlike anything experienced today," said Ronald Stouffer, a co-author of the study.

The only way to retain labour capacity, Dunne said, is to limit global warming to less than 3C."

You gotta hand it to them. Their creativity knows no bounds.

Can you imagine? Instead of calling in sick, the excuse du jour will now be "it's too hot and humid out there."

I figure what's lost in productivity in outside work will be picked up by brewery workers, wait staff and bar tenders. And folks who sell and service those big coolers that keep the brew cold. On a hot summer day, there's nothing better than an icy cold one - or two - or three.

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