Sunday, May 31, 2015
Who Ya Gonna Believe?
No, Bush was not right about Iraq: How conservatives misread new Times bombshell
That NYT Story On Abandoned Munitions Doesn't Prove Bush Was Right About WMDs
The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons
I've always believed the biggest weapon of mass destruction was dragged out of a hole in the ground and hanged by the neck until dead.
Labels: Iraq, war, Weapons of Mass Destruction
Saturday, May 30, 2015
The World's Most Persecuted Minority: ChristiansThe most persecuted people today are Christians in the Middle East. The perpetrators of the destruction of that region's Christian community? Islamists. Middle East expert Raymond Ibrahim lays out the grim details.
Posted by Prager University on Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Labels: Christianity, Christians, Middle East, persecution
Friday, May 29, 2015
Dippers In Deep...
NDP MPs ordered to repay office spending to be denied expense claims
Labels: Canadian politics, New Democrats, scandal du jour
We Get Noticed..
...For a very good reason:
Canada to Strip Citizenship of Dual-National Terror Convicts
Labels: Canada, Conservative Party, terrorism
A Time Honoured Tradition...
Iraq Exhumes 500 Bodies from ISIS Massacre in Tikrit
Labels: Iraq, mass graves, war
Thursday, May 28, 2015
NETHERLANDS joins France and Belgium in banning full face-covering Muslim headbags, albeit a partial ban
Labels: Europe, Islamosophia, The Netherlands
Stock In Trade Response
Notley Finds The Unexpected, Says Fiscal Situation Bigger Than PCs Led On
Which, of course, means they won't be keeping any of their promises.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
I'm Going To Go Out On A Limb Here...
...and say these cave deposits will show the earth has warmed and cooled countless times in the past with out the help of humans:
Cave Deposits May Help Predict Future Weather Patterns on our Warming Planet
Stalagmites record amazing amount of weather data
About Damned Time
Amnesty International says Hamas tortured, killed Palestinians
The militant group Hamas tortured and killed Palestinians during the war against Israel in the Gaza Strip last year, Amnesty International said in a report released Wednesday.
"Hamas, which controls Gaza, arrested and tortured dozens of Palestinians and executed at least 23, the human rights group reported."I may have to change my mind about Amnesty International.
Labels: Amnesty International, Hamas, Middle East, murder, Palestinians
Another One...
Ancient Greeks: Golden Age of Civilization
Labels: ancient history, civilization, Greece
Ancient China
History of China
The Last Emperor of China
You know me. I'm a history junkie. The history of China fascinates me. There were so many firsts that took place in China. Their golden age was about the same time as the Roman Empire in the West. They were light-years ahead of anything in Europe at the time. Gun powder, steel, using fossil fuels for heat, energy and industry. The first use of paper currency. The list goes on.
Labels: China, history, inventions
Irony Of Ironies
Labels: droughts, floods, you can't make this shit up
CAGW Exposed
Global Warming Continues To Pummel Polar Ice Caps By Not Causing Them To Melt
"As I've written previously, we’ve experienced the calmest Hurricane season in 30 years, the quietest tornado season in 60 years; the creation of 19,000 Manhattan islands worth of sea ice, and (again) the Arctic Ice Cap has grown by 533,000 square miles. In 2007, the BBC warned the cap could vanish by 2013. Oh, and we’re at the most industrialized point in human history–and air quality couldn’t be better, according to the EPA."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, boring details, CAGW, global warming, you can't make this shit up
Monday, May 25, 2015
No Sooner Said, Than...
Obama Might Leave the White House Sooner Than We Think
"The Republican-controlled house has started discussing the possibility of impeaching President Obama, according to the Conservative Tribune."
Labels: Barack Obama, impeachment
Well Duh!
"A new study published in the British medical journal, The Lancet, concludes we’re 20 more times likely to die from cold than heat.
It says this has “important implications ... for predictions of future effect in climate-change scenarios.”
You think?
The researchers, including Canadian scientists, compiled data on more than 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries from 1985 to 2012, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the U.K. and the U.S.
They found 7.71% of all deaths were due to “sub-optimal” hot and cold temperatures, but with cold responsible for the vast majority — 7.29% compared to 0.42% for heat.
The study also found most deaths don’t occur during extreme temperatures, but when they are slightly above or below normal, although again, 6.66% of all deaths were related to moderate cold compared to less than 1% for moderate heat."[--]" a warming world could mean fewer temperature-related deaths, not more.
All of this runs contrary to the constant barrage of hysterical propaganda from climate warm mongers.
That would include Al Gore, whose Academy Award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth incorrectly depicted global warming (aka climate change) as a never ending, planet-wide, relentless assault of rapidly rising temperatures, stronger hurricanes, deadly heat waves and unrelenting droughts happening everywhere at once.
Labels: global cooling, global warming
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Blogspot Is In One Of Its Moods...
Labels: AARRRRRRGGGHHHH,, bloggers, blogging
Not Being An American...
Congress Releases Their Case For Impeaching Obama… There Is No Way He Will Win
Labels: America, Barack Obama, impeachment
Every Thing Is GMO'd
If you don’t want your food genetically modified, tell nature to stop it
"Recent research drives home how misled alarmists are about genetically modified food. All human beings, two Cambridge University scientists have established, are genetically modified, including Chipotle’s customers. Over the years, hundreds of foreign genes have jumped into human DNA through a natural phenomenon called “gene flow.” As a result, all humans carry genes that originated in algae, bacteria and fungi.
If humans can safely accept alien genes without mishap, why not food, too?"
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Can't A Girl Get A Break?
"When Kate Middleton left the hospital with baby Charlotte last week, the majority of people could only focus on how insanely adorable the new princess is -- and of course, how insanely gorgeous the Duchess looked. Some keen-eyed people noticed that the little bonnet Princess Charlotte was wearing was on backwards! Hey, cut the Duchess some slack -- she's used to having a boy! Unless you have a hat like this, it's hard to tell that it's on "wrong." I actually have one of these hats -- a pixie hat -- for my daughter, and when I first got it, I put it on the exact same way. It's hard to tell! Here, check out Kate's first "style slip up," as the Daily Mail, called it with her new baby."[---]
"The part that surrounds the face should be on the neck."And this qualifies as news?
Labels: The Royals, you can't make this shit up
Friday, May 22, 2015
Aussies Again
Can we please have some of that, Mr. Harper?
Pow! Zap! Kaboom!
"There is a story that dates back to World War II about a French soldier captured by the Nazi’s. Just before morning roll call began, the Commandant of Colditz Castle, a castle turned POW camp announced that by order of Hitler, any POW who had a special trade before the war could be relocated to Germany to live out the war in peace and work as they did before the war.
Immediately, a French soldier volunteered his services in front of nearly 1000 POWs from a mixture of nations including the U.S., Britain, Australia, Poland, and many others. As you can imagine a lot of boos and probably a ton of language was directed at this poor French soldier who just wanted to make it through the war. Upon quieting the multitude of prisoners down, the shocked commandant asked the Frenchman why he is volunteering. The Frenchman responded that he was tired of fighting and truly wanted to do something he enjoyed before the war. He was trained and ready to work for the Germans. But there was one condition the Frenchman told the German officer and that was to keep him as busy as possible because they more work he gets, the less he will think about getting in trouble.
Elated, the Commandant asked the man, “Sir, your wish is my command. Now what was your job before the war?” Not missing a beat, the Frenchman responded, “Sir, I was an undertaker.”"
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
I Want My Daddy
70 years after WWII service, Shoals man receives high school diploma
Canadian soldier’s World War Two remains finally laid to rest
Headline Of The Week
Scientists Claim To Have Found Reason Why Males Exist
Why do males even exist?
Science Offers Clues For The Existence Of Men
A lot of fragile egos are being brused as we speak.
Labels: men, you can't make this shit up
They're Just Like The Rest Of Us!!!
Prince William's Daughter Princess Charlotte Keeping Him Up at Night, Gets Baby Gift From Women's Soccer Team
A few 'sleepless nights' courtesy of baby Charlotte: William reveals his new daughter is keeping him up at night during visit to the England Lionesses football team
Royal baby: Queen meets great-granddaughter
Or maybe not:
Queen meets great-granddaughter
We don't all get a visit from the Queen.
Labels: Awwwwee, babies, The Royals
'Nuff Said
"How long before this McCarthyite question is asked of everyone who enters into academia, in order to weed out those who refuse to bow and scrape before green orthodoxy?[---]
If you think this sounds like a far-fetched proposition, consider a recent scandalous act of academic censorship at the University of Western Australia (UWA). And consider, more importantly, the lack of outrage it caused in the West's professorial circles.
It involves Bjorn Lomborg, the blonde-haired, Danish annoyer of environmentalists everywhere."
"...what can only be described as a ramshackle modern-day Inquisition, which found Lomborg guilty of the crime of denial—not of God, but of climate-change alarmism—and had him cast out of UWA."
How conservatives lost the plot over the rejection of Bjorn Lomborg
Labels: AGW, CAGW, climate change, global warming, universities, you can't make this shit up
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
I Don't Know What To Say...
Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany
“King Goldenlocks”: A Newly Translated Fairy Tale
Cinderfellas: The Long-Lost Fairy Tales
Forgotten fairytales slay the Cinderella stereotype
Except to say that I feel cheated. I'll have to buy them for the grand kiddies and read them before I give them to them.
Labels: books, fairy tales, grandchildren
No Matter How Much...
After Promising To Behead Obama, ISIS Posts This GRAPHIC Image
ISIS Promises to Behead Barack Obama – Posts Bloody Photo Online
I guess they don't take defeat too well:
Daring US Delta Force raid in ISIS heartland kills commander and scores of jihadis
Labels: Barack Obama, ISIS, Islamism, Islamists
Sunday, May 17, 2015
I've Been Watching...
Labels: humor, television
"If the Yellowstone Super Volcano were to erupt, it would be 2,000 times bigger than the eruption of Mount St. Helens in the 1980’s. Everything within 500 miles would be dead or destroyed within minutes, 2/3rds of the entire United States would be covered in volcanic ash and the climate of the entire planet would cool within a month."
That's roughly 550 miles from where I live.
Labels: global cooling, scaaarrry, volcanoes
A New Word Has Been Coined!!
"A person with no formal education or training in science who believes that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and that the world's climate is being disastrously altered by human emmissions of this vital gas which is essential to life. Favours drastic unreasonable measures, with no proof they will have any effect and will have any effect and which will cause real, immediate economic devastation for the poor and middle class. Flies into a rage if you don't agree with him."I'm going to use it. It goes well with "Leftard".
Labels: CAGW, global cooling, global warming
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
The Scam Continues
"While government science and media begin the ramp-up to claim 2014 as the “hottest year ever” China’s Sea’s biggest bivalve shows that the Middle Ages were warmer than today, when Carbon Dioxide was lower."(Emphasis added)
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global cooling, global warming
The Only Thing...
Burundi coup plotters arrested, general who led coup bid on the run
Labels: Africa, counter coups, coups, Deja Vu
But, But, But...
California Drought Is Worsened by Global Warming, Scientists Say
Drought relief, at last? New signs point to strengthening El Niño
Climate Change Caused California Drought
Hot hands: Fingerprints of climate change all over California drought
Did climate change cause California drought?
Study: Human-caused global warming behind Calif. drought
Gotta love this one:
California marijuana could become stronger due to global warming – study
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
The Chicoms Get In On The Act
And it's not chicken balls.
"So what is China doing? It’s declaring an all-out war to make sure Islam doesn’t take over and never gains the strength to attack them. So let me simplify it:
– Female head-coverings are banned. Period.
– Men are discouraged from growing long beards (often poorly grown ones, might I add).
– Even Islamic restaurants are forced to sell cigarettes and drinks. And …
– They must display them prominently. Any business owner who does not follow this order…will lose their business. Gone."
Labels: China, Islamosophia
And Now Japan...
The Land without Muslims
"It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.
Japan forbids exhorting people to adopt the religion of Islam (Dawah), and any Muslim who actively encourages conversion to Islam is seen as proselytizing to a foreign and undesirable culture."
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, Islamosophia, Japan
Why is Antarctic sea ice at record levels despite global warming?
"While Arctic sea ice continues to decline, Antarctic levels are confounding the world’s most trusted climate models with record highs for the third year running."
Global Warming Wreaks Havoc On Antarctic Research Stations
"And by wreaking havoc, I mean there’s so much sea ice around the continent that access to the research stations has been curtailed. In fact, one station had to be airlifted a year’s worth of supplies since ships could not break through the ice."
Labels: AGW, BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, CAGW, global cooling, global warming, ice
Believe It When You See It??
Well, outside of Israel, Egypt is just about the only nation in the Middle East where one might expect such a development. God Speed.
Labels: democracy, Egypt, Israel, Middle East
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Air Canada Delivers...
Baby born on Air Canada flight, mom 'had no idea' she was pregnant
"Luckily, there were also three doctors on the flight, and one immediately came to Guan's aid when the flight crew asked if there was a physician aboard."
Labels: Air Canada, babies, Japan, Pacific Ocean
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Saturday, May 09, 2015
Too Funny
Hahahaha hahahaha... Men .. women .. How true.. Can't stop laughing
Posted by Neetu Chandraa on Friday, May 2, 2014
Labels: BWHAHAHAHAHAHA, humor, men, women
I Thought The Pope Was Supposed To Be...
Environmental Statement by Vatican Does Not Meet Media Expectations
Vatican Paper: Ditch Capitalism To Stop Global Warming
UN, Vatican team up for climate change agenda
Climate Change Skeptics Write Open Letter Urging Pope Francis to Rethink Global Warming
Pope attacked by climate change sceptics
Vatican, U.N. join forces against climate change
Climate change skeptics press their case to the Vatican
Vatican Global-Warming Conference Displays Climate of Cooperation
Vatican calls for urgent action on climate change: Wealthiest have moral obligation to find solutions
Why Pope Francis is about to make a dramatic wave in the climate debate
Heartland Tells Ban Ki-Moon: ‘Climate Change Is Not as Bad as You Think’: A report from the papal climate conference, where skeptics are told to get lost.
If the Pope Wants to Have a Truly Moral Climate-Change Debate, Here Are a Few Ideas
Ahead of Vatican climate change summit, skeptics issues (sic) strong, blunt warnings to Francis
Conservative thinktank seeks to change Pope Francis's mind on climate change
Peter Foster: The Greening Of The Vatican
A Message For Pope Francis
Vatican Joins with U.N. to Make Moral Case for Climate Action
Climate Scientists Head to Rome on Urgent Mission to Save The Pope From Clutches of ManBearPig
Why God is Not a Warmist
Pope Francis Steps Up Campaign on Climate Change, to Conservatives’ Alarm
Global Warming? The Pope is Wrong
British climate change sceptics who travelled to the Vatican interrupted by 'papal heavies' half-way through making their point
Francis Is Out of His Element
Pope Francis and climate change: why Catholic skeptics are so alarmed
Heartland Replies (Again) to Media Matters
Wednesday Update from Rome: Heartland Echoes Behind Walls of Vatican
Heartland Daily Podcast – Rome: Heartland Attacked By Name at Vatican Climate Conference
Catholics Should Put Freedom Above Sustainability Fad
World’s Leading Scientific ‘Skeptics’ of Man-Caused Global Warming Invite Public and Press to Lunch Event April 28
Just Outside the Vatican
Monday Update on Heartland’s trip to Rome for Vatican Climate Summit
He sure can generate a lot of headlines, though.
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, Catholics, global warming, The Pope
Thursday, May 07, 2015
A Fairly Long Interview....
Half the CO2 emitted has gone into increasing vegetation by 20%, and thus increasing food production and enhancing biodiversity. He also says we can genetically engineer trees so they absorb more CO2.
Freeman Dyson on the Global Warming Hysteria April, 2015
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
I Wouldn't Go That Far
China Deals With Growing Muslim Problem By Shooting Muslims
Labels: China, death penalty, Islam, Islamists
4 times....
Finally: Outgoing Nigerian president turns tide against Boko Haram
Nigerian army rescues more women, girls from Boko Haram
Yay, again!!!
Boko Haram: Nigerian army 'frees another 234 women and children'
Over 200 Nigerian women rescued from Boko Haram are pregnant – UN
Labels: Africa, Boko Haram, Islamism, Islamists
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Global Warming Skepticism On The Rise In Europe
Quick!! before there's no one left who believes this guff.
Out Of The Park
Riots Are The Legacy Of Slavery? Try Legacy Of Welfare
Labels: rent-a-rioters, slavery, Thomas Sowell
Monday, May 04, 2015
Continuing On
NORWAY: New right wing government is kicking out foreign criminals, most of them Muslims
Right-wing Buddhist leading the campaign to force Muslims out of Burma says he wants his group 'to be like the English Defence League'
The only thing we need to do now is lose the epithet "Right-Wing". We are mainstream, fer Christ's sake.
Sunday, May 03, 2015
That Settles It
Obama falsely claims Keystone XL would carry only Canadian oil
Obama KXL claim debunked in a Montana field
Impeach him, please. What are you waiting for?
Labels: America, Americans, Barack Obama, Keystone XL, oil
It Just Won't Stop
Good thing, too.
Labels: Islamism, Islamists, Islamization, Islamofascism, Islamosophia
Saturday, May 02, 2015
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'incapacitated by spinal injuries after US air strike in Iraq'
Labels: Iraq, Middle East, war
Quite Possibly The Best...
The Climatistas Are Quaking
To wit:
- This “journalism” is criminal level exaggeration; Glowbull warming causes earthquakes? Seriously?
- Newsweek was overpriced when it was sold for $1. This article proves it.
- People are paid to write this guff? McGuire is a fruitcake and should be locked up, yet he is quoted and supported by this ridiculous article. This is unbelievably bad, even for Newsweek.
- Breaking News! Climate change is to blame for the Baltimore Riots, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, and Justin Bieber. Don’t worry though, the process can be reversed if you buy carbon credits.
- hahahahha….I just KNEW that volcanoes and earthquakes were caused by “Climate Change”….that’s the funniest thing that I’ve seen all month Thank you for giving me my morning laugh…..I work in Geophysics, by the way….
- Not so long ago the IPCC was telling us CO2 was causing the Himalayan glaciers to disappear. Now CO2 is causing plate tectonics. CO2 is the Swiss Army knife of global warming conspiracists.
Labels: AGW scam, earthquakes, lamestream media
The Power Of Mom Nature
Mount Everest Shrank As Nepal Quake Lifted Kathmandu
(Those are two different reports with the same title.)
Labels: earthquakes, mountains
Friday, May 01, 2015
Cooler Weather...
"The sun is almost completely blank. The main driver of all weather and climate, the entity which occupies 99.86% of all of the mass in our solar system, the great ball of fire in the sky has gone quiet again during what is likely to be the weakest sunspot cycle in more than a century.[---]
The sun's X-ray output has flatlined in recent days and NOAA forecasters estimate a scant 1% chance of strong flares in the next 24 hours. Not since cycle 14 peaked in February 1906 has there been a solar cycle with fewer sunspots. We are currently more than six years into Solar Cycle 24 and the current nearly blank sun may signal the end of the solar maximum phase."
"Finally, if history is a guide, it is safe to say that weak solar activity for a prolonged period of time can have a cooling impact on global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom-most layer of Earth’s atmosphere - and where we all live. There have been two notable historical periods with decades-long episodes of low solar activity. The first period is known as the “Maunder Minimum”, named after the solar astronomer Edward Maunder, and it lasted from around 1645 to 1715. The second one is referred to as the “Dalton Minimum”, named for the English meteorologist John Dalton, and it lasted from about 1790 to 1830. Both of these historical periods coincided with colder-than-normal global temperatures in an era now referred to by many scientists as the “Little Ice Age”. In addition, research studies in just the past couple of decades have found a complicated relationship between solar activity, cosmic rays, and clouds on Earth. This research suggests that in times of low solar activity where solar winds are typically weak; more cosmic rays reach the Earth’s atmosphere which, in turn, has been found to lead to an increase in certain types of clouds that can act to cool the Earth."All I can say is, if CO2 really does warm the earth, we better start spewing it out as if there's no tomorrow.
Labels: global cooling, ice age
It's Happened Before???
"Scientists have solved the mystery of the collapse of an ancient civilization living on the fringes of the Tibetan Plateau around 2,000 BC, and it seems that climate change is to blame.
That's at least according to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which details how cooling global temperatures at the end of the Holocene Climatic Optimum - a 4,000 year period of warm weather - would have made it impossible for these ancient people to cultivate millet, their primary food source."
And is was global cooling?????
Labels: climate change, global cooling, Tibet, truth telling
"It's no secret that countless species are threatened or in danger of extinction across our tiny blue world. What may be a surprise, however, is that a great deal of those extinctions may be natural. A new study has taken to the fossil record to determine just how many species would still be on their way out even if humans had not been around to sully their natural habitats."
You mean you're not going to blame Anthropogenic Global Warming?
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, extinction
How Dare The Russians...
"South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported that Mr Kim opted to remain in Pyongyang because Russia "refused to comply with the North's request for special treatment, given that there will be several other foreign dignitaries at the event.
"Without top-grade security, Kim would inevitably have become a freak show for the global press", it added.
Being treated equally with other international leaders - and not enjoying centre-stage in the commemorative events, as he always does at home - would also have damaged his standing in the eyes of the North Korean public.
Analysts have suggested that the North Korean leader is still concerned about the degree of genuine support for his regime in political and military circles at home and is reluctant to give his rivals an opportunity to plot against him."
Ya think?
Labels: Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, Russia, Vlad Putin, you can't make this shit up