Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Old Buzzard ...
"Sen. Robert Byrd, the self-obsessed former KKK member whose name graces every immovable object in the state of West Virginia, died this morning after taking ill late Sunday night. According to WTOP, "Byrd was a near-deity in economically struggling West Virginia, to which he delivered countless federally financed projects. Entire government bureaus opened there, including the FBI's repository for computerized fingerprint records. Even the Coast Guard had a facility in the landlocked state. Critics portrayed him as the personification of Congress' thirst for wasteful 'pork' spending projects." Sen. Ted Kennedy, who is also dead, once said of Byrd's kleptomania, "He is a fierce defender of the Senate and its prerogatives in ways that I think the founding fathers really intended the Senate to be." No greater love than that which Sen. Byrd held for himself."...and as the accolades pour in, hypocrisy breaks out and the double standard is applied.
PS: From the strangest places. Will this be the second time Michelle O. is proud of her country?
Labels: bigotry, Democratic Party, Democrats, hypocrisy, leftards, leftards and leftards, slavery, Yanky politics
Monday, June 28, 2010
For the Rebel Without a Real Cause
A little bit of everything to keep you inspired while you figure out what the hell you're doing.
Labels: humor, leftards, leftards and leftards
The Telegraph Has Some Fun
No Sex Please. We're Astronauts
Labels: humor, I've got too much time on my hands, sex
Sunday, June 27, 2010
More CBC G20 Coverage
"At mid-afternoon, police in riot gear began partly surrounding a group of bicyclists who had staged a protest through downtown demanding more rights for cyclists."[---]
"At one point, plainclothes police arrived, entered the crowd and began to arrest several people.[---]
"They knew who they were looking for," the CBC's Bill Gillespie reported. "These are trained police snatch squads using intelligence on finding suspected troublemakers."
"According to the ISU, the number arrested in G20-related incidents had risen to 604, with 253 arrests reported Sunday."[---]
"Seventy people were rounded up after police said they found makeshift weapons, including bricks, and black clothing hidden in bushes. It's believed the bricks were to be used by vandals who had caused widespread damage Saturday."[---]
"Const. Rob McDonald told reporters it was his understanding that people from across Canada had been arrested: "They were found in possession of bricks and other items that could compromise the safety of the citizens of Toronto."Not too much evidence of bias in that one, I will admit, but true to form, loyal CBCers let 'er rip in the comments.
Four other people were arrested in the early morning after they were caught coming out of a city sewer in the financial district on Queen Street West between Yonge and Bay streets."
PS: They're even protesting in Vancouver!
"The Phrase 'Climate change' Was Omitted From This Chart"
CBCs "Bias" report. (pg. 65 - 73)
Labels: CBC, Climategate, media bias
Sometimes There's a "Slow News Day"
The rent-a-riot crowd prompts a wave of counter-protest the way it should be done - in the press and on the blogosphere.
G20 protests prompt 150 arrests
G20 police round up protesters
Anarchists run wild in Toronto
Riot brings a new kind of tourist
Toronto in Total Lockdown for Protests
G20 Oh Noes, Brutality Against Protesters (Read the comments.)
Ministry of Irony: Anti-capitalism Protester At G20 Summit, Wearing Ferrari T-Shirt, Taunts Riot Police
Canadian police are either useless or dangerous. As I keep telling you.
Smashing Up Toronto
Some are actually reporting the progress made so far by the G20 meeting:
As world walks economic 'tightrope,'G20 leaders pledge to slash deficits
G20 Leaders in Canada Urged to Cut Deficits
Even the New York Slimes, fer chris sake!!
"Mr. Obama came to the summit table this weekend with a strong hand to press his case to foreign leaders for tougher banking regulations, after Congress agreed to a far-reaching overhaul of the American regulatory system. But he was hindered in his effort to persuade other governments to keep stimulating their economies."[---]
"Mr. Cameron added, “Those countries that have big deficit problems like ours have to take action in order to keep that level of confidence in the economy which is absolutely vital to growth.” He joked that he could not afford to pay for the helicopter ride that Mr. Obama had given him Saturday from the isolated site of the talks to the subsequent G-20 session in Toronto."
h/t Pat Dollard
I get the feeling Harper has taken Obama under his wings and is going to gently wean him and his adoring press from their Marxist economics mindset. The two leaders seem to get along well. Maybe a day on the links up at Huntsville is where the most progress will be made. Lord knows, Obama needs it.
And by the way, have you noticed how little coverage was given to the Huntsville summit by the CBC? It's all below the virtual fold and some of it buried on the third page. Covering riots is so much more important. Like pouring oxygen on a fire, it makes for more exciting news reports.
And some of the commentary hasn't forgotten there is other totally non-G20 Summit news to report, either:
G8 'fully believes' Israel will attack Iran, says Italy PM
h/t Free Republic
And lets not forget Iran: Iran cancels plan to send ship to Gaza
h/t Bear Diaries
And how about this blow to the Grand Daddy of global leftardism:
Georgian authorities pull down Stalin monument
And Obama, and the media that worships him, take more hits while scouting out new golf courses.
Obama Gives Press the Slip (Again) WHOA: You've got a lot of golf course here, don't you?
Funny, huh? When The One evades the press, it takes the blogosphere to bring it to our attention, but when Harper does, well that's a different story worthy of bold headlines in the Canadian MSM.
Don't forget the Media Dr. Hanson
Nope. The media too often get a pass. But the blogosphere may be turning that around.
Labels: CBC, media bias
Saturday, June 26, 2010
So. I was Standing In Front of the Urinal Taking a Whiz, When...
Real summit deals happen at dinner
"G8 and G20 leaders will sit down for hours in Toronto and Huntsville this weekend, discussing pressing issues during long formal meetings.[---]
But often the most important conversations at these types of summits happen outside the board room, during dinners, coffee runs, sessions at the gym and even bathroom breaks."
"U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair bumped into each other at a hotel gym at 6 a.m. during the G8 summit in Kananaskis, Alta.[---]
Running side-by-side on treadmills, they launched into a discussion of foreign policy.
"They hammered out a lot of the agreement on what would happen with Iraq,""
"While some may argue that summits are too costly to stage, with billions spent to bring leaders together, Graham said the face-to-face meetings and all the informal chances for conversation are invaluable.[---]
Leaders get to know each other and feel they can call one another whenever an issue arises. The same goes for ministers and even staff members. This kind of interaction can't be achieved through a teleconference or over the internet..,"
"...one Japanese finance minister was able to carry on a discussion of economic policy with his U.S. counterpart in the bathroom..."
Looks Like Security Was Not Tight Enough
""There's been a lot of damage in the downtown core," the CBC's Michael Serapio reported.That should do the trick.
Michael Hyatt, who was at a Yonge and Dundas gym, said the protesters seemed to target a number of U.S.-based chains.
“It is pretty horrible what they have done to a lot of the stores here. They’ve destroyed the windows at an American Apparel — they destroyed all the windows and pulled out the mannequins and [threw] feces into the store.
“It stinks and it is unbelievable. Foot Locker is destroyed. Pizza Pizza is destroyed. They’ve kind of gone up the street and picked at every U.S. vendor they could find. It’s really kind of sad.”"
Oh. And CBC's website provides a link to this page: Get Off the Fence
"Confrontational Anti-Colonial, Anti-Capitalist
Convergence in solidarity with the
People’s First Demonstration
26 June 2010, 1pm, Queen’s Park
And then onwards to the Fence"
"The G8/G20 is meeting in Ontario from June 25-27, 2010. Toronto-based organizations of women, people of colour, indigenous peoples, the poor, the working class, queer and trans people and disabled people are organizing a people's convergence."
"On June 26th, when the march turns towards the protest pen, we invite you to go beyond the tired symbolism of parades and beyond the will of politicians. When the People First march turns back, we invite you all to continue on with us to confront the self-proclaimed G20 leaders and the security apparatus that will have occupied our city. We will take back our city from these exploitative profiteers, and in the streets we will be uncontrollable! This is a militant march where many forms of resistance and tactics are welcomed and respected."
The "convergence" thanks you, CBC, for directing "the people" to this important website.
Meanwhile, back in Huntsville, CBC is ruing the fact that there were no riots to cover, making the journalists' job a bit more difficult and boring.
"Many journalists came prepared with protective helmets and gas masks, concerned about potentially violent confrontations between police and demonstrators. It's a relief that never happened, though it's made for a sleepy news story."That's not quite collaboration, but darn close.
Labels: CBC, media bias
G8 Summit Accomplishments
One is yet another round of condemnation of the usual suspects - Iran and North Korea. We all know how well that works.
The other is a surprise - well maybe not. It's just the latest in a growing outrage regarding The One's propensity to go and play rather than dealing with the crises engulfing his country. Can't say I blame them. We're told he swings like a girl.
Let's hope the G20 is a bit more productive.
Labels: Barack Obama, G20
We Interrupt This CBC Hatefest to Bring You This
In any case, here's an angle to make one pause.
Mumbai Terror Suspect Arrested in ZIMBABWE - Trying to Cross Into South Africa
Wouldn't that have been nice! /sarc
Of course, nothing like that could ever, ever happen in Canada, so there's no need for all this heavy handed security business. /double sarc
Labels: G20, leftards, leftards and leftards, terrorism
Raining in Downtown Toronto
If there is a God, perhaps he could arrange for some hail later on. Of course, that would be Harper's fault.
It's interesting, too, that a fellow driving a car with Saskatchewan plates was caught with some unusual cargo. The police, of course, are "intimidating" him. I dunno. Tennis size hail stones for him should just about do it.
Labels: CBC, G20, media bias
New York Slimes Writes About G8/G20 Security
"Perhaps the only corporate resident of the security zone pleased with the arrangement is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The network has a national broadcast center within the zone, allowing it to offer television viewers exclusive live peeks inside. Not that there is much to see. On Friday, before the leaders arrived, much of the largely empty security zone resembled the stage set of a postapocalypse film."I love it. Keep the mob away from its chief propaganda machine. Apocalyptic for both of them.
Labels: CBC, G20, Mainstream Media, media bias
Friday, June 25, 2010
CBC Coverage of G8/G20 - Day Four
Police Powers Expanded for G20
"Police forces in charge of security at the G20 summit in Toronto have been granted special powers for the duration of the summit.[---]
The new powers took effect Monday and apply along the border of the G20 security fence that encircles a portion of the downtown core. This area — the so-called red zone — includes the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, where delegates will meet. The new regulations effectively expand the jurisdiction of the existing Public Works Act to apply to high-security areas of the summit site." (Emphasis mine)
Under the new regulations, anyone who comes within five metres of the security area is obliged to give police their name and state the purpose of their visit on request. Anyone who fails to provide identification or explain why they are near the security zone can be searched and arrested."
"Ontario's cabinet quietly passed the new rules on June 2 without legislature debate.First of all, good on the CBC for including these details, as there is inevitably a lot of hysteria about police states, charter rights, etc., etc., etc. Not much about responsibilities, though. So, hat's off to CBC for this one. As usual, CBC's loyal readers dish up the hysteria in the comments, though.
Civil liberties groups are concerned about the new regulations, but Toronto police Chief Bill Blair defended the move to add the new powers and denied there was any attempt to deceive the public about how or when they were enacted.
"It was not a secret," Blair told CBC News on Friday. "It was passed in exactly the procedure as described in our legislation in Ontario.
"It was published by the province ... if you go and Google 'Public Works Act Ontario' it's the second thing that comes up. The first will be the act itself."
There was one major rally and march, the coverage of which was, in my opinion, very evenly handed.
In other posts, CBC actually gets into coverage of what may be the important issues, according to foreign journalists, who may or may not have their respective country's top priorities correctly pegged. The issues are wide ranging, with very little overlap from one region to another. Since there has yet to be an agenda released to the press, the approach taken by the CBC staffers seems fairly creative, to say the least. They must know that the viewing/reading/listening public is getting tired of 24/7 protester propaganda. So, once again, CBC gets a good mark from me for examining an angle that doesn't focus on rabble-rousers and security measures.
Stay tuned to see what the fifth day brings.
Labels: CBC, G20, media bias
Live Blogging the Earthquake
"Just felt our whole office building shake here in Northern Ohio. Lasted about 10 seconds. Anyone else feel anything??"People from a wide swath of North America comment and speculate on the shaking going on (almost) as they speak.
Labels: bloggers, earthquakes
Thursday, June 24, 2010
CBC Shit Hits the Fan.....
Take a little stroll, and follow the links.
You want to know the cause of yesterday's earthquake? Look no further.
Is this a case of CBC manipulation in the name of creating a scandal they can go on and on and on and on and on about? Or is it CBC unwittingly putting itself in the headlines by trying to "create" the news? We'll see if they drop this like a hot potato or milk it for all it's worth and more.
Labels: CBC, media bias
CBC's G20 Coverage - Continued (Updated)
First Nations' G20 protest peaceful
Complete with a real Indian, Canada's own anarchist king, Jaggi Singh. All the usual Indian Industry talking points were raised during the First Nations part of the protest, but it was up to our cute little Jaggi, whose motto must be "never let a good protest go to waste", to provide the punchline.
"...Jaggi Singh from the group No One Is Illegal hinted that the peaceful protests may soon end.Okay, we've got the Indians covered. We can hardly wait for more, can we CBC?
Standing in front of the newly erected security fence, Singh said, "This [fence] is completely illegitimate and it deserves to be taken down."
He said the $1 billion in security and fences would not stop protesters "from attacking — and I use that word — from attacking the people who are responsible for enormous misery in the world."
Singh said the G20 leaders deserve to be confronted and the protest groups will be begin doing that on Friday."
By the way, does anyone other than me think Mr. Singh's words are a might over the top, as in - like - incitement? But I guess nothing he's involved in is illegal. It's all those nasty governments that are the bad actors. I'm betting he can hardly wait for the handcuffs to go on, in order to prove it. (I wonder who covers his travel expenses and his bail?)
In fairness, Grandmother's Corpse does cover some other stories as well. There's one on the arrest of a man in possession of a crossbow and other weapons "not believed to be connected to the G20 summit". But heck, we'll put it under the G20 summit heading, anyway. The story is kind of a tear-jerker, being about a homeless man and his dog, so it was useful. We've got unions covered in a story about hotel workers walking out, we've got the frustrations of ordinary Torontonians - road closures and traffic snarl-ups - and even preparations by local hospitals in anticipation of having to treat protesters sprayed with tear gas.
There are pictures of protest art: An ice sculpted polar bear, which I am sure is supposed to symbolize the melting on the polar ice caps as it drips away in downtown Toronto, some 4,700 km south of the north pole. And cutesy costumed representatives from Oxfam, which I must admit is kinda funny. A whole new line for the Maple Leaf? Fig leaf, you had your day. Time to move over. The Maple Leaf on a G-String is now the big rage. Oh, and finally, there's an interactive map showing where the designated protest area is and the protester detention centre.
The CBC Protester Central. At your service.
In fairness, though, the CBC's website does feature a few interesting bits about the G8/G20 history and organization as well as some of the issues that may be discussed: maternal and child health, the membership and mandate of the G20, and economic policy. But all told, so far, coverage of those angles are pretty scarce.
===========Earlier entry starts here===========
For Thursday, June 24th, the first major headline of the day attempts to move on: G8/G20 leaders begin arriving
But wait, they have to remind their readers that:
a) "The estimated cost of security for the two events is expected to surpass $1 billion."And, well....it seems they just can't help it:
b)"In Ottawa, the Chinese president was greeted by rival groups of demonstrators as he arrived at Rideau Hall for a meeting with Gov. Gen. Michaëlle Jean.Hmmm. Well, at least we know the Falun Gong have something to protest about. But what about this one: Some protesters "reportedly recruited...by Chinese officials...". CBC, have you ever thought to explore the "recruited" theme with any of the other protesters - you know, the spoiled middle class brats? Like, what and who is behind these organizations? Does their "message" stand up to scrutiny or is it skewed mightily by an ideology? Do they ever attempt to get their message out through other means - writing letters, visiting politicians to explain their issues? And especially, do the groups protesting have aims more lofty than simply protesting and rabble rousing and if so, what are they, and how do their protests ever help, if at all, to achieve any of those aims?
Hundreds of Hu supporters, reportedly recruited from around the region by Chinese officials, lined Sussex Drive outside Jean's residence, waving flags and banging drums and cymbals.
Directly across the road, protesters connected to the Falun Gong spiritual movement raised banners decrying human rights abuses in China."
Let's take the poverty one, for example? Have we seen any direct evidence that would show organized mobbery leads to better funding for groups that work with the poor, never mind more money in the hands of the poor, or more to the point, more poor lifting themselves permanently out of poverty? Do these groups actually make a difference in the lives of the poor or are they only a band-ade on an perennial problem that has always been with us and cannot be fixed, in which case, why do their protests get so much attention from you media types?
Have we seen the CBC or any other media outlet or any of these protest groups ever explore the relationship between "protest culture" behaviour, especially at past heads of state or powerful international institutions' meetings, on the one hand, and the need for massive expenditure on security? Duh!! We know you're not into self examination but don't ya' think there might be a link, CBC?
Come on folks. These protests serve only one purpose, and it's narcissism. The immature little groupies (some of whom may indeed be chronologically challenged, but still intellectually and emotionally immature) who show up to protest simply want to be able to say, "I was there when....and I was sooooo radical chic!"
It's sort of like actually making it to the Woodstock music festival was for my generation, except what they leave behind in their wake is even worse than acres and acres of garbage and a ruined landscape on some farmer's property. There's also a huge bill to pay by the rest of us more responsible types. Perhaps that bill should be deducted from whatever public funds these groups might receive, but I digress.
Here's a word for you to look up, CBC staffers: Enabling. You should stop it. Not next week. Now.
Labels: CBC, G20, leftards, leftards and leftards, media bias, useful idiotry
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Fake Lake, Close Up
After hyping it up beyond all recognition, some reporters couldn't believe what they were seeing.
"“This is it?” was the disappointed reaction from several Canadian reporters who apparently expected a substantial water body and got a modest, centimetres-deep pond smaller than the fountains found in many shopping malls."G20 fake lake revealed
"The pool, costing $57,000, is meant to simulate the charm of Ontario's cottage country in the heart of downtown Toronto, giving journalists a taste of Huntsville, Ont., where the G8 summit will be held Friday before the G20 begins in Toronto on Saturday."[---]
"Huntsville Mayor Claude Doughty, who tested out one of the Muskoka chairs, said the exhibit reminds him of home. He wondered if he'd see images of his house on Fairy Lake flash on the screen in front of him.[---]
He figures the display is sure to inspire foreign visitors to travel to the Muskoka area.
"If you're sitting here, how can you not want to go there?" he asked."
"The lake is part of a $1.9-million tourism pavilion called Experience Canada in the summit media centre that has come under criticism for being too costly."[---]
"Motosada Matano, a Japanese press officer travelling with the 160 Japanese journalists covering the summit, says the display simply reinforced the image of Canada he already has.
"It's exactly the image I imagine, the beautiful scenery," said Matano, who had never been to Canada before he arrived three days ago.
The 3,700-square-metre Experience Canada pavilion includes the lake display to feature Ontario's northern wilderness and an urban section to promote Ontario businesses and innovations. A reception area offers refreshments, including free beer and wine, from all parts of Ontario.
"The Experience Canada space will host over 3,000 media and other guests, and will serve to highlight Canada's pristine natural beauty, as well as promote leading Canadian businesses and industries," according to a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office."
Labels: CBC, G20, leftards, leftards and leftards, media bias
Melanie Phillips on Geert Wilders' "Jordan is Palestine" Remark
Labels: Geert Wilders, Palestinians
Time for Another Round of Golf
"His Nearly Half-Hour Showdown With The President": McCrystal Sees Obama Then Leaves Before War Meeting
Labels: Barack Obama, General Petraeus
CBC Coverage of the G20 Summit
Man arrested in G20-related incident
"A Toronto man has been charged with explosives and weapons offences in what police are calling a G20-related arrest."But not to worry though, in the comments CBC fans get back on track.
"Not to say that this individual wasn't a threat to general safety and security, but I have to wonder how many of the arrests over the next few days 4 or 5 days will be genuinely warranted.logic_man
By making more arrests and publishing stories like this one, this will be the grounds that the government will use to justify the enormous security expense for the G8 and G20 summits."
"People seem to bash North Korea and their propaganda machines almost constantly, calling the citizens and military 'brainwashed' and 'zombies'.Marlow08
Just because it doesn't come out of a bullhorn in a foreign country, doesn't mean it isn't propaganda. And if you have read this article in it's entirety... you have just been subjected to a much subtler, western brand of government propaganda and perception steering. Congrats!
Same monster in a different wrapper with a few more civil liberties thrown in so we believe we are 'free' and different, and above that type of thing.
Being a zombie sucks... question something."
"If you google streetview the Forest Hill address, it is hard to imagine that this is some anarchist dude. Unless uber wealthy Bay Street financiers are intending to blow up their own offices for insurance payments, the Toronto Police are blowing hot air, again."oxymoron69
"Yet another false flag op, setup by the federal government to justify their spending on security and our upcoming changeover to a full-on police state.And that's just the first four at the top of the list as of 8:00 am CST. Well done CBC. All these years of indoctrination have paid off, and paid off handsomely, at that.
Come on folks, you don't really believe this do you?
Sounds like the guy posted on an internet forum that he hated harper and wanted to blow him up... now he's under full-on investigation.
What's really sad about this, is that now the cons will have all the ammo they need to justify regular billion-dollar boondoggles because of "National security".
Canada is a safe place, the only thing making it a dangerous place to live is the federal goverment."
Of note, at least two media outlets are covering this story this morning, which actually relates to the objectives of the G20 meeting: G20 to warn against complacency on economy. If CBC picks it up, I'll let you know.
Stay tuned. I'm sure there'll be more.
More, Tuesday, June 22nd:
G20 protests continue amid security buildup
An alternate more realist headline might read: "CBC continues its free publicity for G20 protests amid security buildup"
From the comments: "It's a great magnet for all the wingnuts and whackjobs - leaves the rest of the country nice and peaceful.... Thanks Toronto."
Why they've even got a blog set up for the event in support of the protesters, of course. And a list of several fine upstanding organizations who are expected to show up.
Kudos for Macleans for actually covering some other angle.
First Up, Monday, June 21st:
Send us you're bitching, whining and complaining street rioters.
All the hard hitting news you could ever want from the rent-a-riot crowd, cause we're just too lazy ourselves to cover any other angle.
Protest. (Funniest question: Who are they and what do they want?)
Labels: CBC, G20, media bias
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A Bad Day for the Little Ones
Twelve-year-old Newfoundland boy improving after being shot in hip
Newborn in critical condition after mother attacked
Child pinned between train and platform dies
And baby belugas, and pigs, too!
The world is a sorry messed up place.
Labels: children, sad stories
Ah Shucks
I doth protest!
From one of the comments: "Some CBC flunky must have shares in this. They advertise the Liberals for free I guess their twin brothers the Double Dippers fit into the same mould."
Labels: Capital "L" Liberalism, CBC, humor, Saskatchewan
Planning the Next Operetta?
I noticed there's a typo in the plan: "According to the UN, this four-year blockade has created a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza."
That should read: "According to the Organization of the Islamic Conference"
"Human Rights Watch says that the OIC has “fought doggedly” and successfully within the United Nations Human Rights Council to shield states from criticism, except when it comes to criticism of Israel."
Labels: Arabs, Gaza, Islamofascism, Islamosophia, Organization of Islamic Conference, Palestinians
I Think Everyone Should Follow...
Police make arrest at G20 protest
Maybe we'll get them all off the streets ahead of time.
"The Integrated Security Unit confirmed it arrested Mark Corbiere, an aboriginal-rights activist from the Kitchener-Waterloo area, and charged him with one count of marijuana possession."[---]
"The arrest happened around 5 p.m. after protest leaders left a short meeting with officials at the Children’s Aid Society on Isabella Street."What ever are the poor children going to do without him? Who's going to supply them with their weed?
Labels: G20, idiocy, Indian Mythology
Monday, June 21, 2010
Noon Hour Reading for the First Day of Summer
"As if we needed another reason to love the refreshingly bold Wilders, he gives the sane, logical, knowing-right-from-wrong crowd another huge one. Hitting a grand slam out of the tell-it-like-it-is park, Wilders declared, "Jordan is Palestine."[---]
Wilders, who leads the right-wing political party in Holland, said he believed Jordan's name should be changed to Palestine. He stated, "There has been an independent Palestinian state since 1946, and it is the kingdom of Jordan. Changing its name to Palestine will end the conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinians with an alternate homeland." Brilliant! Place the problem child right back in the lap of the nation who threw it under the bus.
Just in case that wasn't enough to rile the Arab world, Wilders also said, "If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next. Thus, Jerusalem is the main front protecting the West. It is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle, between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism.""
"Thank you, Geert Wilders, for echoing voices from the past and reminding us what revisionists want us to forget. The entire farce of the Palestinian cause is literally a house built on Hashemite sand."Jews and Bloody Minded Professors
"Today, the bloody-minded intellectuals are Obama's answer to the very existence of Israel. And America.Hehehehe. I remember when that realization dawned on me, too. The epiphany was almost word for word the same. I had noticed that all my leftist "friends" and acquaintances loved humanity but hated their neighbours.
A lot of those professors are Jewish -- by ancestry, but not by faith. Or anything else by faith. They are secularists, profoundly alienated from normal people. Like secularists everywhere, they have fallen in love with a goofy messianic fantasy instead of the bad old beliefs. Their spitting rage against Christianity and Orthodox Judaism is a measure of their alienation. They worshiped Obama -- until it turned out that he couldn't stop the oil exploding in the Gulf after all. But don't worry -- they'll find another savior soon, because they're always on the lookout.
I have a friend who is a Jewish secularist, and also a bloody-minded professor -- particularly about Israel. Like Obama, he is willing to see Israel destroyed to protect his faith in utopian internationalism. That's who Obama is. Obama doesn't hate America; he only hates America as a country. See, the Founders got it all wrong. Lincoln was wrong to save the Union. Reagan was wrong to invite the Evil Empire to crumble of its own inner contradictions. It would be good for America to stop being a nation and leave everything to Obama and his buds. That's "progressivism." As G.K. Chesterton wrote, the left loves humanity, but it doesn't have much truck with real people."
"This is the left-fascist alliance of our times, our Hitler-Stalin Pact. Don't ever forget it just because it's not an official treaty. The Left and the fascist Muslims are working hand-in-glove wherever they can, including the White House."Israel and the Surrender of the West
"This is something new in the world, this almost complete segregation of Israel in the community of nations. And if Helen Thomas's remarks were pathetic and ugly, didn't they also point to the end game of this isolation effort: the nullification of Israel's legitimacy as a nation? There is a chilling familiarity in all this. One of the world's oldest stories is playing out before our eyes: The Jews are being scapegoated again."[---]
"...This template has become propriety itself, a form of good manners, a political correctness. Thus it is good manners to be outraged at Israel's blockade of Gaza, and it is bad manners to be outraged at Hamas's recent attack on a school because it educated girls, or at the thousands of rockets Hamas has fired into Israeli towns—or even at the fact that Hamas is armed and funded by Iran. The world wants independent investigations of Israel, not of Hamas.[---]
One reason for this is that the entire Western world has suffered from a deficit of moral authority for decades now. Today we in the West are reluctant to use our full military might in war lest we seem imperialistic; we hesitate to enforce our borders lest we seem racist; we are reluctant to ask for assimilation from new immigrants lest we seem xenophobic; and we are pained to give Western Civilization primacy in our educational curricula lest we seem supremacist. Today the West lives on the defensive, the very legitimacy of our modern societies requiring constant dissociation from the sins of the Western past—racism, economic exploitation, imperialism and so on."
"Our problem in the West is understandable. We don't want to lose more moral authority than we already have. So we choose not to see certain things that are right in front of us. For example, we ignore that the Palestinians—and for that matter much of the Middle East—are driven to militancy and war not by legitimate complaints against Israel or the West but by an internalized sense of inferiority. If the Palestinians got everything they want—a sovereign nation and even, let's say, a nuclear weapon—they would wake the next morning still hounded by a sense of inferiority. For better or for worse, modernity is now the measure of man.
"And the quickest cover for inferiority is hatred. The problem is not me; it is them. And in my victimization I enjoy a moral and human grandiosity—no matter how smart and modern my enemy is, I have the innocence that defines victims. I may be poor but my hands are clean. Even my backwardness and poverty only reflect a moral superiority, while my enemy's wealth proves his inhumanity.
In other words, my hatred is my self-esteem. This must have much to do with why Yasser Arafat rejected Ehud Barak's famous Camp David offer of 2000 in which Israel offered more than 90% of what the Palestinians had demanded. To have accepted that offer would have been to forgo hatred as consolation and meaning. Thus it would have plunged the Palestinians—and by implication the broader Muslim world—into a confrontation with their inferiority relative to modernity. Arafat knew that without the Jews to hate an all-defining cohesion would leave the Muslim world. So he said no to peace.
And this recalcitrance in the Muslim world, this attraction to the consolations of hatred, is one of the world's great problems today—whether in the suburbs of Paris and London, or in Kabul and Karachi, or in Queens, N.Y., and Gaza. The fervor for hatred as deliverance may not define the Muslim world, but it has become a drug that consoles elements of that world in the larger competition with the West. This is the problem we in the West have no easy solution to, and we scapegoat Israel—admonish it to behave better—so as not to feel helpless. We see our own vulnerability there."
Labels: Israel, Middle East, Palestinians
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Thanks, Obama. Happy Father's Day.
Labels: Arabs, Guantanamo, Islamofascism, Middle East, terrorism
Well, They Tried Their Darnedest
Better luck next time, assholes.
Labels: G20, media bias
The Air India Report
Pretty disgusting, the incompetence and dereliction of duty.
A black day in Canada, made even darker by the heartbreaking struggle by Indo-Canadians - far too great and far too long - to get this inquiry in first place.
Sausage and Wine
"That didn't stop some 300-400 people from turning out for the party Friday. Some carried French flags.They could have done with a few more than 300-400, though.
Instead of the neighborhood originally chosen, it took place on the famed Champs-Elysees avenue near the Arc de Triomphe.
Police officers looked on as revelers tucked in to sausages and drank wine from plastic cups. The event apparently took place without incident.
Alcohol and pork are forbidden by Islam."
This report says it was more like 800. (Videos below.)
Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L'étendard sanglant est levé!
L'étendard sanglant est levé!
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Egorger nos fils et nos compagnes!
Aux armes, citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons!
Quoi! ces cohortes étrangères
Feraient la loi dans nos foyers!
Quoi! ces phalanges mercenaires
Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers!
Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers!
Grand Dieu par des mains enchaînées
Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient !
De vils despotes deviendraient
Les maîtres de nos destinées!
En Anglais:
Arise children of the fatherland
The day of glory has arrived
Against us tyranny's
Bloody standard is raised
Bloody standard is raised
Can you hear in the fields
The howling of these fearsome soldiers?
They are coming into our midst
To cut the throats of our sons and consorts!
To arms, citizens,
Form in battalions,
March, march!
Let impure blood
Water our furrows!
What! These foreign cohorts
Would make laws in our homes!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would cut down our proud warriors
Would cut down our proud warriors
Good Lord! By chained hands
Our brow would yield under the yoke
Vile despots would have themselves be
The masters of our destinies!
Rather ironic, isn't it.
Time for some ass kicking...
...every time they yell Allahu Akbar.
Meanwhile, across the channel, Britain bans radical preacher. By God! I think they've got it!
Labels: Europe, France, Islamofascism
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Good News!!
It's far from uniform, though.
"Another worrying figure showed a rise in Egypt in support of the belief that suicide bombing is often justifiable, rising from 15 percent last year, to 20 percent in the 2010 poll."And even more in Lebanon.
I am sure we can all sleep more soundly in our beds tonight in the knowledge that there are now fewer than 102,876,651 Muslims in the world who support suicide bombing. Sleep tight.
Labels: Pew Research Center, suicide bombing, terrorism
Friday, June 18, 2010
How Ironic!
So what does the
Labels: honor killings, immigration, media bias
Never Let It Be Said....
h/t Firey Kitty Cat
If nobody has the taste for war in this day and age, might as well try a thousands cuts of farce, parody and ridicule. Well done, gentlemen!
Expect YouTube to pull this vid before the end of the day. Someone oughta do a farce about YouTube and host it on LiveLeak or Vimeo or sumtim.
Labels: Islamofascism, Middle East, parody
One More From Arlo Guthrie
Does anyone else remember being glued to the TV watching the Watergate hearings?
Labels: Memory Lane, music
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Sask Farmers Packing It In
"There are 10 million unseeded acres in the province."[---]
"This is the most unplanted acres we've had in the history of our province," said Weber.[---]
Only 70 per cent of the 2010 crop has been seeded, noted Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud.
If the latest weather forecast holds, farmers won't get much more than that in the field, he said."
"With $200 of gross revenue lost per unseeded acre, said Weber, that's $2 billion taken out of Saskatchewan's agricultural industry."[---]
"Agribusinesses such as seed, fertilizer and pesticide companies and farm equipment dealerships will also lose revenue this season, said Weber."I think we've only had three or four days of sunshine in the last month. People are building arks.
"To make matters worse, a second weather system is predicted to begin next week, extending wet conditions into a 10-day period.
Weber said the long-term wet weather will hinder weed control."
Not good.
Labels: Saskatchewan
One question I wish Newman had been asked when he whined about people having to pay a tax for their cable subscription, was why, in addition to that, do we have to pay for one and only one broadcaster found on cable, that being the CBC?
h/t Dr. Roy
Labels: CBC, media bias
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
And Pat Condell, Too!
"Any religion that endorses violence is incapable of delivering spiritual enlightenment. How obvious does that have to be?"
Labels: Ground Zero, hypocrisy, mosque, Pat Condell
Huge mammoth skull found in Yukon
"...1½ metres long and one metre wide, along with a pair of intact tusks that are more than 1½ metres long."
Labels: human interest, pre-history, science
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Toronto Star Outdoes Itself
"May have"???
"But Aqsa’s death and the cultural context that surrounded it raised troubling questions: Was this the GTA’s first honour killing? Or was Parvez simply a domineering father, who feared losing control of his youngest daughter?So what's to resolve? Good grief!!
Experts say it’s a debate with no resolution."
Hold your nose and RTWT.
Labels: brutality, honor killings, hypocrisy, media bias
Sandmonkey Gives Us...
Labels: brutality, human rights, oppression, Sandmonkey
Freaky Deaky Surreal Art
Surreal Source
As far as I know, he wasn't smoking anything. Ever since he was a little kid, he's been a drawer of weird stuff. He's my Salvador Dali. My Pablo Picasso.
I think some of his work would be real cool if painted large on the side of buildings throughout Calgary.
What do you think? Is it fascinating or too weird for your taste?
Labels: personal
Big News in Canuckistan
The really delicious part is there is general screeching and howling from the left-leaning media about the news. The comments sections in CBC's web reports, especially, is bristling with anger and vitriol, the focus of which is often anti-American and anti-Western Canadian of the most vile variety. The fact that CBC not only allows these comments through, but actually speaks out against the new network itself is ample evidence it's time for that tax funded organization to go. I any case, those of us on the right side of the aisle are elated with the news and are rolling on the floor laughing our asses off at the full bore panic mode on display, at CBC especially. And that's not just CBC fans we're laughing at. It's CBC itself. After all, Mother Corpse's lock hold on our brains is supposed to be the natural order of things.
Here's a video of the official announcement of the new network.
Labels: CBC, Fox News North, media bias, our betters, Sun TV
Stuff You Won't Hear About Hamas and Fatah....
Turkey Still Targeting Israel & Mahmood Abbas Goes to Washington
Labels: Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel, media bias, Middle East, Palestinians
Another Trip Down Memory Lane
And this one is rather timely. Hey. That was then:
And a few from his daddy:
Good night, all.
Labels: 1960s, Memory Lane, personal
Monday, June 14, 2010
Where's the Outrage?
Egypt closes Gaza to Algerian aid
"Aid barred despite the Egyptian announcement of an open border.[---]
Despite the announcement a week ago that the Egyptian border with Gaza would be kept permanently open, Egypt refused to allow an Algerian aid convoy into Gaza on Saturday."
"Hamas is suggesting that cargo aboard future flotillas to the Gaza Strip be inspected by European inspectors at a Greek port, and having those inspectors accompany the ships on their way to ensure Israel that no arms are brought on board on the way to the Strip, Israel Radio reported Saturday."Sounds to me like Hamas has been taken down a peg or two and knows it.
My, My! Are Things Changing on North America's Campuses?
Now we have this:
Muslim Student Union Suspended at UC Irvine
Funders and alumni donors must be withdrawing the cash cow. About time.
The left will tell you it's the Jooooish lobby, of course.
Labels: freedom, universities
WTF!! What is the Obama Administration Doing?!!???!!!!
Help Keep Mosab Yousef in the United States
If you've never heard of this guy, read the links on the second website.
h/t BCF
Labels: assholes, Barack Obama, Hamas, secular Islam, useful idiotry, Yanky politics
But There is No Bias at the CBC, You Know
Avi Lewis (in the first video) is no longer with the CBC. He left shortly after the broadcast of his interview with Hirsi Ali. One has to wonder whether the CBC received so many complaints about his prissy little rant that they had to push him out to save face.
On the other hand, Jian Ghomeshi (host in the second interview), is still with the CBC. He's no doubt one of their trophies, being a person of colour with Muslim ancestry and all. Although he is lightyears to the right by comparison to Lewis, he is still a lefty and his questions reveal the political correctness, multi-culti relativism that permeates our oh so unbiased tax funded national broadcaster. These two, ladies and gentlemen, epitomize why so many of us have stopped watching and listening to CBC. They personify the core of Mother Corpse's corporate culture - all left, all the time. The only difference is the degree. Lewis was at the extreme. Ghomeshi, some what less extreme, but still leftists to the core.
Grab your puke pail.
Untitled from Vlad Tepes on Vimeo.
Labels: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, CBC, Jian Ghomeshi, media bias
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Anniversary Will Not Be Televised
h/t The Spirit of Man
Good on CNN, and the handful of other news organs that covered it and of course Azarmehr.
But most of those events were in European cities.
Is the revolution lost? I hope not.
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Green Movement, Iran, Islamofascism, Mad Mullahs
Global Warming: An Answer to Dennis Brown
A few days ago, I was commenting on a CBC website on the issue CBC's bias and in the course of the debate, a fellow by the name of Dennis Brown and I had an exchange about global warming. (Ya, we had drifted off topic, but one of the most consistent and egregious areas of CBC bias occurs in its coverage of the global warming scam, which is to say, they don't cover it.)
Anyway, Dennis appears to be not only intelligent but a Class "A" gentleman, certainly by comparison to many other loyal CBCers who comment on various stories, in any case. His response is copied below. I promised to respond to him on my blog, but on Saturday morning, when I was all fired up to compose a reply, I lost access to the internet. Sasktel's trusty technicians have just fixed the problem (I was undergoing some deep withdrawal pains, believe me, so thanks, guys).
So, anyway, here goes. Dennis's remarks are in blue. I've bolded the points to which I am responding. In my response, I am going to quote at length from an Australian scientist, Ian Plimer's book Heaven and Earth: Global warming, the missing science (Taylor Trade Publishing, 2009)
First, Dennis's reply:
And while you're at it, buy a copy of the book for CBC's Dr. Fruitfly, who is a geneticist, not a climatologist and a copy for Bob McDonald, whose field of expertise I don't know, but it sure ain't climatology. In any case, neither of them are practicing scientists. They are TV personalities and I bet they haven't published a peer-reviewed scientific paper in years, if ever.
Any Yanks reading this, I would suggest you send a truckload of Plimer's book to both of Algoracle's mansions, 'cause he sure isn't a climatologist, either. He ain't even a scientist, but he is invested up to his ears in green technology. No conflict of interest, there, is there, Dennis. I'm all for investing in green technology, but not for non-existent problems.
"This book's 504 pages and over 2,300 references to peer-reviewed scientific literature and other authoritative sources engagingly synthesize what we know about the Sun, Earth, ice, water, and air. Importantly, in a parallel to his 1994 book challenging "creation science", Telling Lies for God, Ian Plimer describes Al Gore's book and movie An Inconvenient Truth as long on scientific "misrepresentations." "Trying to deal with these misrepresentations is somewhat like trying to argue with creationists," he writes, "who misquote, concoct evidence, quote out of context, ignore contrary evidence, and create evidence ex nihilo."
Back to Dennis:
"The IPCC gathered many climatologists, meteorologists, environmentalists and political activists and published several voluminous publications, the first of which was in 1990. These reports comprised a three-part scientific report under IPCC's directed headings. Three working groups had authors who contributed to a series of chapters under the guidance of lead authors and a lead chapter author. These people are touted as the 2500 scientific experts who constitute a consensus.
In the 1996 report on the impact of global warming on health, one contributing author was an expert on the effectiveness of motorcycle helmets. That author had also written on health effects of mobile phones. Other authors were environmental activists, one of whom had written on the health effects of mercury poisoning from land mines. If a land mine explodes, the last thing one thinks about is the health effects of mercury poisoning. In the 2007 report, the health effects of global warming were expertly dealt with by two lead authors, one of whom was a hygienist and another a specialist in coprotlites (fossil faeces). Those who drove the publication of the chapters on the health effects of global warming had no formal expertise in the chapters' subject material, especially tropical diseases. In fact, the expert opinions of tropical disease scientists were ignored by the other lead authors with no expertise in the field." (pg. 19-20)
"The second stage of the IPCC process is that the draft Summary for Policymakers is submitted to governments, each of which can insist upon changes. These changes are made behind closed doors, the scientists who wrote three bulky volumes have no avenue for objection to political changes, and the final draft of the Summary forms the basis for a negotiating process and is not a peer review process. It is the process of politics. ---The IPCC process is related to environmental activism, politics and opportunism. It is unrelated to science." (pg. 20)
"Climate science lacks scientific discipline. Studies of the Earth's atmosphere tell us nothing about future climate. An understanding of climate requires an amalgamation of astronomy, solar physics, geology, geochronology, geochemistry, sedimentiology, tectonics, paleontology, glaciology, climatology, meterorology, oceanography, ecology, archaeology and history." (pg. 15)
"The history of temperature change over time is related to the shape of the continents, the shape of the sea floor, the pulling apart of the crust, the stitching back together of the crust, the opening and closing of sea ways, comet dust, impacts by comets and asteroids, volcanic activity, bacteria, soil formation, sedimentation, ocean currents and the chemistry of air. If we humans, in a fit of ego, think we can change these normal planetary processes, then we need stronger medication." (pg. 11)
"If we look at the history of CO2 over time, we see the atmospheric CO2 content has been far higher than at present for most of time. Furthermore, atmospheric CO2 follows temperature rise - it does not create a temperature rise. To argue that human emissions of CO2 are forcing global warming requires all the known, and possibly chaotic, mechanisms of natural global warming to be critically analysed and dismissed. This has net even been attempted. To argue that we humans can differentiate between human induced climate changes and natural climate changes is naive. To argue that natural climate changes are slow and small is contrary to evidence. The slogan "Stop climate change" is a very public advertisement of absolute total ignorance as it is not cognisant of history, archaeology, geology, astronomy, ocean sciences, atmospheric sciences and the life sciences." (pg. 12)
"The level of scientific acceptance of human-induced global warming is misrepresented. Furthermore, the claim by some scientists that the threat of human-induced global warming in 90% certain (or even 99%) is a figure of speech reflecting the speaker's commitment to the belief. It has no mathematical or evidential basis. It is comparable to the 100% certainty professed by religious devotees that theirs if the one and only true faith. My experience of dealing with blindingly obvious arguments against creation "science" was that data and logic were treated with anger, rejection and hostility. Scientific arguments were never addressed. With some rabid environmentalists, human-induced global warming has evolved into a similar religious belief system, disconnected from Nature, and it evolved to fill a yawning spiritual vacuum in the Western world. Contrary scientific data and conclusions are greeted with anger, rejection and hostility. As more contrary data is aired, the defence of the indefensible produces grimmer and grimmer future climate scenarios. The scientific arguments are not addressed. These are the characteristics of a fundamentalist religion." (pg. 14-15)[---]
"The IPCC continued to claim a consensus of scientists despite the fact that the UN Climate Change Bulletin in 1996 reported that only 10% of the 400 American, Canadian and German climate researchers expressed strong agreement that they are "certain that global warming is a process already underway". Some 48% of those surveyed stated they did not have faith in global climate forecast models. This finding was confirmed in 1997 by a survey of climatologists employed by 50 states in the USA. Nevertheless, the IPCC and the media still claimed a consensus as support for their findings.
One of the persistent problems that the IPCC faced was the Little Ice Age (1280-1850 AD) and the Medieval Warming (900-1300 AD). Evidence from a great diversity of sources showed that during the Medieval Warming, the global temperature was a few degrees higher than today. This created a problem for the IPCC because there were no major CO2 emitting industries at that time. The solution was simple and elegant - change history. By creating ex nibilo a "hockey stick" graph that showed that the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Warming did not exist and that temperature started to rise dramatically in the early 20th Century, clearly a result of industrialisation. In the 2001 version of the IPCC's report, the "hockey stick" was used as proof that we were all doomed to fry and it was all our fault." (pg. 22)[---]
"The warm climate of Greenland 1000 years ago allowed the growing of grain, sheep and cattle. This warm climate could not have resulted from human emissions of CO2. A few hundred years later, the bitterly cold weather of the Little Ice Age could not have derived from a decrease in human emissions of CO2. There must be other causes of warming and cooling. How can we know that the slight warming since 1850 is due to humans adding CO2 to the atmosphere? Furthermore, there have also been coolings since 1850. There must be other global-scale natural processes at work and the question must be asked: Does atmospheric CO2 have anything at all to do with climate?[---]
If CO2 derived from modern industrialisation is the culprit for global warming, then why did global temperature increased from 1918 to 1940, decrease from 1940 to 1976, increase from 1976 to 1998 and decrease from 1998 to the present? Throughout this period, humans were adding increasing amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere. The IPCC does not explain the temperature variations in the 20th century. There was alarm in the 1970s that the decreasing temperature was heralding another ice age. This was an important lesson from which nothing was learned. After 1976, temperature started to rise and again there was alarm, this time that there was going to be a period of global warming. Then temperatures started to fall after 1998. There is now silence. It is not possible to make computer model forecasts of climate change for the year 2040, 2100 or 2300 based on a few decades of data.
If we change the time scale and look at the last 6 million years, for 3 million years it was warmer than now. For the other 3 million years there was an increase in the magnitude of high-frequency warm and cold cycles. During the last three warm cycles, it was 5C warmer than now. Past natural climate changes have been partly cyclical and partly unpredictable and have nothing to do with human additions of CO2 to the atmosphere." (pg. 24-25)
"The year of 2008 was an exceptionally cold year. By the end of January 2008, blizzards and cold temperatures in China had killed 60 people, millions lost electricity service, nearly a million buildings were damaged, airports were closed and Hong Kong had the second longest cold spell since 1885. In February 2008, cold weather in Vietnam destroyed 40% of the rice crop and killed 33,000 head of livestock. In Mumbai (India), the lowest temperature for 40 years was recoded. In the USA, International Falls (Minnesota) set a new record (-40 C) breaking the old record (-37 C) set in 1967. In Reading (Pennsylvania), the temperature stayed below -40 C for six consecutive days for the first time since the 18th Century. Alaskan glaciers grew. On October, 29 2008, the USA beat or tied 115 low-temperature records for that date. Alaska, which was unusually warm in 2007, recorded -32C for that night, beating the previous low by 2C.
In the first week of December 2008, blizzards closed roads and schools, across northern England and Scotland. Large parts of the UK were blanketed with snow for the third time in the 2008-09 winter. At the time the UK government's Committee on Climate Change issued its first report on how Britain is to handle the terrifying threat of runaway global warming. Nature certainly has a keen sense of humour." (pg. 26-27)That reminds me of my trip to Edmonton, Alberta, in mid-December (just six months ago). On the day I left to come home again, the Edmonton International Airport reported a temperature of -51C. That tops (or should I way "bottoms") the day I was in Flin Flon, Manitoba in the 1990s when the temp dipped to -50 C. Global warming, my ass.
Another passage from Plimer:
"If human emissions of CO2 have forced warming in the late 20th Century, then those making such a claim need to show that this warming is above and beyond natural warming. This not been done." (pg. 34)Regarding the "alarming" rapidity of supposed AGW, Plimer has this to say in Chapter One:
"The change from warmth to the bitter cold of the Younger Dryas (ED: The period in earth history from 12,900 to 11,600 before the present) took less than 100 years and maybe only a decade."(pg. 43)
"It appears that the end of the Younger Dryas took place over 40-50 years in three different steps, each of about five years duration. Other data indicates a warming of 7 C in only a few years, half of the warming taking place in a 15-year period. Such a warming rate is far higher than even the most alarmist catastrophic warming suggested by models of human-induced global warming. The warming was to temperatures similar to those today. Humans, plants and animals adapted to rapid intense warming and rapid sea level rise after the Younger Dryas. This post-Younger Dryas warm period lasted for 2600 years. (pg. 46)And finally, one more quote from the good Dr. Plimer:
"We humans on Earth have never had it better. Compared with 100, 200 or 500 years ago, we Westerners live longer, have a better diet, are wealthier, are healthier and the elderly have far better health care. Even in the Third World, times are far better than before, despite population increase. The daily food intake has increased by 38% since the 1960s to 2666 calories per person per day despite the fact that the population in those countries has increased by 83%. Food prices have decreased by 75%. Improved agricultural production and freer trade have guaranteed that a smaller proportion of the Third World starves. In the 1970s, 16% of people in the Third World subsisted on less than $1 per day. Now it is 6%. Those living on $2 per day dropped from 39% to 18%. Life expectancy has also improved. In China, it has increased from 41 years in the 1950s to 71 today; in India it has increased from 39 to 63. In both countries the lifespan of 2 billion people has been almost doubled. In 1900, the average life expectancy globally was 31 years. Now it is 67 years. There is a long way to go, but never in human history have so many people been liberated from the clutches of starvation and poverty.Well said, Dr. Plimer. So, Dennis, if we have to reduce our "carbon footprint", I say the first step would be to dismantle that pack of hypocrites that infest the CBC.
Many environmentalists have a romantic view of the past and do not acknowledge the enormous struggle to stay alive in past times when unemployment, famines, disease, high child mortality, shortened lives and bitter cold dominated everyday life.
Don't give me the environmental romantic view about the good old days. They were not." (pg. 27)
Related: Shucks. We'll have to come up with a revised list.
Labels: AGW scam, CBC, Left, leftards, leftards and leftards, media bias, Plimer's da Man, useful idiotry