The Old Buzzard ...
"Sen. Robert Byrd, the self-obsessed former KKK member whose name graces every immovable object in the state of West Virginia, died this morning after taking ill late Sunday night. According to WTOP, "Byrd was a near-deity in economically struggling West Virginia, to which he delivered countless federally financed projects. Entire government bureaus opened there, including the FBI's repository for computerized fingerprint records. Even the Coast Guard had a facility in the landlocked state. Critics portrayed him as the personification of Congress' thirst for wasteful 'pork' spending projects." Sen. Ted Kennedy, who is also dead, once said of Byrd's kleptomania, "He is a fierce defender of the Senate and its prerogatives in ways that I think the founding fathers really intended the Senate to be." No greater love than that which Sen. Byrd held for himself."...and as the accolades pour in, hypocrisy breaks out and the double standard is applied.
PS: From the strangest places. Will this be the second time Michelle O. is proud of her country?
Labels: bigotry, Democratic Party, Democrats, hypocrisy, leftards, leftards and leftards, slavery, Yanky politics
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