CBC Coverage of the G20 Summit
Man arrested in G20-related incident
"A Toronto man has been charged with explosives and weapons offences in what police are calling a G20-related arrest."But not to worry though, in the comments CBC fans get back on track.
"Not to say that this individual wasn't a threat to general safety and security, but I have to wonder how many of the arrests over the next few days 4 or 5 days will be genuinely warranted.logic_man
By making more arrests and publishing stories like this one, this will be the grounds that the government will use to justify the enormous security expense for the G8 and G20 summits."
"People seem to bash North Korea and their propaganda machines almost constantly, calling the citizens and military 'brainwashed' and 'zombies'.Marlow08
Just because it doesn't come out of a bullhorn in a foreign country, doesn't mean it isn't propaganda. And if you have read this article in it's entirety... you have just been subjected to a much subtler, western brand of government propaganda and perception steering. Congrats!
Same monster in a different wrapper with a few more civil liberties thrown in so we believe we are 'free' and different, and above that type of thing.
Being a zombie sucks... question something."
"If you google streetview the Forest Hill address, it is hard to imagine that this is some anarchist dude. Unless uber wealthy Bay Street financiers are intending to blow up their own offices for insurance payments, the Toronto Police are blowing hot air, again."oxymoron69
"Yet another false flag op, setup by the federal government to justify their spending on security and our upcoming changeover to a full-on police state.And that's just the first four at the top of the list as of 8:00 am CST. Well done CBC. All these years of indoctrination have paid off, and paid off handsomely, at that.
Come on folks, you don't really believe this do you?
Sounds like the guy posted on an internet forum that he hated harper and wanted to blow him up... now he's under full-on investigation.
What's really sad about this, is that now the cons will have all the ammo they need to justify regular billion-dollar boondoggles because of "National security".
Canada is a safe place, the only thing making it a dangerous place to live is the federal goverment."
Of note, at least two media outlets are covering this story this morning, which actually relates to the objectives of the G20 meeting: G20 to warn against complacency on economy. If CBC picks it up, I'll let you know.
Stay tuned. I'm sure there'll be more.
More, Tuesday, June 22nd:
G20 protests continue amid security buildup
An alternate more realist headline might read: "CBC continues its free publicity for G20 protests amid security buildup"
From the comments: "It's a great magnet for all the wingnuts and whackjobs - leaves the rest of the country nice and peaceful.... Thanks Toronto."
Why they've even got a blog set up for the event in support of the protesters, of course. And a list of several fine upstanding organizations who are expected to show up.
Kudos for Macleans for actually covering some other angle.
First Up, Monday, June 21st:
Send us you're bitching, whining and complaining street rioters.
All the hard hitting news you could ever want from the rent-a-riot crowd, cause we're just too lazy ourselves to cover any other angle.
Protest. (Funniest question: Who are they and what do they want?)
Labels: CBC, G20, media bias
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