Labels: assholes, Canadian politics, humor, NDP
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." * Martin Luther King Jr. // * "There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them." * George Orwell // Want to contact the Stubble Jumping Redneck? Shoot her an email @
Labels: assholes, Canadian politics, humor, NDP
France have banned the burqa - isn't it about time we did the ...VIDEO: France have banned the burqa - isn't it about time we did the same here in Britain?(Third party video)
Posted by Britain First on Thursday, August 6, 2015
Labels: Barack Obama, lamestream media, you can't make this shit up
Labels: AGW scam, CAGW, climate change, global warming, Lord Monckton
Labels: Canada, Canadian politics, elections, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair
Labels: Barack Obama, Egypt, Hillary Clinton
Labels: Canada, CBC, lamestream media
"A rare collection of sea fossils on the southeastern tip of Newfoundland is a step closer to possibly being named a UNESCO World Heritage Site."[---]
"Mistaken Point is home to the oldest-known evidence of early multi-cellular life — a 565-million-year-old sea floor that's been slowly exposed by the pounding Atlantic surf."
Labels: ancient history, evolution, Newfoundland
Labels: Eiffel Tower, Paris, terrorism, terrorists, travel
Labels: CAGW, global warming
Labels: children, crime, grandchildren, police, sickening, tears
Labels: courts, Indian Industry, law, lawfare, lawyers
"Mulcair has previously promised an inquiry into the cases of murdered and missing women within 100 days of an NDP government taking office, as well as pledging to end violence against women, one year after the slaying of Winnipeg teen Tina Fontaine."
Labels: Canadian politics, elections, NDP, Thomas Mulcair
Labels: crime, criminals, Saskatchewan, stupidity
Labels: personal, Saskatchewan, science, technology, universities
The question of Muslim terror was never so succinctly answered as here by Allen West. (Courtesy of The Hudson Institute's Reclaim American Liberty Conference).
Posted by American Bikers United Against Jihad - ABUAJ on Friday, September 11, 2015
Labels: Europe, history, Islamofascism
Labels: AGW scam, hurricanes
Labels: Barack Obama, impeachment
Labels: Canadian politics, labour unions, Stephen Harper
Labels: Canada, parliament, the senate
"The U.S. Military Academy at West Point is investigating an annual pillow fight at the school that turned bloody and left 30 cadets injured, most of them with concussions."[---]
"The pillow fight is an annual tradition stretching back more than a century and is intended to build class spirit among incoming first year students known as plebes. Held in the school’s main courtyard it comes at the end of a summer training period before the plebes enter the academic year."
Labels: you can't make this shit up
Labels: Conservatives, Dippers, elections, Liberals
Labels: boys, lamestream media, refugees
"Here are the things that the Queen can do that you can’t, not that she’s showing off or anything:
If you’re the Queen of England acquiring a driving license like every other British 17-year-old is not necessary. The Queen is the only person in Britain who can drive without a licence. Because they are issued in the Queen’s name, it would be unnecessary for her to give herself a license. But that doesn’t mean she can’t drive – Elizabeth operated a first-aid truck for the Women’s Auxillary Territorial Service during WWII.
As well as not having to have a licence, she also does not have to bother with a registration plate for her car.
The Queen can travel abroad without any travel documents or a passport, since these are issued in her own name. This is something that even other members of the Royal Family can’t get away with, so passports at the ready Charles et al.
Her majesty is entitled to two birthdays per year. While her actual proper legit birthday is on 21 April, her ‘official’ Queen’s birthday is celebrated on a Saturday in June.
Here are the things that the Queen can do that you can’t, not that she’s showing off or anything:
"If you’re the Queen of England acquiring a driving license like every other British 17-year-old is not necessary. The Queen is the only person in Britain who can drive without a licence. Because they are issued in the Queen’s name, it would be unnecessary for her to give herself a license. But that doesn’t mean she can’t drive – Elizabeth operated a first-aid truck for the Women’s Auxillary Territorial Service during WWII.
As well as not having to have a licence, she also does not have to bother with a registration plate for her car.
The Queen can travel abroad without any travel documents or a passport, since these are issued in her own name. This is something that even other members of the Royal Family can’t get away with, so passports at the ready Charles et al.
Her majesty is entitled to two birthdays per year. While her actual proper legit birthday is on 21 April, her ‘official’ Queen’s birthday is celebrated on a Saturday in June."
"King John I may forever be known as a Bad King following that seminal history textbook 1066 and All That, but according to history authors, it is Henry VIII who should bear the title of the worst monarch in history.
More than 60 writers were surveyed by the Historical Writers Association (HWA), with Henry VIII taking 20% of the vote to find the worst monarch and criticised for a wide range of crimes: he was “obsessive”, “syphilitic” and a “self-indulgent wife murderer and tyrant”, according to respondents.
Robert Wilton, the author of The Spider of Sarajevo, called the Tudor king “a gross man-child, wilfully and capriciously dangerous to everything around him including the country”, adding that psychologically, Henry “barely made it out of infancy, let alone adolescence, and ruled with little more policy than petulant self-gratification”."
Labels: The Royals
"Adam Michnik is editor-in-chief of Poland's leading daily and its most prominent former dissident. In a SPIEGEL interview, he talks about the threat of authoritarian regimes in Eastern Europe, the decline of the region's political culture and feelings of being treated like second-class citizens in Europe."
He's right. Something went horribly wrong for Eastern Europe following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Labels: Adam Michnik, communism, eastern Europe, Soviet Union
...on the Indian Industry I have ever read:
"“Recognizing that additional resources are required to solve aboriginal problems does not mean writing larger cheques to aboriginal leaders. Most of these leaders have little interest in improving the lives of the marginalized; their concern is gaining control over government funds, which results in unqualified friends and relatives “delivering” low quality services.
“Untold millions are also provided to lawyers and consultants in the Aboriginal Industry to perpetuate grievances and justify a return to a romanticized past.
“The increasing fantastical character of the aboriginal rights movement, epitomized by ‘Idle No More’, is the result of the influence of the ‘Aboriginal Industry’ – the group of lawyers and consultants who benefit financially from keeping aboriginal peoples in a state of segregated dependency. This industry has encouraged unrealistic hopes in the aboriginal population by fuelling resentment towards the “white man”, and promising “compensation” for past wrongs.
“Meanwhile, unrealizable demands for sovereignty, robust “aboriginal rights” and the quest for a “nation-to nation relationship” keeps aboriginal policy in a perpetual state of suspension, where never-ending negotiations always result in more demands for legal clarification and “consultation”. The continuation of aboriginal deprivation that results from such obfuscation then justifies the need for the distribution of more government transfers."
"“Recognizing that additional resources are required to solve aboriginal problems does not mean writing larger cheques to aboriginal leaders. Most of these leaders have little interest in improving the lives of the marginalized; their concern is gaining control over government funds, which results in unqualified friends and relatives “delivering” low quality services.
“Untold millions are also provided to lawyers and consultants in the Aboriginal Industry to perpetuate grievances and justify a return to a romanticized past."
Labels: Indian Industry
"Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.[---]
Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques:"
"'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture.Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'
'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.'"
Labels: Aussies, huge brass balls, immigration, terrorism
Labels: accountability, First Nations
Labels: elections, Elizabeth May, greens
Labels: you can't make this shit up
Labels: oil, Western Civilization