1. Renounce violence in the strongest terms
2. Renounce anti-Semitism in the strongest terms
3. Renounce the Islamist regime in Iran
4. Renounce Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, CAIR and similar organizations operating in the West or anywhere else in the world
5. Renounce individuals practicing such expressions of hatred as those mentioned in #1 through #4
6. Recognize the right of the state of Israel to exist
urge Muslim states throughout the world to enter into peaceful, amiable relations with Israel and lead by way of example
7. Renounce and reinterpret passages in the Koran that inspire violence toward and hatred of non-Muslims
8. Renounce the several and severe instances of oppression and mistreatment of girls and women and other barbaric practices, such as stoning and chopping off the hands of common thieves
9. Renounce those states which fund Islamic organizations that practice and promote hatred
10. Renounce the Ground-Zero mosque project
11. Renounce the teaching and preaching of hatred in mosques and schools
12. Renounce the use of civilian populations as human shields during conflict
13. Renounce the continued use of the history of European/American colonialism and the Christian crusades as an excuse for every sort of vile behaviour on the part of individuals and organizations, including governments throughout the Muslim world
11. Apologize for the Muslim crusades and the atrocities therein committed during the spread of Islam following the birth of your new religion in the seventh century
14. Expunge and denounce the Islamic practice of taqqyia and hudna
15. Expunge and denounce the severe punishments meted out to apostates
16. Disassociate yourselves from any and all Western leftists organizations
Repeat all of the above over and over and over and over until the message is heard by each and every person on the planet in the languages that they understand by any and every means possible, including, but not restricted to:
a) Dissemination via printed tracts, radio and television spots, facebook, twitter, websites and other electronic forms of communications
b) The preaching of sermons in mosques urging reform and introspection
c) Levying severe and consistent punishment of those who do not comply
d) Committing to and following through on an open, genuine, respectful dialogue with the State of Israel and the Jewish people wherever they are found, and Christians, too, and for that matter, Buddhists, Bahai's and Hindus and any other religions;
e) Organizing mass rallies and marches for the express purpose of renouncing these atrocious practices and inculcating the practice of principles that truly do promote, reflect and respect human rights of all peoples, including fellow Muslims.
Since I don't want to die of asphyxiation, I won't be holding my breath, but should you pleasantly surprise me, I may just drop dead. If it will help, you can make that one of your objectives.
Labels: Islamism