Monday, February 28, 2011

Regarding Fake News,...

...I take it back. Lorne Gunter has the real story.
"Just look at the headline to start with: “CRTC ditches bid to allow fake news.”"
The "headline" of a Flop and Flail story was the same one the Vancouver Sun used, and although the telling of the stories are sightly different, they are about the same thing. Gunter continues:
"That isn’t what they are doing; not a bit. There is no push to allow “fake” news. That’s what lib-left politicians, editors and reporters had convinced themselves the broadcast regulator is doing. Some had even gone so far as to insist the CRTC is looking to allow false news on behalf of the Harper government so the soon-to-launch SunTV can propagandize for the Conservatives. But not even all the anguished, conspiratorial imagination of the left-leaning elites in Canada makes something true – it merely makes it something our smug elites all reassure one another is so. Not the same thing.

Late last year, the CRTC, at the behest of a joint Senate-House of Commons regulatory committee, announced it wanted to change the rules governing news broadcasts on radio and television. The current regulation bars stations from broadcasting “any false or misleading news.” Concerned that this rule would never withstand a Charter challenge because it is too vague and broad, the joint committee told the CRTC to change the regulation so that it applied only to a licensee who “knowingly” broadcasts news that is “false or misleading and that endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.”"
That's quite a different thing, isn't it. It seems to me the Flop and Flail and the Vancouver Sun are guilty of spreading false news. And shame on me for falling for it. Gunter's piece is also a stellar analysis of leftwing lunacy, which he, Gunter, believes is behind this.

But do read the whole article. There's a Sun TV element in it.

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