Monday, December 12, 2011

Not Safe For Effette City Folk

Polar bear 'cannibalism' pictured
"It is an image that is sure to shock many people.

An adult polar bear is seen dragging the body of a cub that it has just killed across the Arctic sea ice.

Polar bears normally hunt seals but if these are not available, the big predators will seek out other sources of food - even their own kind."
Heck. I remember having an old mother cat, back in the day on the farm, who once ate her own kittens. I don't think it was for lack of mice or birds to eat, but it was kinda creepy. Growing up on a farm does expose you to the real world, which is full of grizzle, blood and guts. Then there was the two-headed calf. But that's enough for now.

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