It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over
And another:
-----------------Original Post Starts Here----------------
Get ready for Egypt's 'second revolution'
The anti-anti-democrats of Cairo
Democracy Muslim Brotherhood style making Mubarak look good
Morsi Critics Demand Early Egypt Elections
The following is an exchange I found on Facebook between an American (?) woman and a number of Egyptians. It follows beneath the same picture I have copied and pasted above. The American woman begins the exchange by asking what the writing on the poster means. I have removed their real names:
Egyptian # 1: it just says go and participate on June30th
Egyptian # 2: Rebel, participate in 30/6 Egyptian are not cowards, Egypt is not for sale, Participate our demand are still the same: bread freedom and social justice
Egyptian # 3: it says : stay the fuck out , coz demons are about to be unleashed .
Egyptian # 4: Top Right & Left - (Big Letters) "Go Down" / the print on the bottom roughly translates to:
"An Egyptian cannot remain a coward."
Bottom Middle - "Our requests are as they've always been: Living, freedom, social justice."
Egyptian # 4: A call for impeachment would summarize the big letters if anything.
American woman: Does anything say this: " stay the fuck out , coz demons are about to be unleashed" ??
Egyptian # 2: NO
Egyptian # 4: Lol not at all.
Egyptian # 3: yeah but its just too small to be seen
American woman: ---the reason I ask is twofold. First, I don't speak Arabic. Second, the Tamarod has been portrayed by some as provocative and instigating violence. If this is written anywhere, that is not good. I suspect it is not written anywhere but your comment is an editorial??
Egyptian # 3: i didnt read these images , i am talking about the main idea of 30/6
American woman: Explain plz...
Egyptian # 3: Tamarod dosn't encourage violence but they - surely- gonna cause some violence
Egyptian # 2: Tamarod in Arabic means Rebel and that the whole idea rebelling against a fascist regime, however egyptians took the streets today two days in advance of Tamarod call for 30/6, unfortunately Ann Paterson is still supporting Moslem brotherhood
American woman: How? and why?
Egyptian # 3: look we dont have Ghandi right here , and what made 25th revolution succeed is coz there were some need violence . now its about to begin again , some blood must be taken or nothing is going to change
American woman: You don't need Ghandi to have a bloodless revolution---will and determination along with organization of millions. Violence is old school ya Mshfahm
Egyptian # 3: breaking some eggs is the main point for both wings , Eikhwan and Tamorod
Egyptian # 3: stop being so utopic , if people hadnt cracked prisons , kick some police asses , yell in media , chattin in facebook and throwing eachothers with rocks and molotov , we would had our asses raped by Mubarak regime , and we wouldnt be alive till now
American woman: So I understand your first comment now (I think). Get the fuck out or all hell will be unleashed, is that it?
Egyptian # 3: i apologize for using slang words but we all are angry here . yeah i meant by my first commentary is to advice foreign people to not get involved by any form , not to be with or against us . Egypt will decide
Egyptian # 5: Sharon, the answer to your question is simple: open a beginner's history book about Islamists; flip back 1400 years and you'd see the same headlines-- "Despot in power; people want him out." It's the longest broken record in any history.
American woman: I know you are all angry and the last thing on my mind is to interfere. I stand in support of my Egyptian friends to reclaim their country, period. I am ashamed by the activity of the US government and voices in our media that see the Tamarod movement as less than it is--a mass public outpouring of dissent with a strong and thoughtful plan to take back the country from their "freely elected" dictator.
Egyptian # 6: Sharon Bussell what written are 4 poster get down and protest on 30-6 and you of course understood what about Morsi and Ann Paterson (for Ann what we think and mostly written all over Egypt Devil Ann Go home I think you know Why
Egyptian # 2: Tamarod announced in a press conference that they collected 22 Million Signatures to impeach Morsy
(Ed. Actually, considering my belief that history is "just one damned thing after another", I would say it ain't ever going to be over. But isn't that last bit by Egyptian # 5 interesting. Sometimes there are major upheavals that change the course of history, the way rivers sometimes change their course, or climates. In my ever so humble opinion, I think we are witnessing one here, and it's not just the ouster of an Islamist dictator that I'm talking about, although I surely hope they succeed, or even the Arab Spring, but it's what is implied by Egyptian # 5's comment. Is Egypt in the process of ditching Islam? Similar revolutions occurred in the past in China and in Europe.
And this, too: i meant by my first commentary is to advice foreign people to not get involved by any form. Which "foreign" people is he talking about? The West? The Saudis? The Iranians? Russians? All of the above?)
Labels: Arab Spring, Egypt, history, Islamism, Islamists, revolution
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