We Humans...
Brazilian Bikini Waxes Make Crab Lice Endangered Species: Health
"Pubic lice, the crab-shaped insects that have dwelled in human groins since the beginning of history, are disappearing. Doctors say bikini waxing may be the reason.And we're gonna have to come up with a different excuse if we're caught scratchin'. It's enough to drive you crazy.
Waning infestations of the bloodsuckers have been linked by doctors to pubic depilation, especially a technique popularized in the 1990s by a Manhattan salon run by seven Brazilian sisters. More than 80 percent of college students in the U.S. remove all or some of their pubic hair -- part of a trend that’s increasing in western countries. In Australia, Sydney’s main sexual health clinic hasn’t seen a woman with pubic lice since 2008 and male cases have fallen 80 percent from about 100 a decade ago."
Labels: accountability, If you are not with us..., science, you can't make this shit up, yuk
Nature doesn't give up easily. She adapts and finds a way...
We'll maybe see the appearance of a lice variety that thrives "on the open plains", so to speak.
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