Sunday, November 04, 2012

Back On The Road To Damascus

Syria opposition groups hold crucial Qatar meeting
"Syrian opposition groups have gathered in the Qatari capital, Doha, for a key meeting on how to form a more united front against President Assad.

The meeting could lead to a replacement body for the Syrian National Council (SNC), the main opposition in exile.

Rebel forces in Syria have criticised the SNC as out of touch, and the opposition is also split ideologically."
"Divisions have arisen not just between those in Syria and opposition figures abroad, but also between Islamist and secularist groups.

A previous opposition meeting in Cairo in July accepted that the Assad government must fall but failed to appoint a committee to act for the opposition internationally.

Representatives at Doha will include various other religious and secular groupings, plus Kurdish figures and dissident members of Mr Assad's Alawite sect."

Syria conflict: Rebels may have committed war crime - UN

I gotta ask. Would that be the Organization of Islamic Conference section of the UN?
"The footage shows gunmen beating and shooting a group of prisoners who were cowering on the floor.

It has been alleged that Islamist militants carried out the attack after seizing army checkpoints on Thursday."
Emphasis mine, throughout. RTWT.

This "Arab Spring" is looking more and more like the French Revolution, complete with the Reign of Terror. I wonder if they will replace their Arab Nationalist dictator/king with an Arab version of an emperor, bent on creating a dynasty.

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