Rolling Back the Nanny State...
I grew up drinking raw milk. The only processing done to it was when my mother put it in the separator to separate the cream from the rest of it. She used the cream to make her own butter. The cream, and the milk, were put into sterilized bottles, capped with a small cardboard cap and stored in a wire basket lowered down into a well, where it kept company with lizards and bugs of all descriptions, until there was enough to use to make butter. And I'm still alive, in case you haven't noticed.
I also like to make my own yogurt. Can't do that with pasturized, homogenized milk.
When I was in highschool, our French teacher, who was a real live French woman, took over the Home Ec. class one day and taught us how to make homemade yogurt. Yum!
She also taught us how to make French bread, you know those long skinny loaves. Mine turned out as hard as a baseball bat, but that's another story.
Labels: doom and gloom, freedom, idiocy, Memory Lane, nanny state, you can't make this shit up
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