Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is There Anywhere Else... the world, where politics is soooo entertaining?

First we have Vic Toews and his scandal about the government monitoring what we do while on the Internet, then, in hot pursuit, we had the Robocalls scandal.

As if that wasn't enough, Ontario's Premier has to step into it and rile up Albertans with his stupid comment about the West's prosperity.

I'm sure Harper is happy that McGuinty has stepped into it. It takes the heat off the Feds, for a while, anyway.

Indeed, the only one smelling like roses this past few days was Bob Rae (surprise, surprise). He did the right thing. But that was only a brief blip. He's right back at it.

On the upside, there is a restauranteur in Guelph who is enjoying an uptick in business. Even if he is innocent.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Amazing, the reality-denying leftard BS that emanates from the Globe & Mail. Spiritual conjoined twins with the NY Times.

I loved this: "Alison Redford insists he still owes her an apology, rebuffing him once again in favour of a tried-and-true Alberta strategy of picking a fight with Ontario."

Now that's turning reality inside out. Central Canajun leftard condescending disdain is parallel with American East Coast and Left Coast liberal enclave contempt for Red State flyover country.

As for that wee, insignificant part of Canada west of the Ontario border, the "progressive" Central Canajun outlook is summed up in the infamous Scott Reid "Alberta can blow me" remark.

February 29, 2012 10:18 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

"...the infamous Scott Reid "Alberta can blow me" remark."

I guess I missed that one. When did it happen?

March 01, 2012 4:45 am  
Blogger Louise said...

And yes, Ontario is having severe melt-down pains as the centre of power in this country shifts West. Expect more of the same. This gong show is expected to run for some considerable time yet.

March 01, 2012 4:47 am  

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