Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Journalistic Speculation....

...on what Harper might do, should he win a majority:

What Harper might do with a majority
"While he may pay lip-service to social conservatives, he is unlikely to reopen the debate on abortion, same-sex marriage and capital punishment. He knows that's playing with fire."
Agreed. And the fire would burn inside the Conservative tent, too. Contrary to popular Liberal opinion, we are not knuckle-dragging neanderthals.
"What he is more likely to do, though, is what he is doing already: appoint more conservative judges, deny funding to liberal-minded non-governmental organizations like Planned Parenthood, abolish the gun registry and get tough on crime."
That's good.
"Where he is likely to move aggressively is reshaping the state. Here, expect him to use the deficit as reason to shrink the size of government. That may mean slashing the public service, starving (or selling) the CBC, and privatizing government services."
Yup. What'd I tell ya.
"Expect him to lower taxes and explore ways to empower the individual. Expect him to reform the Senate. Expect him to offer the provinces new authority, including Ottawa's residual powers. While he is unlikely to initiate constitutional reform (he doesn't like convening first ministers), expect the national government to be less national."
All fine and good.
"At the same time, watch for the Conservatives to give more substance to citizenship, which they think is too easy to acquire. There will be new emphasis on national history and national symbols, particularly the monarchy. The Conservative will continue to trumpet the North, espousing a new kind of nationalism."
"Abroad, Canada will continue to regard the United Nations suspiciously. There will be no return to peacekeeping, as the Liberals suggest, or a human security agenda. Military spending will rise while international assistance is reassessed. A foundering CIDA will be reorganized, even abolished.

The government will pursue a new deal with the United States on border and security issues. It will build on new free trade with Europe. Canada will remain Israel's best friend."
Woot! Woot! Woot! Bring it on!!

And best of all:
"For the opposition, particularly the Liberals, a Conservative majority will be disastrous. Michael Ignatieff will decamp for the University of Toronto and Bob Rae will dutifully succeed him."

Even better!!
"Without public financing, the party will be bankrupt. So will the Bloc Québécois."

Sure hope you're right, Mr. Cohen, and a majority it is. But why do I have this feeling I will be disappointed once again? (Heavy sigh.)

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