Sunday, January 30, 2011

Protests Continue

I'll be updating throughout the day (scroll down for latest).

Protesters stand their ground

Sandmonkey is tweeting again:

"army everywhere. Wonder what they will do abt police. We'll see whose side they're on today"

"army tanks everywhere, stability nominally returned"

"army was saluting volunteer protection groups on the street, saying proud of them"

"if ppl see a police officer on the street they'll probably beat him up"

"no police seen anywhere"

"in tahrir now, everyone here, ppl of ALL classes, army letting us in, v peaceful"

"word is army has permission to shoot live ammunition at protesters" 
"we just had an air show of military planes flying at low altitudes tryin 2 scare ppl"

It's interesting that people from all over the world are tweeting at the Jan25th site - in several languages and scripts! The world is with you, Egypt.

ElBaradei says has mandate to agree Egypt unity govt

That hatchet-job of a headline means: "he had a popular and political mandate to negotiate the creation of a national unity government."

Profile of Omar Suleiman (Mubarak's hand picked successor) A fairly impressive bio, even if he wasn't chosen by the people. Enough to give me some hope, considering the news about Elbaradei. More about Suleiman here.

Some not so good news from Tunisia: As Tunisians cheer Egypt Islamist leader returns

...but I guess it depends on who you ask.

US, Turkey evacuating Citizens from Egypt I would imagine anyone who is not an Egyptian citizen is scrambling to get out, asap.

Al Jazeera silenced.

Rumours (on twitter) that Mubarak will announce shortly that he is stepping down. Hope it's true.

Cairo prison break prompts fear of fundamentalism

"Escape of Muslim Brotherhood leaders from jail in Cairo leads to fears that hardline Islamists could gain influence"
One has to admit, jail is the best place for 'em.

Some interesting tweets from Jan25th:

"protesters at Tahrir Sq spelled “Down w/ Mubarak” w/ their bodies. Bringing down govt remains main demand of the ppl’s mvmt"

"The neighborhood protection committees are all absolute badas

"Remarkable story of two Israeli human rights activists who joined the protests in #Egypt earlier this week"

"People are wondering if Egypt will go the way of Iran 2009 or Tunisia 2011. I'm hoping more for France 1792." (That's from a woman named Iqbal, which is as Arabic as they come.)

"Dear Mubarak: The protests are getting bigger, not smaller. Flee or face trial, you cannot win"

"Great pic from @RamyRaoof: Small Girl on tank in Tahrir Square chanting, "Freedom... Freedom"

Again proof the army is with the people!

Simple, direct message.

More tweets:

"Today, the tone of protesters hardens even further: demands of putting Mubarak on trial"

" Mass protests in #Syria on Saturday, February 5, 2011 & Mass protests in #Algeria on Wednesday, February 12, 2011"

"Cairo protesters embark on hunger strike"

"expat in FL:nephew shot w 3 plastic bullets,refuses 2 leave Tahrir square ,decided only death will or #Mubarak 's departure "

"Egyptian activists in US & supporters should demonstrate at White House 2 get Obama/Clinton 2 deliver right message"
(At least Clinton is speaking frankly to Mubarak. Obama, on the other hand, is too busy with....??? God knows what.)

"It's NOT TRUE the only people in #Egypt committed to #peace with Israel are in #Mubarak's inner circle"
Sandmonkey tweets: "curfew tomoro 3pm to 8 am. They're trying to lock ppl in &drive them insane" LOL! That's our Sandmonkey. Always joking.

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