Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Red Star's Just Gotta Get That Dig In

Islamic fundamentalists 'seem to be haunted by the female body'
"Nor has the suffocating presence of fear silenced Hirsi Ali. It has made her almost recklessly determined to speak out in ways that outrage Muslims and make progressive Westerners squirm.

It has also added a layer of contradictions to her already complex life, making her a poster girl for Western conservatives who praise her censure of Islam, but embrace reactionary views of women that are the opposite of hers."
"Her brother, she says, was recruited by their mother as the enforcer of family morals, and she and her fragile older sister were regularly beaten."
Since when do conservatives embrace regular beating of women?
"But on fleeing to the West, she was angered by the tolerance she found for “cultural practices” that harm women."
Or tolerance of "cultural practices" such as female genital mutilation? That, my friends, is the mindset of "progressives", the most perverse misuse of language in the dictionary of political terminology!
"...her contention that the source of their pain is in the doctrines of Islam makes Western liberals, including some feminists, queasy, and dismays moderate Muslims who are battling fundamentalist stereotypes."
"Ironically, she is undiscouraged by the growth of an intolerant fundamentalist Christianity, which takes the Bible as literally as devoted Muslims do the Koran, and has made gains at the expense of the traditional churches."
Emphasis in the original!!!!

If the theory that says sexual repression in males produces violence is true, this surely explains a lot about the 60,000  to 70,000 murders of innocent people committed the world over by Islamic fundamentalists since 9/11. A pox on the Toronto Star and on all "progressives" who make excuses for this.

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