Oh Dear...
CO2 increase is not nemesis as it's portrayed
"Despite increasing amounts of CO2 gas in the atmosphere, mean global surface temperatures have not shown any increase over the past 18 years.
In addition:
• Raw U.S. mean surface temperatures and daily high surface temperature records (without any tampering) have shown a weak decline since the warm 1930s period.
• Winter snow cover has been gradually increasing across the northern hemisphere in recent years.
• Antarctic sea ice is now at record high levels. Net global sea ice has shown no long-period downward trend.
• U.S. and global droughts, floods and severe weather have shown no significant changes over the past half century when atmospheric CO2 amounts have risen by 35 percent.
• The United States is currently experiencing the longest continuous period (nine years) without a major hurricane strike. Tornado activity has been below average the past three years."
Labels: AGW scam, climate change, you can't make this shit up
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