Flogging The Horse One More Time
"We hear it over and over, “Climate change is real. Only industry-funded ‘deniers’ disagree.”But this is new:
This is ridiculous.
No scientist denies that climate changes. Geology professor Tim Patterson of Carleton University explains, “Climate is and always has been variable. The only constant about climate is change; it changes continually.” Scientists like Patterson deny that they deny climate change—they are denial deniers.
If anyone could rationally be labeled climate change deniers, it is those who hold the absurd view that our climate was relatively tranquil until the arrival of humans. They seem to not know that half of North America was under a vast ice sheet only 22,000 years ago. And, as Patterson has written, “Ten thousand years ago… temperatures rose as much as 6 degrees Celsius in a decade — 100 times faster than the past century’s 0.6 degrees Celsius warming.”"
"Dr. Tim Ball, former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg, has even received death threats for his outspoken candor."
Labels: AGW, AGW scam, CAGW, global warming
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