Please! Please! Please! PLEASE!!!!
Flaherty says there’s no doubt deficit will be erased by 2015
By the way, have you noticed that the year 2015 is appearing quite frequently these days in media articles about Harper. Two more years, or is it six or seven more years. Lefties are spitting blood over the recent announcement by Harper that he will prorogue parliament this fall.
Quite frankly, I think Harper is a brilliant strategist. Proroguing just when the media (and the country, including his base) is in an uproar about the antics of various senators, will take the heat off for a while. I've also noticed Baird and others are trying their best to deflect attention off of Ottawa and on to the turmoil in the Middle East. And then there was the recent cabinet shuffle, indicating, perhaps, that Harper is retooling for the second half of his mandate. Please! Please! Please! PLEASE!!!!
In any case, here's some analysis:
Tories ‘taking back agenda’ with fall prorogation, insiders say
"Members of Parliament are currently scheduled to come back to the House Sept. 16. One theory oft-cited by Ottawa pundits is to prorogue Parliament until after Thanksgiving and deliver the speech on Monday, Oct. 21."Oh, and that would be what? Five additional weeks? So much parliamentary work can be done in five weeks? /sarc (This is a good article, BTW, which raises a lot of possible scenarios about what could happen the fall.) So does this one: Stephen Harper’s to-do list
Meanwhile, dirt has already started flinging. Should be a fairly easy target.
Labels: Canadian politics, Canuckistanis, Conservative Party, elections, Stephen Harper
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