Monday, May 06, 2013

Fish Food?

Tsarnaev’s Body Ready for Burial. But Where?
"Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings who died more than two weeks ago after a shootout with the police and after being run over by his brother as he fled the scene, was still above ground on Monday.

His widow, Katherine Russell, who has expressed shock at the accusations against her husband, declined to claim the crushed and bullet-riddled body. Finally, an estranged uncle from Maryland, who had little love for Mr. Tsarnaev, claimed it, saying he believed his nephew deserved a proper burial.

“A dead person needs to be buried,” the uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, said.

But by Monday evening, no cemetery had be found that would receive him. And officials at all levels of government spent the day tossing around responsibility for his burial like a hot potato."
Well, there's always the Atlantic Ocean.

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Blogger Canuckguy said...

Imagine the deterrent if the bodies of terroists were run through a wood chipper(a la Fargo) and then fed to hogs.

May 07, 2013 8:06 am  
Blogger Louise said...

Re. the wood chipper thing: a la Saddam Hussein.

May 07, 2013 11:27 am  
Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

Let's show the Muzzie troglodyte masses that we're different from them. A religious funeral service like what we gave bin Laden, then -I like Louise's idea- a burial at sea.

May 07, 2013 6:18 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

I remember a big hew and cry when bin Laden was tossed into the sea. That was unislamic, you know.

What utter balderdash. A smattering of historical knowledge would point to the fact that the Arabs once ruled the Indian Ocean, and surely to Allah, some Arab sailors must have died while at sea. I'm pretty sure they didn't keep the bodies on board the vessels.

May 16, 2013 10:18 am  

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