Sunday, May 19, 2013

It's Been A Long Time Coming....

...but I think I've finally figured out what Canuckistanis can call their version of the American Tea Party movement. Anyone with a smattering of knowledge of American history likely knows about the Boston Tea Party in which disgruntled colonials boarded a ship in the Boston harbour and tossed a shipment of tea into the ocean in order to revolt against the taxes attached to the shipment of tea. Being somewhat tamer, we Canucks don't have such an event in our history that would lend itself, or its name, to a modern day tax revolt. BUT....

...we do have a drink that could be pressed into service. And that drink would be Newfoundland Screech. Except we wouldn't be tossing it into the ocean. We'd be imbibing the stuff. Helluva lot more fun. And we could all call in sick the next day, which would be our version of revolting, cause we'd be tossing our cookies. Come to think about it, it would be kinda revolting.

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Blogger Dave in Pa. said...

That's the problem with you Canajuns. You're too nice, not "American-like" enough! ;-)

May 19, 2013 10:09 pm  
Blogger Louise said...

There's a reason why our drink is stronger than yours.

May 20, 2013 5:46 am  

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